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Oregon Native

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  1. Oregon Native


    Gimmie an Arnold Palmer while on the water along with Quest bar and all is good.
  2. Might check out Todd Hannah or there used to be a guy I believe named John Ball who guided for sturgeon too. Good Luck
  3. Bottom one......yes
  4. 3 bags of Dry Creek candy tubes....pack of ewg's...and the weights are free....I make em.....they are like the ol gitzit glider's. Fish on!!!!!!!!!
  5. Have a couple reels with smaller handles...cheap fix....like em.
  6. Well it's getting into the 60's here and more brave people are getting out. Loved the 30's and 40's.....was quiet times with good fishing.
  7. Many...many years ago I heard that the most attractive scent to catfish was human saliva!!! Anyway...just thought of that and wonder how true it is. Have heard too a lot of people spit on there baits down south.
  8. Used what they called "noodle rods" out west for steelhead. They ran from 9 1/2 to 11 1/2 feet or so. My favorite was a 9 1/2 with 6 lb test. Used it a lot for shad out there too and was a blast. I liked the length due to the fact I could hold more line off the water in current. Lamiglas and Loomis were the brands I used at the time. Good luck
  9. Lived there for 60 years and have loved the state and still do. But enjoy the attitudes of fishermen out east towards their fishery's much more. Columbia river was my favorite river for smallies....and last I heard they were managed very poorly. Tenmile was awesome yes.....Siltcoos I hear is coming back...awesome. Tack was a gem.....Green Peter was amazing once...These waters are all so small compared to waters I now fish...so it's each to their own....sincerely glad you enjoy those fisheries....I'm thankful for these new amazing adventures.
  10. Three words....It Was Great....
  11. I've used the diamond file from bass pro. Has two different grits. Works well
  12. This pertains to the article on scent and so wanted to share an experience I had many years ago while on the state team for Oregon. We traveled to a lake in Arizona named Lake Pleasant and it was a pretty thing with cactus and sage brush along the banks along with wild burro's he hawing once in awhile....was cool. Anyway...I got onto a top water bite on this lake throwing a zara spook in okie shad color and it was awesome....but ....with the water so clear and fishing way out off points the fish were "very" spooky and shy. So on the last day of practice I thought I'm going to put some Smelly Jelly on my spook. Well, I started making long casts which left my reel almost empty and would work the spook back and you would see sometimes three or four very good size largemouth follow your bait. A slight pause and they would come up and suck it in. It was very interesting as when I didn't use the jelly they would follow it almost back to the boat and then sink out of sight. It was crazy....you could sometimes see the fish doing the same sway as the spook while working it in. The last day of the tourney I remember telling my non boater....ooops....forgot to put on the Jelly and then when I did we started getting them again....him too. Made a believe out of that young man. The ol smelly jelly helped me make it too the Wrangler Nationals that year.
  13. This time of year...my favorite start bait is a "jerkbait". This can change due to fishes mood swings but it has been reliable.
  14. Was out golf ball hunting earlier this week and it started snowing...after a bit the little frogs started their little dry throat ed chirping noise!!! This was a first for me.
  15. Yeah...we cherished it...then five minutes later....whooooosh. Was playing the ol tough guy...not...put on the ol bibs.
  16. Even though I enjoy throwing topwater....if it boils down to one or two bites on top verses 5 or 6 down under.....I'm going down under!!
  17. Son and I were able to fish a couple hours last night....wind was brutal but fish were hungry. Here's one of several that blessed our day. No one on the lake....love this cooler weather. Wait ... there was a couple boats early but they left pretty quick.
  18. How deep was the weedline.....
  19. Could not pick just one....like some of the oldies and newbies....
  20. Do like to put a red treble on the front....yup
  21. My wife had gotten me an inexpensive one at one time....cannot remember the brand. Would take an hour of most every trip just looking while the other guy was fishing in front and then we would trade....was awesome. Would love to use a better camera.
  22. As the question states I am looking for some fresh info from those who have or have used an aqua view or simular and what you may recommend. My son would like one and I'm going to help. Think the grand kids would love it. Thank you
  23. Glad all is well....had mine done again last year at 68.....said will see you again in ten years too. I'm thinking to myself....you ain't touching this butt again in ten years....at 78 believe I will just gamble with life. Wasn't supposed to last this long.
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