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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. Since it's two hours does "MLF" count? Don't make to it movies much....maybe once a year....maybe. Did watch the Avengers the other night....was entertaining...especially when the Hulk pounded the guy silly back and forth at the end when he said he was a god I believe.
  2. 9.......supposed to get in the mid 20's 40 on Sunday.....whoooohooooo........fishing time!!
  3. So sorry for your loss.
  4. Here's another.....Power Pro yellow...have used for years...have learned it's properties and like it. Have used the Suffix and it seemed pretty good too.
  5. Have done this many times.....Sally Hansens Hard as nails is good....also use the paint from Walmart or True Value that says is good with plastics. Not fancy but has made some Jerks fish well.....very well.
  6. Hmmmmmmmm.......I've heard Tilapia have a unique diet!!!
  7. Once again .... thanks for the smiles this morning. And I have too. It kind of shows how time goes by so fast and I didn't think of the "little"...."Big" things. Mama says can order one in a week. She thinks I'm precious!!! Hmmmm.....maybe this could be considered a concealed weapon!?
  8. No they are the little yellow things that are part of the kit the helps the vest to auto inflate.
  9. I too would vote for Norris....it fish's year round but that time of year could be amazing. You can look at the upper parts of the lake like on the Clinch or Powell sides and it's beautiful. Fairly narrow too up there.
  10. Now I know it's not so cold here that I have a lot of time to think but it is definitely colder and I was looking into replacing my pills on my mustang vests I got way back when. At least ten years ago. Well, Mustang was very nice and said that they would send me some pills...no big deal. But when they found out how old my vests were she "gently" suggested that the integrity of the vests is not that good after a certain period of time. Ohhhhh....man. Christmas just came and went and now I get to mention to my "Darling" that I need a vest or two. So....now I get to do some research.....Have been looking this morning at the Oxyx A/24 Auto/Manual....doesn't look like it will break the bank and it was rated as one of the good ones for 2017. I know it's not the Deluxe model but then I really don't need pockets. Tight Lines
  11. It's nice your being thoughtful....like the above suggestions. Go fishing somewhere and take a picnic basket....or go to a place where you can rent a cabin overnight by a body of water that you can just walk down to and fish close by. Good Luck
  12. I have a Queen too....thankfully no digging her out!
  13. Tis the season....bite is good most anywhere a person picks....annnnnd they haven't seen many baits.
  14. Thank you Lord.....Thank you Lord ..... Thank you Lord I live south of you guys....oh my gosh.
  15. Awesome story and pics....thanks. I went yesterday....wife thought I was going with someone....had two cancel for good reasons. She found out I went by myself and I got a little tongue lashing.... (Had enough bites not to fret too much...but not the quality you got)
  16. Oiled a couple reels before heading out the other day in the cold.....guess it was too cold...they froze solid....had to dip em in lake. May have to get em done right now.
  17. ow....ow....ow....ow Lifted
  18. Yeah...kinda funny huh. Yesterday was cold but it did get up to 34 I believe. Much better than ten. Literally had the lake to myself....was awesome and beautiful. Fishing.....well lets say I had sweet dreams. Next two days are gunna be ugly so think will honey do's today and maybe look for golf balls later.
  19. Congrats....many more to ya
  20. Been living in Tennessee for bout six years now and so far have fished all the winters....Norris is amazing in winter....have heard good things from other waters close by too.
  21. After 44 years of togetherness I don't hear that one much anymore...I used to wear a watch many years ago and was expected to be home on time....this didn't work well especially when the bite was on or I was desperate to at least end the day with a tug. So....haven't worn a watch in over twenty years....works out well for me.
  22. Oh my gosh....Oh my gosh...Oh my gosh. I so feel sorry for all of you up north. It's up to 19 right now and supposed to get over freezing. Next week in the 40's...I'll take it.
  23. Have walked that road myself....may you find comfort knowing he didn't have to go through the bad stuff. I know it's all bad and a tough journey...do hope you and yours find comfort. (Lifting)
  24. Shimano is good for sure....but just talked to Mike at DVT and sent in three spinning reels. This will be a first time using him but have heard a "lot" of good. Anxious to see his work. Chances are there will be some other reels needing love here soon.
  25. I use two boxes...one 3700 waterproof with all my 1/2 and 3/4 footballs and poison jigs. A smaller box with all the peanut jigs and smaller hook footballs. If a jig gets changed or used it usually does not go back into the original box. I also tie my own so they all go into small plastic bags before they go into the box and they are marked. I have one designated box on top of all my others that I put all my used baits in and when I get home the top gets opened so I can keep the rust down.
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