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About Yodie

  • Birthday 06/27/1989

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Western Kentucky
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    TN River

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  1. 3000C and 2000 made in China model are sold. 2000 Made in Japan Model still available. Price drop to $125 via PayPal shipped. spools still available, prices are shipped.
  2. Prices reduced and spare spools added to listing. 2x Gold SLP-A 2000S spools, $40 each 1x Red SLP-A 2000S spool, $40 1x OEM LT 3000 Spool, $50
  3. Got three JDM Daiwa 2020 model year Luvias FC LT models, all purchased from Digitaka in 2020. one of the 2000 and the 3000c are from first production run Made in Japan models, the other is a Made in China model. As far as useability and quality, I can’t tell a difference between the China vs Japan made models, both are great reels. None of these reels have any functionality issues whatsoever, and only minor cosmetic scuffs etc from normal use. All look and perform excellent. $180 $150 for the 2000S Made in Japan Edit: Also have 3 SLP works 2000S spools, two gold ones and 1 red one, $40 each have an OEM 3000C Luvias spare spool $50 pictures incoming of spools.
  4. I hear ya on that one... 2:44 here... got a bag of popcorn in the micro...probably gonna tick my roommate off (i live in a dorm) but Im hungry, bored, and not able to sleep... Late nights are fun, but not when you are the only one up...
  5. Muddy, got a question for ya.... I know this may seem mundane and totally pointless, but its something I have always been curious of... Is there a difference between the Mob and the Mafia? Or are they just two different words for the same thing?
  6. Hahahaha... that one made me chuckle a bit... I have more free time now that im in college tha ni ever did in high school.... I work 30 hrs a week and am pulling 18 credit hours and still have plenty of time to goof off. Unless,of course, he is one of those wierdos who actually sleeps at college.... last semester i think i slept around 6 nights worth.... thanksgiving break and half of xmas break....
  7. Tin said: There is a lot to learn from history, because it always repeats it self in a way. Boy, If I would have heard my freshman History 150 prof say that one more time before last semester was over I was going to start pullnig my teeth out with tweezers... good point?....yes....true statement?....yes.....need to be repeated 50,000,000 times?...... hell no...
  8. Hopefully...here is a pic of my baby... I hate leavin my poor,sweet Roxy out at the stadium lot at school, but she is the only car I have....
  9. Ahhhh.... PSYCH 100 all over again.... I believe you would be talking about the Prefrontal Cortex.... as follows from my handy dandy incrediblyoverpricedbecuasetheprofessoristheauthorandhewantsustoseehowsmartheiseventhoughhecantteachforspittle PSYCH 100 textbook: ""The prefrontal cortex, which governs the executive functions of reasoning, advanced thought and impulse control, is the final area of the human brain to mature."" Yeah, yeah I know I cheated a little bit, but you never said it wasn't open book...
  10. Some of my ole' college chums and I were sitting around our lovely dining court (If only you all knew the sarcasm inflected in my thoughts right now) and we started talknig about what makes a man...at what point are we men and not boys anymore. We all were able to agree on one thing, age has little to do with it. Turning 18 or 21 or anywhere in between doesnt automatically grant one manhood... so what does? Lets just hear all of y'alls opinions of this particular subject...
  11. Im not sure about other Manfr's or other shimanos for that matter, but when I went to buy my Symetre, the only different I could tell between the 1500 ans 2500 was line capacity and the grip part of the handles were different.
  12. That is very personal but may be this help you. 1) If you want to open a reel every time you have to change your settings and dig with your wet fingers in little caps, get the Curado. 2) If you want to comfortable and quickly do it by dialing a tiny wheel from the outside, get the Revo. Good luck Hmm... Ive seen these kind of staements on here before, but never really understood them. The way I was taught about a baitcaster and how to use it was to set the brakes ONCE and let them be, and then use the cast control tension knob on the other side to adjust for the conditions if needed (i.e. really windy, lighter weight bait,really heavy bait....etc...) I guess its just a preference thing, I have had reels with both types of brakes and on the ones with the external brakes I found myself spending more time adjusting them and blaming them for my lack of control. They basically became a crutch that I blamed in place of my real fault of not enough practice. Needless to say, I now have a curado 100, calais 100, and 3 calcutta 50's and the last time I had the reel open to adjust the brakes was also the first time. It just isnt an issue with me I guess.... To each his own though...its what makes the world go round.
  13. Wow...RoLo just put to words what I have been thinking since I was shopping for a good spinnin reel last spring. what his last post states is what I found out too and went with the Symetre and couldnt be happier. Recentl I bought a 2006 Stradic 1000 and can see in no way how it is any better than my Symetre.
  14. I'll suggest my go-to rod for pretty much everything as it does it all, and very well I might add. G Loomis SMR 882S (Medium power, fast action, 6-12 lb line, 1/8-3/8 oz. lures) plenty of length for insanely long casts. plenty of backbone for good strong hooksets soft,yet sensitive tip for detecting those subtle bites with a slack line weightless plastic. Great rod, worth more than its retail price in my opinion.
  15. Kentucky/Barkley would be amazing... My parents live down there now and I have been fishing that lake since i was about 5 and my dad since around 1959. Please keep this area into consideration for future trips. There are many great palces to stay here too... Kenlake, Sportsmans, the Moors, KY Dam Village...
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