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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. I've started drinking "golfer aid" It's fairly new and uses Stevia instead of sugar so that's a win win for me. Seems to do the job...kind of spendy but am going to give it a good test. I'm outside a lot. Reviews seem good too.
  2. The older you get this is easier to do......not always but there are times!!!!
  3. Truly love all species of fish and fish for them and have from ocean to ocean but bass is very high on my list. Thanks to BASS I have gotten to fish from coast to coast in competitions that I never really dreamed of fishing from my old cold water state of Oregon. Now I live in Tennessee and there's a ton of bass fishing opportunities and I'm fishing the FLW's (state team) To me ....bass offer a challenge unlike the other species.....especially in competitions where you think you may have have them patterned.....so humbling. Enjoy the camaraderie of the clubs and fishing on the road traveling to different lakes....guess I'm addicted.
  4. Have enjoyed my Regal for years and use kevlar and bobbin for tying large and small jigs and fly's. Also have used cheap 6# braid.
  5. 68 and still try and fish from dawn till dark. Also when I golf with wife will mostly walk when I can. Was laid up a number of years back and sat on couch for months in pain. I like being active and if I'm in a chair it's usually to read a book...will watch fishing shows though I have recorded. Have watched family lead the sedentary life style and it's so sad to watch them breath hard just to walk from car to store. Good luck all.......
  6. Remember once when son lived up in Ohio...not a lot of water. He took me to a small creek and we walked and walked to get away from crowds. 3 inch dingers saved the day.
  7. Seems as we get older the obvious stuff is not so obvious to "others"!!! Many times I've just looked up and said "Lord....they're yours....please" and move on.
  8. They are nasty...sometimes spraying one's self down isn't even enough. Had one attached to me this winter when I was looking for golf balls and it was in the 30's outside!!
  9. Yup .... forgot to put in there at one time I only fly fished...after two surgeries to wrist area I was done. Too many steelhead/salmon put the hurt on it. Did a lot of fly tying...lure making...rod making too....sheeeesh.
  10. While living out west I fished saltwater and freshwater from bluegill, salmon, steelhead, bass to sturgeon. All require a different outfit to some extent. A lot of different adventures that some would not choose to do. I have a hobby...it's fishing. Not into any armchair sports or other activities except golf with my wife. So I probably have to much gear...but it's been neat over the years to share with others and teach others. So glad we all have choices.....
  11. Congrats....sounds awesome....now I'm going to also assume you have taught her some good street smarts (old fashioned saying) and .....how to set the hook!
  12. Yup....didn't know bout these but that's them....thank you
  13. I don't believe they do but am sure they can be found maybe on ebay
  14. So glad to hear good news....Praise the Lord. Hospital time is rough time.
  15. I use something that is not used much I don't believe anymore. It's the old gitzit glider. Its a little flat piece of lead with a hole in one end you insert into the tube. You then take an EWG hook about a 3/0 depending on maker and put through the hole in lead then push hook up through the tube. Almost like the stupid tube rigging. So thankful a friend of mine made a mold for me for these little things.....may be old school but I like it.
  16. It's interesting reading everyone's responses. Having moved to the southern part of the US for the last eight years I have seen a ton more than I did when I lived in Oregon that is for sure. I've always had a great passion for the great outdoors and have walked in storms on the Oregon coast looking for glass balls with my grandma. Rode with fellow competitors down lakes and rivers at some ridiculous speeds and fished in waves on the Columbia that send most people home to mention of few. Have even drivin to lakes when I'm thankful to get there due to some of the #@$! on the road...but then that's everyday just about on the road. But then these are things a lot of us have done. Lightening is amazing....truly amazing and powerful. If I'm on the lake I do not run down the lake when it starts. As far as I know I'm a better target running then I am hunkered up close to the bank. Have I caught fish during a storm....yes...but after is usually better. I may or may not be one you read about getting hit someday...I hope not for sure. But I do know lightening can hit a running target too.
  17. should be just fine....he probably thought it was just a sharp fin of a fish and some big ug trying to take it away.
  18. It was soooo cool to fish the California Delta many years ago and watch red wing blackbirds dissapear in a splash and a swirl!!!
  19. Awesome....I would have left the Carolina stuff out also.
  20. Let em go....let em grow.
  21. Believe it or not I have caught spotted bass on Shasta at over 90 ft. Saw them on the graph and thought I would see what would happen. Was using a half ounce spoon. Didn't enjoy the wait of getting the spoon down so didn't do again. But have caught many over 50' and 60' on this lake at mouths of creeks. Down side is you have they puking up a lot of baitfish over the carpet, so you hold them over the side.....as long as they go straight back into the water they rocket down never to be seen again. Amazing lake.
  22. I wish you the best of luck....it will definitely cut into your fishing time.
  23. I can remember days watch the old food chain work to...little fish eatin bugs....bigger fish chasing down the little ones...eagles and other birds doing their thing. Deer sneaking down to the water.....it's all so awesome...Praise God I get to enjoy our great outdoors.
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