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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. Oh My Goodness.....
  2. Was kinda funny....was doing some pre-fishing for one of our last club tourneys up here and the guy I was fishing with when I caught a crappie by accident asked if he could keep it...sure I said. He mentioned I need about four....well I caught four and he said....now I need eight....sorry...you should have said that earlier I said!!! I ended up with only the four for him. Was a good day on the water.....LOVE the fall going into winter.
  3. When I started using tungsten I haven't gone back.....awesome in size, sensitivity.
  4. Good one....wonder what the store would offer if the roll's were reversed and if "a man" would go all the way also??
  5. Agree with the above....personally I use 30 to 40 lb power pro (yellow) with a silver thread leader in 14 to 20 depending on what I'm targeting. Prefer 14 for deep football heads and 17/20 for pitching.
  6. Cool....heading out today with 6#.....love it.....winter is here.
  7. Sweet...nice fish Don't know if you use braid but eight pound braid with a light leader "may" give you a better hook set and penetration on those brutes you are loosing!?
  8. Been fishing yellow power pro on my spinning rod for a good number of years now. I prefer ten pound as in the past I would not use over 12# on my spinning rods anyway. Ten allows me to cast a bit farther and since I mostly use leaders (double uni knot) life is good. Usually use leaders of 6# to 12# with good results. Good Luck with your choices
  9. Used to have a eagle claw pack rod with a mitchel 300. This rod has been all over the states. Remember hooking a couple halibut off of a DE around Canada. First one could not lift off the bottom so had to break the line....second one took forever to get in. Was only about 15 pounds but I had ever inch of line off the reel to get to the bottom!!! So took a long time bringing up. Fished a couple Vet tourneys back in Oregon....was awesome.
  10. Bug....Bug...Bug
  11. Funny you talked about swimming and looking. Have done the underwater camera thing for a number of years only from the dryness of my boat however and it NEVER stops amazing me how many fish are around the boat. It's fun to fish through an area and then go back....Yup...in a nutshell we mostly "suck" at times. Good info above on different baits though....love the jerkbait and small swimbait myself. Pop-R gets a smile or two also. Tight Lines
  12. Nice fish.....have fished that location a time or two and it's a feast or famine are for me as well. But there have been some good days. Now is the time of year I like to chase that particular fish in Norris.... Tight Lines
  13. Just had a thought and maybe it's already been asked but how many of you got to fish while serving in our armed forces. I was stationed in Adak, Alaska and fished the ocean and very small streams for dolly's. Was cool you could see these fish in the bays too and you would cast to the cruising fish. The creeks were more like ditches and you could jump over them in most places. The fish hid underneath the undercut banks....had to be very stealthy. Also while going to school for radioman in San Diego I fished a lot of piers for just about everything that swam in the bays and ocean...was pretty cool. Ray's were my favorite...especially at night. Tight Lines.....Thanks for Serving
  14. Hopefully there's a good club in the area where you can meet people also.
  15. Well I drove the two hours to the Tri Cities area of Tennessee to Cabela's and purchased some some Guidewear. I've been hunting golf balls for the last couple months to fund these and found a buyer so I called the store and it sounded like they had one set....they did....whew...was lucky and glad I went as my size had changed a bit. Had previously owed a pair and wore them out....(back when they were green) Can hardly wait for fishing in the rain again...stuff I have now leaves me with a wet butt and shoulders....not good when you want to fish all day and a being a bit older the cold can set in faster. Took me four hours plus to get home due to accidents on the highway....but it's done!! They've come a long way in the design...sorry...long winded...wanted to share. Tight Lines
  16. Only in America
  17. Amen Used to give away fish when younger....neighbors started calling and putting in orders for fish because company was coming or whatever. DONE Now I just like giving away tackle to high school teams or kids at ramps.....mucho better
  18. Oh....my. Wide open question there!! Would probably start by going in a few tackle stores...start some chit chat with locals. Not sure if you have boat or not....what kind of tackle you like to use? (spin/cast) Better start quick...water may be getting hard here soon.
  19. That's awesome and maybe I need a bit more time on the water with them....they have been frustrating. I've played now with the 1/0 with weedguard this week and seemed to work well. Guess it helps that I have a bunch of 1/0 mustad black nickle that need used so my cost is low.
  20. Good story....I had a new electric put on the bow of mine this year and threatened my partner I was going to throw him out of the boat.....well....it happened the first trip. we were fishing docks and he took a step forward to cast at the same time I was going the other way kind of quickly....he just kept walking...I DID NOT LAUGH....at least not until I knew he was safe and back in boat. Gosh it was funny. Was a warm day too so that was good.
  21. Have done this with some really good success but tend to rig a bit different. I will use a 9-10 foot rod (which I used to use for steelhead in Oregon. Eight pound powerpro tied to a small three way swivel with a 4-6 lb leader tied to another corner of the swivel with length depending. Usually around eight or nine ft. Bobber is also attached to the swivel. Fly is usually around 1/16 for a slow fall....colors vary. Can be tons of fun. Especially when ya get into a bunch of big Drum.
  22. Ahhhhhhhh.......it's Monday...bye the way the popcorn was good. Personally.... I think LMB's taste like mud. Have eaten spots....not bad. Do what you want...obey the laws. If you really want to eat a lot of them....move to Oregon....bass is trash back there....it's a slime rocket state!
  23. WOW......now there's two states that also grow some hogs!!!
  24. Thought this was kind of interesting. We had our club tourney this month down at Chic and it took 15 to win...Which was a good weight. I had second with around eight. What I thought was interesting was I had five fish for only eight pounds on Chic!! Three of those fish were spots though. But they saved the day.
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