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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. Hopefully soon...
  2. Wow...well I'm going to give it a shot tomorrow...fingers crossed.
  3. Wow....I do sincerely feel sorry for you all....wow again. I look at weather maps and I am so blessed. Just to the north of east tenn and the weather "%$#!". Maybe you all could watch "MLF" in very very slow motion!!! Or .... road trip. Dang...good luck all.
  4. Have walked this road when we lost our daughter......prayers.
  5. Love the guide wear too.....I also have a pair of rivers west I have had for years. It's amazing in cold...but can get heavy in rain. Older ya get the warmer you want to be!!!
  6. Ohhhh....no. Hope gets better quick for ya. An old small xcaliber modified...like to play around with stuff sometimes
  7. It sooooo takes the edge (cold) off
  8. Yesterday there was actually two boats on the lake....gosh...haven't seen this in quite a while during the week. I am learning to post pic's so here's a couple more...was a beautiful day and we saw more bald eagles than we did crows....amazing and beautiful. Day started off cold but actually had the warm stuff off by three when the temps jumped into the high 40's. Have gone to the black nitrite gloves in 5 mil. My friend is now a believer off these now too. Was an awesome day and here's a couple pics.
  9. Forestry practices and birds along with the loving seals do far far more damage.....bass is an easy scapegoat for their way of thinking. It's a unique part of the good ol US.
  10. I use a Weber for quick stuff and use a chimney as I can't stand the taste of the lighter fluid or easy light charcoal. Then I add a couple chunks of hickory for a little flavor. I have a Traeger for the low and slow stuff like butts.... Daughter had gotten us a container you could put the juices in and the fat goes to the top and you just pull the lever and just put the juices back in the meat...it's awesome. I do put the butt in a pan for the last three or four hours to catch juice. Also add a little apple juice to pan with some more seasoning on butt and cover lightly. Amazing!!
  11. It still saddens me that out in Oregon on the Columbia...unless they've changed it again you can catch and eat or throw on bank if you want for smalies. When I worked at a couple fishing stores the salmon/trout fishermen (not all) thought bass were trash and were to be disposed of accordingly!! So nice to live out here where life is a 180.
  12. This is a reach out if I may. I'm looking to fish the Semi-Finals up in Lake Cumberland this coming fall and its out of the Summer set area I believe on the island. Can anyone recommend a good place to stay close.....I know nothing of the area...but looking forward to the adventure. Thank you
  13. Just bought some 6# braid at sportsman's show to use instead of kevlar on my jigs....It's working well I might add and with a few half hitch's they do not come untied. Also found some skirting material that I'm loving and this will go to battle here really shortly. I just put the thread on and old spool and then on the bobbin and life is good.
  14. Ok...going to try and post pic's another way...son said it's better.....will see. Here's a couple pictures from yesterday. Was a beautiful day....started in the high 30's and got into the mid 40's. Still wearing the gloves...and loving them. I'm showing a picture of a beautiful boat ramp (almost like my private lake in winter but not) The rain we had the other day has them chasing the jerk a LOT better....Tight Lines
  15. Well you Northerner's....thanks for all the smiles this morning. Will be thanking the good Lord for my day today. (yup...going fishing) Temps in the high 30's to low 40's but the Nitrite gloves are keeping me comfy. I remember living in the northwest....gloomy winters.....glooomy. Seems the Oregon coast got more sun than the Willamette valley. SO.. that's where I fished in winter for steelhead. Wishing all you all some warmer times.
  16. MLF & BassResource.....life is good!!!
  17. Here's a pic of my son and grandson from this fall....hopefully now I can post in better timing. This was a good day....grandsons fish was pushing three and he was stoked!!! Oh...and he love's beating his dad.
  18. I have used duo-locks for years...no complaints. The ones that used to come on the front of my Luhr Jensen Speed Traps were the best...almost out. Eagle Claw used to make a good one but they got to wide.
  19. My buddy and I make these for the TRD's and other small baits. Not a fan of the #2 hooks and such so pour these on 1/0 black nickle mustads. 32760 I believe. Have worked really well...Only use a couple...four on bigger heads of fiber jig weedguards. Tight Lines
  20. Personally...I like PP yellow for all waters in 8lb test...with a 6lb leader. May have to try the orange suffix though...sounds interesting.
  21. People have asked me how I like to eat bass....I say they're "Sacred" and they look at me real funny. Just not to much into the taste of most fresh water fish. Love Gorton's Fishsticks though....cold and in the lunch box of the boat. I know they're times for harvest....just not for me
  22. Interesting...was at Cherokee myself yesterday. Wanted to try a new route. Well...if ya like curves and back country roads...wow. I believe I took 441 to 170 to the 33 bridge. Then came back the busy way on 33. Both about the same...would sure love a short cut. Was colllllllld up there. Ice on guides all day and windy. Started with one nice smallie and missed one in the first half hour and then I went exploring....ugh....turned into a rough day. Going to stick to the lower lake in winter....it's better for me.....much.
  23. Wow....the fall is usually the best. I use two types of footballs. A small one that I tie on small light wire hook in a 3/0 for the smaller profile. (ten to 12 lb line) I use in 1/4 to 1/2 and once it falls will tend to shake a bit. (small shakes) I really don't fish it too far back to the boat unless I'm on a large flat and then only half way. (not very patient) Then I use the larger version in a 5/0 in usually a 1/2 or 3/4 that I tend to drag more along the bottom. This I usually use 17 to 20 lb line. Tight lines
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