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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. As good as your doing I would like to tell ya you need to make a road trip and catch some fish!! That's awesome.
  2. Interesting....will check out Aldis....thanks
  3. Would rather sit and watch a bobber than watch mindless TV for hours!! Being outside is AWESOME. Love all forms of fishing.
  4. Life has delt me some changes so no white for the most part and energy stays good. Apple, couple wraps, Pure protein or quest bars. Turkey or pork jerky...water or some other sugar free beverage. Homemade cookies too.
  5. USN Remember serving up on Adak, Alaska for 1 year, 17 days, 13 hours and 20 min. Got off the Island on the 21st of June on my 21 birthday. Was quit an adventure that I would do again. Thank you all for your service.
  6. Not having a lake house where I can go down and fish everyday or every time I want.
  7. I know the good Lord watch's and likes it when we care for what he left us. Other people.....well...it's nice to set an example. Do believe he has to put it on their heart to do well and good. Thank you to those who care.
  8. I had one...now two "old fashioned" photo albums. Yup...I actually like pictures not digitally done. My son ... who has two sons of his own now told me if I could leave him anything it would be those albums. Nothing but hunting and fishing pics went and go into them. They are a memory lane and some more pages are going to be added here soon as several people in family finally caught some fish lately. Sooo many memory's.
  9. I think it all started a long time ago in the "Big Book".....Love your neighbor. So simple.
  10. Thanks for the smile.....
  11. It's amazing to me the amount of balls (basketballs/soccer balls and baseballs) I find floating on the lake too. Just sayin!!
  12. In a nutshell it's definitly nice to not have a show that's like every thing else. MLF is MLF.....still like it and will watch it every week.
  13. Good read....thank you
  14. All good info. Around here the warmer waters have a ton of shad up shallow. And yes the fish are right there. White bass have been crazy.
  15. Very enjoyable....hoping to see one on some waters near knoxville that I've been on. But look forward every week to this show.
  16. Nice
  17. Looks great....I'm not so fortunate on my painting. I use the spray paint I get at walmart in cans to fix and change old baits. They catch fish but I am not so proud of them to show them. Enjoy your new addiction.
  18. Had a good day on the water yesterday. Grandkids caught a ton of white bass and while going down the lake we made a game of picking up bottles and trash while boat was moving. Grandsons dad was holding his pants while he was grabbing items. If he missed I got em. They loved it. The youngest helped steer the boat and giving directions where the next target was. I could have filled the boat but we did a small part and will do it again. Tight Lines
  19. Been t-shirt weather the last couple of days!!!! Fishing has been good too. I know it's going to change but enjoying it while it lasts.
  20. Sudden loss is horrible to say the least...hopefully you will find some peace in the memories. God says he won't give us more than we can handle....but gosh...sometimes he seems to stretch it a bit. Anyway....may you find peace.
  21. Carry trash bags in the boat....usually sometime during the day will take a few minutes and do some collecting. I personally don't say anything to anyone as words do not usually do much except start a confrontation. This day and age people get too butt hurt over little things and many can't even take care of themselves let alone our great outdoors. Don't get me wrong .... many good people out there...just not enough.
  22. Well....didn't get out to fish. Dang road in front of house did not melt and either did driveway!!! So got other things done. Maybe after work today I can get out with the boat. The name of those warmers is "Hothands" Have had the best of luck with these as long as their in the larger size. Anyway....Tight Lines
  23. Looking forward to watching
  24. Yes...it is Turkey Lake. Lady at front gate said it's one of the best lakes in area. Thanks
  25. Being outside fishing enjoying what our Great Lord has created and not having to (for the most part) put up with life's bumps is very relaxing. Even small tourneys get the ol mind off of the "BS" of normal everyday life. Seriously...if you want to catch fish....concentrating on fishing is full time. Tinkering with all the fishing lures and tackle is also mind absorbing. I LOVE IT!!
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