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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. Seems like clean boats fish sooooo much better!!!
  2. This all made me smile....I agree with A-Jay...a technique....the ever famous Carolina rig...ugh. Don't know why but this technique has bitten me in the butt this year and have had it handed to me you might say. So will be trying it more. So far it's 0 for 2. One maybe two more chances. A lure that I would like to catch some fish on are the plain ol fluke....plan on giving this a go too and who knows...it may also join the ranks of the C rig forever......
  3. It was a fun tourney and have loved fishing the Tuesday nighter's that Billy runs and has run for the past 30 years I guess. Second place had five fish for around ten pounds I believe. It's kind of sad/funny that it's hard to remember the whole battle my son says!! Happens so fast and the mind is going oh @#!$ while it's going on. He was blessed....I was blessed.
  4. Top one!!
  5. Congrats...glad you didn't get bit.
  6. Melton Hill
  7. Interesting...didn't think was being judgmental...just giving my view. If you like football,basketball, track....GREAT....AWESOME...enjoy...it's been around for a long time and has millions of followers. Life is about choices and I'm grateful for them. If I offended you due to the fact I choose to like and participate in something else...I sincerely apologize. May your teams have a great season.
  8. So glad I'm not caught up with all this watching and living through sports. I realize some can't get out and fish and enjoy the outdoors so this is what they do....myself....well...Praise God I can go fishing and golfing (with wife). When I'm done with this it's honey do's and then bed. Not enough time to sit on my back side and let others depict my moods. Tight Lines all
  9. I dearly LOVE bass fishing...and I LOVE fishing for everything else to. I believe that time on the water fishing for other species helps me get a refocus on bass. Kind of like when I go golfing with the wife....I truely enjoy this experience and exercise...but when I get in the boat the next time it's a "phew"....gosh I love this boat and time on the water.
  10. No kidding.....rare to find a hat that fits!!!
  11. I remember fishing the Wrangler Nationals here in Knoxville many years ago and we launched under the bridge downtown. Can't remember how many boats we had but it was quite a few. Believe they are only having around fifty with some observers of coarse. May not be the best body of water on the Tennessee but believe this town knows how to put on big events and the potential is there for some good weights and crowd participation.
  12. Enjoy the show....fishing isn't always catching. Like the reality.
  13. Hmmmmm....over by the lawn chair or under that manicured bush???
  14. I too would pick any day....even sat could be great...but not so much for working on the tan!! One day...probably Friday. Now if it was sunny and clear after Friday.......and it was my only day......ewwwwwwww Tight lines....good luck
  15. I have purchased Ugly Stic lights for both my grandsons and I like the fact that the rods reel decent and are indestructible. Kids do not pay attention and I as a grandfather do not want to get upset with them on where there fishing rods end up. Dragging ground, bent around tree, swatting at something, etc etc. They're kids and dang I love having them have fun. Sure...I'll mention to be careful...but don't want to end an adventure early due to a broken rod. Just sayin......
  16. Thank you all for your kind words...it's amazing how catching something like that to some people (son for instance) is a game changer as they say. He has three young un's now so really can't get out much with Dad. It has been really special to me to have the Tuesday nighters to fish with him. It's been years since we've been able to do this. Praise God.....Tight Line all P.S. His wife is special too....she puts up and supports her fisherman!!!
  17. This is my best keeper right now. Going through things with my mom now too....all the best to ya.
  18. Oh my gosh....awesome
  19. Gotta brag on my son....he got a 10.9 oz giant from a local lake last night in our first Tuesday nighter. What a way to set standards for starting the year!!!
  20. It is a bad angle on the pic...fish was really solid. Have caught many many steelhead in the eight to ten range and this was every bit of that. A very strong fight...OMG. Will look up smallmouth buffalo. Thanks all
  21. Was watching the recaps of the classic the other evening and noticed that when someone hooked one on a chatter they seemed to say... stay on...stay on and many times fish would come off in boat. I know bouncing isn't usually an accepted policy but did noticed that this was said more with the chatterbaits. Maybe it's just me...
  22. Here's a pic...not very good....lips are really think looking....don't believe it's a typical carp though. Maybe a big sucker
  23. Tried taking a picture but none came out very good. But anyway I caught this interesting looking carp yesterday on Ft. Louden on a white chatterbait in the mouth. Miracle it got the hook in it's mouth but this fish was strong and really made an account for itself. It was around ten pounds and wasn't the big golden looking carp I usually see...very light in color and smaller scales and head. Should have worked harder to take a pic but the wind was absolutely brutal yesterday....speared my first wave in awhile!!!! Louden does not have the best of tastes I can tell ya!!! Bass were chomping in the 62 degree water too...just no biggies....just fatties.
  24. Hard to go wrong with either one. On a personal note I would probably take Cherokee. Just like all the rock and the clarity. Plus a bazillion smallies. I'm no expert there and am just learning but that would be my choice. Could be great topwater that time of year.
  25. Good for you....it's fun to be creative.
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