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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. Very Nice
  2. Been a nice year already...have fished a small tourney every month... Tight Lines all
  3. Have done some trolling on the Columbia River to locate smallies on miles of water that looks the same. Also love to see new lures. Have even started to paint some lures with paint I bought at Walmart in the spray can. Says it works on plastic and IT DOES. I'm hoping to paint a monster killer!!! They ain't fancy but it's fun and it works. I love the getting ready for the fishing day....thinking of trying to outsmart something with a smaller brain. BUT....bass may use more of theirs!! Tight Lines
  4. I don't think I could fish it.....It would have to go up with my other fishing memories for those times when we just space out bout the ol days.
  5. Very nice
  6. You done good!!
  7. Got my wifes picture with him many years ago and a Wrangler Nationals. He's a class act. Didn't talk long but very friendly.
  8. Ok....as good as your getting you may want to carve a couple swimbaits. This could really put you on the map. Tight Lines
  9. Very nice
  10. Been looking at Cashion rods.....believe one will be in the boat soon.
  11. That's why we go fishing..."the bite"
  12. Tomorrows not a given for any of us. Time with family is very precious. Glad he is doing better....may our good Lord give you the time and the strength for some more good days.
  13. Cute
  14. Wow.....Thank God I live in Tennessee. I'm going fishing today. All the best to your and your neighbors
  15. Annnd the simple way is to do what I did many years ago and simple carry a light rod and reel in car and fish either before work or after for a few minutes every day. Also carried a rod with me when I was on board a ship in the Navy. I was am still addicted...but healing I may add. At that time it was an old eagle claw pack rod which I still have....good memories. P.S. No I'm not donating
  16. I saw my first turtles on the lake Tuesday....than a couple hours later a big front moved in and weather did a 180. Even saw fish chasing and tried to catch on a buzzbait...didn't happen. But other toys did.
  17. I finding I like the Jackell 95 a lot....colors.....up to you....but these are great baits. Don't forget to fish em slow.
  18. I've tried eating largemouth twice....why I did the second time it is beyond me. The first time was bad enough. I do enjoy saltwater fish though much better.
  19. I like all the things above mentioned for the most part. Nature waking up in the morning and the beauty of it all. I like all the toys and getting ready for the day the night before. Another biggie for me is the fact I can be competitive if I want or I can go it alone and just chill. Nothing like a long day on the water and hitting the sack and sleeping like a stone. I also like the memories that come with certain lures or places....all good. Tight Lines all
  20. Awesome info....right now I'm trying to stay away from so much GMO stuff. When I got sick a couple years ago I was supposed to be flower food but the Good Lord is still letting me be above the ground looking down. So my diet to to all the complications along with type 2 diabetis is a challenge to say the least and then basically my sugars do what they want on a given day anyway it seems. My daughter would of have loved all that info and maybe she did...she was the baker. I'm a wanna be. That's why I'm using spelt now as it's an ancient grain that "supposably" hasn't been altered to death.. And I do like it better than bread made out of nut flour. Thank you
  21. I made date squares yesterday out of spelt flour....WRONG....also had pasta for dinner. Can't eat much do to the pancreas thing but.....@#!$ dang....blood sugars out of town this morning. Seems like in evening if it doesn't move I eat it....all day long I do pretty good. Also made a another loaf of spelt bread....almost half the size of the first one. Back to the drawing board I guess. Going to make a sandwhich with it anyway and its off to the lake. Tight Lines
  22. Wow...I am so out of your league.....will stick with the store bought spelt for awhile as it hasn't been GMO'd so bad. Thanks
  23. Since there are so many unique subjects on here I thought I would post a milestone of my own. Since we lost our daughter I've had to learn to bake....not my favorite but I have been forced to eat healthier due to one of life's bumps. Yesterday I made "spelt" bread which is what they call an ancient grain and supposably still has a lot of good things in it with a lot of good side benefits. Also doesn't have such a high gluten content. Well......I should of have baked it for a couple more minutes but the stuff is awesome. Also didn't seem to raise the blood sugars much either. Fingers crossed. Note: I'm almost positive we don't have many bakers on here but it is winter and more time for odd topics. Tight Lines all......after all some people like to carve (smile's).....I like to eat...but have many limitations.
  24. Daughter went to be with the Lord from oral cancer that spread. She didn't use tobacco but was very unfortunate. I chewed many years ago and she asked me to quit when she got cancer...I did. Was not a pretty ride and I feel sorry for all those who have to go through it. There's other bad habits that aren't as toxic.
  25. I really enjoyed fishing in the creeks,lake and ocean while there. Never caught anything really big but was something to do.
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