This pertains to the article on scent and so wanted to share an experience I had many years ago while on the state team for Oregon. We traveled to a lake in Arizona named Lake Pleasant and it was a pretty thing with cactus and sage brush along the banks along with wild burro's he hawing once in awhile....was cool. Anyway...I got onto a top water bite on this lake throwing a zara spook in okie shad color and it was awesome....but ....with the water so clear and fishing way out off points the fish were "very" spooky and shy. So on the last day of practice I thought I'm going to put some Smelly Jelly on my spook. Well, I started making long casts which left my reel almost empty and would work the spook back and you would see sometimes three or four very good size largemouth follow your bait. A slight pause and they would come up and suck it in. It was very interesting as when I didn't use the jelly they would follow it almost back to the boat and then sink out of sight. It was could sometimes see the fish doing the same sway as the spook while working it in.
The last day of the tourney I remember telling my non boater....ooops....forgot to put on the Jelly and then when I did we started getting them again....him too. Made a believe out of that young man. The ol smelly jelly helped me make it too the Wrangler Nationals that year.