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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. You are blessed to live there....be carefull
  2. Take em to kitchen sink....soap and a sponge (scotch brite side helps). Has kept rod corks good for years
  3. Yup....get em a tad bigger....much nicer wearing when it's cold or wet.
  4. Was on a small local lake here in east Tennessee yesterday and had to share. Figured the fishing would be kind of tough due to high sky's after the rain storm the day before. Actually wasn't to bad. Had a three and a four pound largemouth so wasn't bad. Did set the hook with an a-rig and just flat couldn't move what I had on. The strike was even vicious. After a few seconds in the clear water got the fish or fish's up to where I could see and there were two down there. One dark object shook and swam away and I landed a fat smallie pushing 18". The one swimming away was much bigger!!! Will not do estimates but dang.....it was much bigger. Was exciting...wanted to share...tight lines all and enjoy the weather.
  5. I can remember watching a few shows..Dance and Parker came to mind but I also remember when I got my ten speed it was fishing and hunting everyday I wasn't in school and even some when I was suppossed to be there. If the show was on in the eve's I'd watch it....this went for other sports too. Just would rather of have been outside even in the rain. Tight Lines
  6. Ospreys diving on fish....pretty awesome. Eagles diving on ducks ....sweet.
  7. My favorite hat sunk to the bottom of a lake during a ride down the lake in a big wind!! It's very hard to find cool hats in a size eight but I do have two camo underarmour hats that fit awesome. I have lots of hats that I've recieved but only these two fit...so they be my favorites.
  8. Good luck on the second..may he/she sleep thru the night and be a great fisherperson.
  9. Don't really want to "Dig up Bones" like Randy Travis used to sing. Each day is a new adventure and a gift from above. With whats happened the last few years I try not to look back. TIght Lines
  10. I truely enjoy non-reality...thanks for the warning as I was thinking of going.
  11. Lake Oroville....awesome place. Used to camp there with the bass boat for tourneys when traveling down from Oregon. Loved all the deer in the camp. Was told to be carefull in the fall due to the rut....I know the bucks sure weren't intimidated. Even had a bat in the shower room and a frog in the overflow in the sink. Had some great memorable trips there. Oh yeah...fishing was awesome too. Tight Lines
  12. For me when off the bank or even in a boat if I want to limit my skunking ability I use a spinning rod with eight pound braid with a eight pound fluro leader and a #5 silver/black shad rap. This bait catches just about anything including some dandys and is good for that one hour stop on almost any body of water. Tight Lines
  13. 1/2 oz cordel spot....chrome blue time in and out most consistant for me. Tight Lines
  14. I use the "Worksharp" and it does a great job....touch up with Lansky Diamond. Great for huntin knives and quick. For kitchen knives since they get so beat up in sink and such I just use a cheap pull thru.
  15. Still looking up...ya got your health and a job!
  16. Pretty easy. First I chew up ground a bit and then put a handfull of good dirt or Poo with dirt. Lay tater in center and cover with straw. (couple inches) As plant grows it pushs up on straw a bit so you just kind of add a bit more and you also do this to keep it dark under there as you don't want green potatoes. After say a month or so or when plant gets pretty big you can start looking under straw for the small potatoes. Gently take some eatin size ones and steam em a little ... add butter,salt and pepper and its an OH MY meal.
  17. So sorry....may God give you a comfort and peace
  18. I love growing potatoes under straw. Amazing.....as plant gets older just lift straw and grab those lil spuds and steam...add butter and pig out!
  19. I know this is late but would anyone recommend a campground on chick. Called chesterfrst and they wont let me camp with just a regular van. I was amazed and just said thank you. Only want for one night this week and only want it as I cant fish a whole day so camping would help with the rest so could do two days. I am curious about maybe Agency creek or Harrisson maybe. Could someone give me some input. Hopefully they have decent ramps. Thank you
  20. OH MY...glad your safe Glen. The great northwest is wet country!
  21. I've done row and raised beds and was sold many years ago when my good ol neighbor and I planted brocoli at the same time. Mine in raised beds and no chemicals and his in rows with chemicals. After a month his still looked like a starter plant and mine was huge. I think one of the big things is your not walking on the roots. Water not be wasted so much as plants getting more due to more focus. Plants are raised a bit so much easier to work in beds. Think the root thing is the biggie though. Looking to due artichokes to this year.....critters got those too last year. Could be some lead poision goin around this year....or maybe a fence.
  22. Gardens are awesome. I'm hoping to build a couple new beds here pretty quick. Since moving to Tenn from Oregon it has been really different. I try and do the organic route. Really wanted some japanese egg plants and some others but got the pancreatitus so couldn't watch garden too well so it got rabbitized and dried out. This year hope to do better...will see if health lets me out. Enjoy
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