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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. Haven't done this for a long long time but it was troll a crank bait along the rip rap on the upper Columbia River to find areas that held smallies. Was amazing how much "dead" water there was. Would mark places on GPS and then go back... Not a technique I did often as all you did was hold onto the rod and watch the depth finder....kind of boring until smallie woke ya up.
  2. Yup
  3. I crawl around in the woods quite a bit looking for golf balls. I've had good success with "Repel"in the red can that is for ticks. Spray myself from top to bottom. I know deet works but anything that will destroy fishing line and other stuff makes me nervous to put on myself.
  4. Times are changing...attitudes are changing...the good ol days are just that...the good ol days. Weather I golf, fish, or hunt or even try to go for a walk in the neighbor hood it can be a challenge. We wear orange when hunting to be seen....well other's see us and figure that must be a good area so....that spot was good once!!! Golfing used to be a bit more friendly...now curiosity is a lot out the window...hardly anyone will let you move through and they don't want to fix their ball marks on greens either as much. Walking in the neighbor hood and trying to enjoy nature and say a few friendly hello's is usually interrupted by some body's dog "who has never bit anyone" chasing your %$#@. Fishing...well...you've all answered this....it's both sides...bank, all boaters....list goes on. We could go on and on and on in all areas of life...thing is we just seem to need broader shoulders now. After all we must be tolerant and politically correct...right!!!
  5. I would call it a fresh air fix and if you brought rain gear life was good.
  6. I don't know a lake in Tennessee that hasn't handed it to me at one time or another since I've moved here! But I love em all. Tn River is right....just go fishing...especially the not so good looking stuff.
  7. Sweeeeeeeeet
  8. No hijacking at all....wasn't even a thought. Thank you and all the best. I like to say "In God I trust"....everyone else pay cash!! All the best
  9. All the best to you on your new journey....we lost our daughter to cancer several years ago and our lives and thoughts on things have changed a lot. (will lift you all up) Went through a long period of very little to no fishing or nothing. Only tourney fishing on a bigger league is team fishing now...not playing games anymore...out for the fun and camaraderie. All the best to you and yours
  10. Live on the east side.....are there lakes in middle Tennessee? Still haven't fished them all over here. Good luck and tight lines
  11. South Holston..... amazing smallie fishery
  12. If I get a chance to get on the water......gone gone gone
  13. Since the number one plug is always fowled rumors are it may be the brains in the motor. This is an expensive part and if I do this and then a month or two down the road it needs other band aids.....well...I think I'm done. Going to talk to a local dealer that I have worked with in the past and get a better idea on options. What boat is worth...etc.... Believe if possible I'm going to go with a tin boat in the 18 or 19 foot range. Depends on cost's etc....have been doing a lot of looking....a lot. It was interesting...many many years ago I met Forest Wood...in my eye's he was and is a class act. When the Classic was here in Knoxville a while back I shook his hand and we talked a bit. I told him I had always wanted a Ranger but life had led me to owning a couple Triton's. I said I'm confused now...I told him about wanting a Ranger and thinking of the RT and now he's part of the making of Vexus.....I said I'm confused. He said .... Son....smiled...and said continue to due your research.
  14. We will see.....she's been in and out of shop since first of December. Will work fine for a day or two...the real biggie is no hole shot and overall low RPM's. Seems merc doesn't have a clue either. Not sure if wanting to keep putting money into it. Lot's of suggestions have been offered....lots...so will just take one day at a time and see where this story goes. Hitting the road today for an adventure and so will put all this on back burner till next week. You all have a great weekend
  15. Well...kind of a venting update. I thought my boat was fixed....so did others....NOT. Got to fish eight times I believe including three small tourneys with two first's and a second. Last night.....sadness...my son and I got second...which is good...what is bad is the old boat burped...again. So many thoughts....Heading out with a good friend to fish a biggie so maybe will get lucky and get a down payment on another hole in the water that brings peace and joy and camaraderie!!! Might have to work on golf game....I ain't sitting around. Tight Lines all....
  16. Two baits came to mind....quivering (tiny twitches) a baby bass pop r......with many pauses.....second...three inch senko style bait ....no weight fished slow. Good Luck
  17. How about this for a technique name....."BS".........not to catchy but it does simplify with just the letters!!
  18. So very sad for sure.....
  19. I've always had the "mailman" attitude for fishing. Rain...sleet...snow...sun...and sometimes even thunder and lightening (if I'm under cover). I'm out there. Four walls during day light hours are rough to stay inside.
  20. Once again I bow my head and pray for you all....hope you can maybe find a way to maybe just sit by the water and remember the good times. If there's a bobber involved great...if not...it's ok. All the best.
  21. Winter is for warmer gear for me and have found guide wear to be very good. Summer is usually shorts, sandals and a light rain jacket....I don't feel like I get cooked as much when not wearing bottoms.
  22. Well...once again I got to fish with my son on our local lake for the Tuesday nighter. This is our third year of doing this and it's time truly enjoyed. You could say it's almost written in stone. I make no other plans for that night and neither does he. He now has three children so kudo's for mom watching the darlings while we work on the water!!! And kudo's to my wife for also blessing me with this time too. Last night the bite was kind of tough except for the dang mosquito's. They are not supposed to be out yet!! Dang...I gave my pint...thank heavens for "After Bite"...it took away the itch. Anyway we only managed four keeps and came in fourth out of about twenty boats...we both had another opportunity at a keeper but it wasn't to be. We got our money back and made plans for battle next week. Seems that lots of runts are running the banks now....water is 65 and climbing. A fifth fish would have got us much higher to be sure. Was a great time and believe my son had a muskie take his Senko on one of his last cast's....Big swirl....bent rod...frayed line and no lure!! Later
  23. I'm pushing the seventy mark and my brain still doesn't accept the fact it want's to fish all day several days and then go golfing to relax!! My trouble has been pancreatitis, cancer, diabetes, arthritis (just like mentioned above). They drain the ol pocket book. But I have been truly blessed and the good Lord lets me still compete on a smaller level. I would still love to fish the larger tourneys but the above along with awesome grand kids keep me in check. Tight Lines all
  24. Gimmie both....they are both tools to be employed and enjoyed. Each having there specialty. Love light line and finesse fishing...love flipping. Some times these ol hands need a break and a light spinning rod makes the day go longer better.
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