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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. I have two models in my boat....a two ounce egg singer with a duo lock that I slide down the line 90% of the time for everything from tubes, grubs, cranks to drop shots. Then I have one of the bill dance models with three small chains for the really tough stuff....Loose very little.
  2. Tis the season...ya got dinner. Hope to make a story today myself...going to stay close though. May hit the Hill.
  3. I enjoy the series.....they've done good.
  4. Lunker City's are just fine with me....don't use that many anyway
  5. I use a Regal vise from years gone by...works well. Favorite tying thread is Kevlar....very strong. Use with a fly tying bobbin. And Fishing Skirts makes some beautiful stuff.
  6. My dad went that route also and was so sad. I've had some issue's myself too but not with the dementia yet...after he retired he was not very active which I believe plays a huge part in that disease. Watching a lot of TV and other related items does not have a lot of good medical benefit's I don't believe. Today is a gift...tomorrow an adventure not to be taken for granted for sure. All the best to you all.
  7. Like Bluebasser86 I do my own and have for years....an addiction. Usually use a Mustad black nickle hook and life is good.
  8. Nice fish....had a big blue on a chatterbait earlier this year......mean!!! Love catching them but dang those hooks don't come out easy!!
  9. Have caught a number of spots from California to Tennessee but have mostly fished lakes. Did fish the Coosa river system and that was cool too. Small footballs, jerkbaits, spoons, dropshot, .... usually a slower falling bait for me in the cooler months seems to work a bit better. I would probably have to say fish for them like you would a smallie in winter. Give yourself a treat and go to one of the great spot lakes and have a ball. I have caught the most over the years I think while watching a graph and dropping down to them....sooooo much fun. P.S. Spots like them bridges
  10. Wow...so cool
  11. Remembering when our daughter went to be with the Lord a little over three years ago she would always around Christmas time bake cookies for friends and neighbors. She lived with us for quite some time in her battle fighting cancer and left many memories. Now I am not a baker but that little (poop) (bless her heart) has left it on my heart to do the same. It has taken some time and misfortunes but she made a simple shortbread cookie but had the timing down in the oven to the second.....OMG. So.....in the last two days I have made almost 20 dozen of the things and have ate my share.....I keep telling myself to restrain...and I hear her little voice saying "Get Away" but dannnnnng....they melt in your mouth. I'm also diabetic so this is a not win win situation...especially since I try to stay in somewhat shape. But this is my weakness to the tenth.... So.......confession is over......I will try to be good now.
  12. Has seemed ok to me.....all I'll say is keep up the good work please and thank you
  14. Oh Wow..glad everything worked...my Triton is 16 years old and I guess she's gunna have a problem or two. Talked to a friend who's a mechanic and he said it sounds like water in the fuel filter. I can change that I believe. Hope that's all.
  15. I remember many years ago when golf was just getting popular on the computer and computers were those big things that took up a whole desk. Anyway...a friend and I were going fishing the next day so he came over the night before as it was going to be a long drive the next day. We started playing this new golf game and we finally said it's time to wrap it up and catch a couple hours of sleep. Well....turned off the lights in the room and it never got dark!!! We had played all night and into the next day. #@!$.....the end of games for me.
  16. My son had the opportunity to go fishing with the old man yesterday up at Norris and it was a bitter cold day to say the least. (or B....getting older and softer) Anyway we ran quite a few places around the lake but made one more stop just before dark before we headed in. Fishing had been tough but we were getting a few...son had a couple dandy's and I had some dinks!! Seems smaller fish were shallow and the bigger ones were out deep. When we got to the last spot which was about a mile or so from ramp ol Dad was able to put a couple nice keepers in the boat I saw on the graph...(phew) could hold my head a little higher now. Also got a ton....of yellow bass...never had caught so many in this lake...all they want to do is poop in the boat when you bring those bad boys in....so it's common knowledge now they do NOT come over the side. Well, anyway it was getting dark so started the boat heading back towards ramp and it went about 20 feet and died!!! Hmmmmm....tried again....same story....Oh #@!$ (golly). Well lets see how the 112 Fortrex will do. As we were moving along I was thinking....hmmmm...wonder if I could start a fire on shore!! After all....been watching a lot of survival shows!!! (making sure that stuff will be in boat) With eye's looking up and a few soft words said we started out. Figured it would be a least an hour or more!! Heading into the wind was brutal. After 20 minutes of this I thought....one more try. First....turned over....nuttin. Second...same...Third....vrooooom......gave some gas...stayed going....Praised the Lord...ran to ramp. After turning off ... tried to start once again and it started. Think she's heading to the doctor!!! Tight Lines
  17. A number of years ago I slept at boat ramps "a lot" in my van. Even on off ramps on freeways, back of gas stations and camp grounds etc and never had a problem....seems to me back in those days more garbage happened in hotels/motels. Would be more nervous now days....have heard of motion sensors that one can put in boat that will alert one of @#!$ happening. If I would do it again I would plan around staying at campgrounds on given lake and use those for destinations...good info above. Plannings half the fun....almost like getting tackle ready!! Good Luck
  18. Well...son went fishing with me yesterday....after a couple hours he was trying the latex gloves under his gloves....Dad....he said....this works. Wish I would have done this some time ago....oh well....better late than never.
  19. Wow...awesome....I got to fish that lake many years ago while waiting to fish a Wrangler Nationals. Met a gentleman at a boat ramp and after some talk he invited me up to his summer home to fish for crappie. Was awesome....first time I ever used a minnow or ate crappie. Was an awesome memory. Thanks for bringing that back to me.....
  20. I remember when I lived in Oregon that I wanted to catch a smallie every month of the year out of the Willamette River. This was a tough one but I did it....cold high muddy water was the norm. But yeee ol football jig saved me I remember. Just can't...don't want to....stay home. Can only sit so much right now.
  21. Well I'm bored waitin for the wife to get ready so we can go do the Christmas stuff with kids and thought of this question. How many of you who are over 65 still enjoy fishing tourneys in any capacity....club...opens etc. Tight Lines I DO........
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