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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. About 17 right now...supposed to be the warmest day this week. Getting up to 35...winds light.....yup....heading out in a couple hours. I know they are hungry and I'm hungry for a tug!! Won't be a long day but should be a good day.
  2. Love all the baits....hard, soft, twitching, walking, cranking. Football jig or a tube would be my money bait.
  3. Well...like I mentioned in other post I was out with buddy yesterday in ten degree's with wind blowing. Reels were freezing....had just lubed my small curado and it froze solid....well...until I dipped it in the balmy 45 degree water and then it worked!! Guides had to be dipped every second or third cast...had to put my hand warmers in my boots and start a couple new ones. Boat ran ok....but we didn't go far (too cold) Saw two other boats. Fish were biting quite good and had one dandy largemouth about five. Would I do it two days in a row.....no.
  4. Was out yesterday and it was ten degree's in morning....with the wind blowing not sure what it was....fish were biting though.
  5. Saw this "No need for all the hate"!?! Where is this coming from....
  6. Hey....I represent that!!!! I have a face for radio......
  7. Happy New Years....wife wanted ribs last night too!!!!! So....I did ribs.
  8. Love the Tilley.....
  9. Interesting....guess I'm outa the loop as they say. My son/wife set me up with facebook....maybe look once a month.....ugh. UTube....gosh...have never watched a fishing anything here...have heard about it though. GoPro.....as you can see from a posting....I have a face for radio so am not going there. BUT.....you all have fun and thanks for the smiles your giving me.
  10. Thanks for talking with me yesterday....as per conversation even more reels will be in the mail.
  11. Wow Wow....you all made me very very thankful it's going to be a high of 28 and a low of 9 on Monday. I can still go fishing....phew.
  12. Yup...have done this too....works well.
  13. I would like to end this year by saying......I LOVE THIS SITE and THANK YOU for everything. I won't go into any mushy stuff but sure love the non garbage on this site and all the helpful info. Good people too....Tight Lines this upcoming year to you all and may GOD bless. This just goes great with a cup of coffee in the morning.
  14. Thank you much....will do. I was hoping to maybe hear some positive notes. Would not have thrown away.....it would probably get hung on the wall with a thank you for your service plaque!!
  15. New favorite......Had some ham for Christmas that I had put on BBQ to add a little smoke and flavor and put the leftover slices on some little soft buns with some mayo......mmmmmmmmmmmm
  16. Would vote for #2 Or "B" catch a bigger one!! (kidding) awesome catch
  17. May this year go as well for ya.
  18. Well....it's official. I finally wore out my Stella that had been a gift many years ago. It has caught an unbelievable amount of fish from Steelhead, Salmon, bass and a number of others but yesterday fishing for smallies if I didn't have my left hand on the handle it would back reel when I set the hook. Or when I pop the line when snagged....it happens then too. Now the ol girl also started making grinding noises and the handle is loose. (yes...screw is tightened) Ohhhhhhhh....gosh. I called Shimano a couple weeks ago and it sounds like there are not many parts available for the ol girl so am debating wether to send in and gamble on the money. Believe it's around 30 bucks....not bad but just don't want to throw away if ya know what I mean. Thanks for listening....(these are morning thoughts over coffee)
  19. Hmmmmm....the closer I get to 70 I realize I realize I don't really set to many goals anymore. Unless hopes and dreams count. I'm thankful for this day to be sure (I get to go fish). My resolution I guess would be to be a good grandfather to my grandkids and people around me. Tight Lines
  20. Oooooop's......no offense meant....but gosh...how can you all go so lonnnnnnng with hard water. Oregon was bad enough with all the winter rain and snow.
  21. Hmmmmmm....interesting topic. I wonder if northerner's have more time to think of the "fishing" related goals.
  22. Not being very patient I started using the heavier "Lunker City" nails. Not bad....even I have to cut in half once in awhile.
  23. Good His time is very full.....I feel blessed. I've been wanting to post pics for quite some time.....asked my son after this day if he would help me post a couple. We were able to stay warm as long as we were in the sun....get in the shade and guides would freeze almost instantly...especially with the wind. Since I've started the glove thing these ol hands are liking winter again!! Going to try some silk gloves under the Nitrite/or silicon gloves!? Tight Lines
  24. First want to show you the perfect winter boat ramp conditions.....then you get to see some of the fish we caught.....was an amazing day....truly a gift from above. (Testing)
  25. Well.....my turn...it's 19 and clear and supposed to get in the thirty's today. Going to test the waters here in about an hour or so. Not real eager to "break ice" as they say up north I guess. But I am eager to try some new jerk baits!!
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