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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. Dun on prayers....hopes for getting better soon.
  2. Tried putting i-phone under towel but didn't have any luck....sorry. But what is neat if you see it on the Lowrance you can see it on TV. Of coarse visabilty has been at least six fet when I've use it. Tight Lines
  3. She must have some amazing...totally other AMAZING properties!!
  4. Soooooo sad for all partys envolved. Just had to lift it up.
  5. I personally love fishing the Delta and the Norther Cali lakes. If I had to live there it would probably be on the Northern coast somewhere. Love the big trees and clear lakes not to far. Hope you all get some water and snow
  6. Well...it happened last thursday Feb 6 in the afternoon. Pain pills wouldn't help so it was off to ER all balled up in front seat. Well after I was injected with pain pills and such I was told I was going to be admitted. Then I was told operation would be on Monday. Well found out Monday that due to circumstances he wouldn't be able to use all his team and it would be done late Monday night. Doc asked if he could do it next day in morning or if I had to do it that night. I thanked him for letting me me know the ifs and said I would like his team on tuesday as it was technical. OH MY GOSH!! When I woke up it was ohhhhhhh golly. Had a tube running down my nose to stomach, four holes in tummy area, and didn't know where in the world I was for a bit. And boy did it feel like I had been pounded on in my gut. Found out they had drained over a liter of yuk off the cist connected to my pancreas! Will go on to say have felt worse but this is close. Hope to be up better in few days. Couple of you wanted an update so here it is. Heard all was good an successful. Only have to go back to get gall bladded removed (they found it bad when inside) and get a hernia fixed. Praise the Lord this last six months have been an adventure!
  7. David Baldacci (misspelled) is a great writer to.
  8. Last two rigs have been Ford vans. One I had tricked out with all the bells and whistles for camping and now I have a used one which is pretty plain. But Love it for getting out of the weather and sleepin night before at ramps or simple camping. Tows the ol boat well and have no troubles at ramp. Great for road trips. Tight Lines
  9. My two favorite battles....Seattle/Niners and Seattle/Denver. Looking forward to next year.
  10. Have used the Lamiglas crankin rods in Glass and they're awesome. Tight Lines
  11. All good stuff....make sure your rods fit in easily and it has 4x4 and will tow a boat. Bonus if there's room to sleep in it too!!
  12. Well we had eighteen boats at the tourney for the girl with cancer so was awesome. And then to watch Seattle crush Denver was an end to a beautiful day.
  13. Sooooo Sweeeeet. So glad they blew them outa the water. I believe if it had been close one they would of have downgraded their win. Was looking for a close one but loved the blow out. Tight Lines
  14. Since I use a duo lock for my cranks (size varies on crank size) I pretty much stick to a good ol Trilene knot with five wraps and it has done me well. Used to use the palamar but in using a line tester found out a bad trilene knot breaks harder that a bad palamor. Not that we ever tie bad knots!!
  15. Ohhhhhh......you must be playin fantasy football!!!!
  16. Went out again Friday and it is so awesome to watch the fish. Due to ice couldn't see a lot of places I wanted to go but did see some more fish and learned my ol Lowrance some more. This thing is addicting!!
  17. Wow....some cool pics for sure....thanks for sharing.
  18. What a read for sure.....GO Seahawks
  19. Totally a class act.
  20. I love it all ...... pitching homemade jig ranks right up near the top though. Cranking and feeling that push and then the rod loading up is pretty awesome too. Tight Lines
  21. That looks awesome
  22. Sweet......keep it up. After a number of years now I believe I'm finally over it.
  23. Uncle Walt's Baits used to have and sell the Gitzit glider before he passed away a number of years. He was out of Spokane, Wa. I used to help him with shows and such. Great guy....and I still have a bunch of those gliders....they work well. Tight Lines
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