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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. Nice of you to take time for your dad.....I remember our last few trips. He wasn't a great fisherman but would always say "oh...it's just good to be out here" In some cases that's true....but if I go fishing I like catching!!
  2. Must be body chemistry....I'm a bug magnet and it works fine for me. Tight Lines
  3. I've had a pair of large shimano pliers for years...find the larger size gets it done a lot easier. A pair of Swisker scissors (spelled wrong sorry) have also worked for years and sharpen them occasionally with my Bass Pro diamond file. Also all by itself is the split ring pliers. I do have a boat and it's where I keep all my tackle...should I go with someone in their boat a pocket on my carry bag carries all the same items....(just not as good a quality)
  4. No.....but they live rent free....:)
  5. Have been using a product from Sawyer with 20% Picaridin. Have used this for the last couple years with very good success and I'm a bug magnet!!! I do not like deet and what it does to fishing tackle and such. This stuff doesn't smell bad either. Hasn't been out that long from what I understand. Good luck
  6. My goodness you have everything soooo planned out. Hope it all goes smoothly and you have fun.
  7. May God bless
  8. Bass fishing is a sport of spare parts for many things....glad things worked out
  9. We have a nesting pair of bluebirds in our back yard...they are beautiful. They have already had young once and now after I cleaned the nest are going at it again. We do feed the birds black sunflower seeds (only...less mess) and kind of ease up in the summer. Live on a small hill not to far from Melton Hill and my on my do we have the birds. Two years ago during that cold spell here we had over twenty pairs of cardinals...was beautiful. Tight Lines
  10. Was sitting here at the table having some tea and heard the ol Carolina Wren outside on our patio doing his morning song and looking for bugs. I just love this little guy....we never had them in Oregon but this has got to be my favorite bird. Their song is beautiful and the way they go about things is fun to watch. Got my mind for a bit off the BIG "0" I got last night....:)
  11. You have a great attitude...maybe....just maybe the guy you were talking to will have seen it and have it for you when you fish the pier again. I might try and be there on the same day and time as when you lost it. Good luck
  12. Just shaking my head.....OMG. Time to get ready to hit the water.
  13. Good luck with the ticks...and you might try the big Atlantic for a tick free fishing weekend!!!
  14. Festivals could be fun if they didn't cut into my fishing time.....our daughter used to go to everything....busy...busy. After I got out of the service I pretty much only fish a crowd if there's a tourney. Or taking grandkids to a function. Otherwise I stay far far away......BUT.....do enjoy you all going.
  15. A Pop-R twitched a bit could make you happy happy.
  16. Hope you get out soon.....
  17. Job well done....that had to be an exciting tourney. I have a small one up there in a couple weeks and am looking forward to it.
  18. Have missed out on the money several times by tenths of ounces.....so I have used a balance beam and floats for many years. Fish don't seem bothered as they swim away quickly and are very lively in the well. Good luck...it does take a little extra time but........
  19. Have been living in Tennessee for almost five years now and normally it seems we only get out once or twice a year so having been out four times already is a whooohooo.
  20. Was just thinking here this morning how I am truly blessed to be able to fish a Tuesday night wildcat this year with my son. It's been many years since we have been able to fish once a week due to life's bumps but this year we have been able to fish four so far and hopefully will be able to fish more. We've been doing pretty good too and it's so uplifting as it reminds me of when he was growing up and we were in a club..(gosh...memories of yesteryear). Tight Lines
  21. Wow....so many....but the biggie that sticks with me right now was when I was going through acute pancreatitus and fishing. Could hardly stand up straight a lot of times but after months of being on my butt I would try and get out. Once I was on Chick and very hungry so went in for a sandwhich...it was a BLT and was amazing....two hours later was curled up on the back deck. Two hours later after that I was in ER....next day fishing again but eating much lighter. Haven't had a BLT since!
  22. That color is truely awesome in northern California
  23. Guess I'm old enough that "mad" really isn't the word for me....disappointed is closer to the truth. And with that there are a number of items. People with the "me..me...me" attitude at the ramps and on the lake are right up there. Mother nature items are part of the game and I just go with it as I just want to be out there. Tight Lines
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