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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. No snow please ....
  2. New Balance 990 I believe they are(they are grey). A salesman at Academy showed and sold me some. Did not like the high price but my old feet love em. At least when I'm not going barefoot in summer. I guess this shoe has been around a long time and is still very popular. Good luck
  3. They do love there crappie out here....back home they did some too but when you compare the average size of both destinations....I would take it up out here. But.....am addicted to these different bass waters and the smallie fishing this time of year. It is fun though to catch some of those 12 plus incher's once in awhile.
  4. I have not....not even Kentucky lake...just too much to fish around this area. I guess the state team is on Nickajack this year too...another adventure!! One of the reasons I love bass fishing .... Oh...and thank you
  5. Hmmmmmm......So it's true??? May have to try land get a couple spots out of Norris. I tried spots many years ago out of Shasta and they weren't bad. When it comes to chasing fish it's mostly been perch for a food fish. Or some saltwater variety's.
  6. Thank you for the big big SMILE
  7. Nice fish...very nice
  8. Sadness for those in the land of hard water.....have caught my share of the slime rocket species out west and it was fun....now I'm making up time chasing the bass's and more bass's.
  9. Wow Report:....Was a good day with good company. We had eight guys fishing on Norris and only four caught fish. Very tough. I had big smallie and third for 2.10. Four and change won!! Was kind of funny....was throwing a small football jig on a spinning rod (1/4) When I landed fish the hook fell out....so....put it on a level wind to get better hooksets....#@$!....lost the next four keepers. Sadness....but was a beautiful day and ended up getting Angler of Year for club and get to go to Cumberland I believe as a boater for semi finals....whooohoooo. Now the research starts. Tight Lines
  10. OMG....did it disappear... On a side note....had a friend in the boat and he said if you boiled spotted bass in 7up it's like eating lobster!!!! I may....just may have to try this one.
  11. Was prefishing yesterday for a tourney and first thing in the morning caught a very nice walleye. Now usually the last thing I want to do is keep a fish for dinner but my inside voice was saying my wife would really really like some walleye. Hardly ever bring one home as I don't care to clean fish after a day on the water but....I did it....points....got lots of points.
  12. As I sit here after taking a shower....putting on some "DMSO" and getting ready for breakfast an hour early before I have to take off to the lake for the last club tourney for the year I wonder how many of you set your alarms and get up before the alarm early to head out. I'm greatful the good Lord still lets me be excited for the little things in life. I've tourney fished for over 35 years and I still love the hunt and all that goes with it....well....maybe not the parking lot stuff in the bigger ones!! May your day be blessed.
  13. Last two times out I've only seen one boat...almost feel like I own the lake....actually water is still kind of warm here. In the high 50's still!!! Last tourney this sat....kind of sad....but....Christmas is coming....family stuff to do...fishing hopefully with kids day after Christmas. (hope to start tradition)
  14. All I can say is wow.......would like to wish an early spring for you all but that may put the world in even more disorder.. Sometimes when the water gets in the low 40's down here I've used the floating fly very successfully and also just taking the fly 1/16 casting it out...counting down a certain depth and slowly bring it in....it almost suspends and you will feel a tic.....kind of eye opening when a drum gets on that 6#....but it's fun. It gets really tuff when the guides freeze up a lot....BUT....one must push on!
  15. Glen.....thank you for that....good for some smiles
  16. Have used both and it's soooo close. I'm a color and presentation type of person along with size and they are so close. Give me a 1/16 and 6# and I believe either one of those baits is going to be happy happy times on the water. Most bites come on the fall....sometimes I like to quiver it a bit.
  17. Size does matter....used to fish the BASS Invitationals out of a 19 and fished the Columbia out of the same boat. Did I get wet.....yes....but I liked the single axle for convenience as I fish a lot by myself and it's easier to move. Good Luck
  18. Found 57....cooling is coming!!!
  19. It did at that.....
  20. Agree to Texas Rig and Jig.....only thing I would add is become a line watcher.....no matter how sensitive our equipment is this is very very key to a lot of bites.
  21. OH...MY...GOSH Now Hootie...with age comes wisdom.....Black Friday shopping....!!!!! I went golfing with my son/nephews/grandkids/wife/ Was it slowwwwww.......yes....all the guys were out golfing while wives were shopping Today I'm going fishin with son/one nephew. (my reward) Hopefully I can catch better that I hit that silly ball. Tight Lines
  22. If I only had one jig to choose it would be a 1/2 football. Green Pumpkin with some brown and a little barbwire brown on top......oh.....5/0 hook. Not the best around brush but works. Hardly a day would go by without this working. Tight Lines
  23. Used to keep logs...haven't for years. Having moved to Tennessee it's a world of difference from Oregon. Should probably keep notes. When I moved here six years or so ago I used what everyone is calling a Ned Rig. But for me it was just a three inch dinger on a light ball head and I whacked the smallies...just whacked em. Got away from this and found out they're using a TRD now !!!! Finally tried this bait along with going back to the light heads and "lights are going off again" Was trying to many other peoples baits and ideas......@#!$....now it's back to basics and life is good. Football Dinger/TRD Drycreek Tube Rage Bug Crank or Spinner bait. NOW I still do try other things but not nearly as much. Above is the basic food group TIght Lines
  24. My wife is awesome on this day....but she does crack the whip!!!! My hands got wrinkles from all the dishes....believe we had a dozen over.
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