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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. May your travels be safe and blessed.
  2. Guess I'm getting bored....road to slick to pull boat out of drive way....my wife just looks at me and shakes her head and says I knowwwwww. I've read a book and a half in the last day and a half...will finish another today. So....while I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself I was thinking on for a long time I wouldn't use special lures as I was afraid of loosing them...especially when I only had one left. Now that I'm a little older I'm getting them out to see if they still work....anyone else not want to put that ol friend back in the boat or tackle box? I was given a Megabass 110 jerk a couple years ago....not an old bait and it caught fish....afraid to loose it now...to many toothy fish around...but...think it's time has come to hit the water again!!
  3. I have a small local tackle store that is pretty good and he will order anything I want if he can get it. BPS isn't bad...usually out of what I want when I have the time to cruise through there though. My biggest complaint about our BPS is the lighting in the place....wish they would have spent a little more on light bulbs.
  4. Sorry for your loss....lifting
  5. For me deeper fish are more stable fish this time of year....but not sure of your depths down there. I also tend to fish a bit slower...there's always some active fish it seems but the bulk of em for me are deep and slow and tight to cover. (just sayin)
  6. Ok..fine....it's official....it's pretty but I'm sending this stuff back up north....west...more east...but it does NOT belong in Knoxville....my boat needs to feel the water.
  7. Well....now that you got me hungry I did find some sauerkraut in the store the other day called "Saverne" Artisanal kraut...made with Craft Beer....gotta say this was awesome....very mild. Went really well with some "BB'Qd" Simple Truth Polish from Kroger
  8. Wow!!! Not all keepers come from the water!!! My new granddaughter.
  9. I wanted to do that like I did on a previous rod but there was another rod jammed up the rod handle.....hadn't seen this before...but thank you for input. Was interesting that Loomis did this!!!
  10. Here's a pic of my son and grandson from this fall....hopefully now I can post in better timing. This was a good day....grandsons fish was pushing three and he was stoked!!! Oh...and he love's beating his dad.
  11. Okay...son told me "AGAIN" how to post...think I got it so here's the pics. Thank you all for your patience....fish aren't huge but....they were a good tug and I'm learning to post photo's. Whoooooohooooo Not bad for an ol fart
  12. Here is a picture....explanation will follow This is the section of another rod inserted into the butt cap with two part and this will be fitted over existing rod blank coming out the butt. This is the completed rod...had to use elec tape as when I tried to take off an extra little bit I found out they had already shoved something down the handle!! Oh well .... rod now fits me better...handle was soooo small.
  13. Will try and post...will call son and have him walk through the pic thing again...no promise's
  14. I'm sure glad I have saved some of my old broken rods. I had a couple rods that the lower handle was too short and just didn't feel good. So I cut off a short section of rod and inserted (with a little two part epoxy) it into the but section of rod I want to keep and put the cap on and now I have two rods that don't just sit on the rack anymore. Not real pretty but one has turned into a fish catcher....the other one "done today" will go to battle in the next couple days.
  15. Ewwwwwwwwwwwww
  16. Ol Mr. Watson seemed a bit more serious this time...not as many jokes. Brandon definitely brings on a new view.
  17. Told my wife was heading out yesterday before the storm we have coming. Was supposed to be the warmer day this week. Well, ice still reared it's ugly head in the guides but no frozen reels! She asked ... well...who ya going with? Well....I said .... once again just me and the good Lord and my new Onyx!! Was a beautiful day. Started out a bit cloudy but then was clear sky's. Was so beautiful when I was looking up this little arm with the sun shining on this hillside and a mature male bald eagle fly's by. So awesome. Coots down on the lake don't seem to see the beauty of this though. Fishing started pretty slow...no real slow. Went two hours without a sniff...well maybe one. Water temp was around 41 with air temp in low 20's. Then life got better....next ten minutes had four bites...with two keeper LMB's. A little bit later a smallie pushing almost 20" graced my line. From then on it wasn't amazing it was just a good good day with around six keepers and some smaller fish. I was fishing deeper as the water was a bit clear.....seen a friend back at the ramp and he caught em shallow!!!!! Smiles....just when we think we're on to something and have them figured! P.S. Would have posted a pic but dang....need my son once more for help on this....sorry. (will write down procedure) Tight Lines
  18. Oh...ok....was just thinking that with a wind blowing across it would lower temp. "MY BAD" Thank you
  19. Believe your right!
  20. Kevlar works awesome....I usually use a pair of old rubber tipped hackle pliers to hold the front half of skirt out in front of jig or spinnerbait and wrap kevlar a couple times and then cut off band. Wrap several times and cinch it off.
  21. Thanks...I'm hoping they may have them at the upcoming show here in Knoxville...if not...mail order it is.
  22. It's done....so now I have a better chance of floating this big #@!$ should I go in. Hopefully not. Water is for fishing in, drinking and taking a shower.......
  23. Was at Norris when it was ten degrees and a stiff wind...so am sure was below zero.....ten pound power pro and dipping rod every other cast worked fine....!!!
  24. Oh my...thanks...will look harder
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