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Everything posted by THE BASS WHISPERER

  1. swim bait . storm clear color. i use them on my A rig as well.
  2. I've been killing bass on swimbaits for the past month. the shad have all been schooling up (thick) about a week ago the shad are "gone". i know they are there but i can't find them. i live by 4 lakes that are stocked .water temp is about 70 give or take 5 . any suggestions on lure/ lures i should be using ? swimsuits are not cutting it. i live just northeast of birmingham al.
  3. have you ever thought about the hobie cat pro aNGLER 14/12 ? You use your feet to propel the kayak. i have one , and one for sale. they are pricey but worth every penny. look at the hobie cat web site. you will be impressed.
  4. yes i do like it more than the G Loomis , but i like bait casters in general.
  5. costas i use the carbinas . i have a friend who owes a tackle shop. so i pay 175.00 instead of the 250 ( glass version, not the plastic lenes) worth every penny a $250
  6. I'm going to get to the point! 25 minutes 4 fish on the white 4 bladed spinner with a white paca craw. its money!!!!!!
  7. i have the same rod. my personal favorite , go to e bay and look up simmons sporting goods ( i do not work for them , or profit from this statement ) but you can get new in the box quantum exo for $138.00 ( good day ) up to $155.00) add in 8 bucks for shipping. Its my favorite combo. i put mono on the first part of spool and then FC sniper 12lb on the rest of the spool . Once again its a great rod, i use mine for crank baits.
  8. what they didn't report, was that fish smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day.
  9. i have many rods and many reals . the most expensive rod i have is a g loomis nrx green mag medium spinning rod , with a Shimano sustain. its really a great combo. having said that I've got a duckett m7 foot medium cranking rod with a EXO 100. i just love it !!!!!! it casts a mile i use 12b fc sniper wire. If i had one rod that would be it. Im going to get a med heavy . does anyone have any experience with it ?
  10. btw the crank bait that made the SHAD noise was a livingstong. I'm hoping it will be a winner for me at 16.99 !!
  11. Love the senko. its my go too on the shake head.
  12. Man i just started using the storm, and I've caught more fish on it than any other crank bait . I hate the 8.99 price tag but love the lure. another favorite is the h2o academy crank (red). the one thing I've noticed about both is that it has a really tight wobble. i just bout a 16.99 ( noise included lure ( sounds like shad) big wobble no fish . i forget the name of it.
  13. giddy up!!!!!!! nice fish bro!!!!!
  14. i caught a blue gill last week on a 1/2 oz crank bait. its upper and lower lips were both cought on the back treble hook . LOL
  15. i have a gl2 spinning rod and i love mine . the handle is great , but I'm a cork man. i have zero problems with it . is it my favorite rod ? nope , i love my boyde ducket medium bait caster rod. and my favorite spinning rod is the g loomis nrx green medium.
  16. thats awesome congrats on landing a pig!
  17. your welcome ! i watch the Jimmy houston show that day as well . LOL
  18. congrats! my bass weighed only 2.4 ounces more lol.
  20. I'm very blessed to live in a community with stoked bass lakes that hold very large bass. since November I've been killing them with the Flash mob JR. the shad have been schooling and I've been watching the bass attacking them . Ill throw the rig in the shad and a good amount of time ill get a hit off it . I'm convinced that the "A rig " is the most productive lure on the market. I've never used it in the the summer but until i stop slaying them with it , it will remain on one of my rods. i use bait casters and spinning reals but when ever i use the A RIG i prefer to use my spinning rod , to prevent backlashes. I have 40b power pro super slick bright green with fc sniper 20 lbs fluro for a leader. One day last week i even put a sexy shad crank bait on the back of it .It seemed to get tangled up with the other swim bait i had on , but still caught a couple of fish off it. I took it off to prevent tangles. now i use 4 shad swim baits on the outside and one clears looking swimsuit on the tail end of the rig. I have yet to cath more than one fish at a time but I'm sure sooner or later i will . I also caught my PB off the rig , 8.74 lbs, it was to say the least a monster. i hope this info is helpful, and I'm curious if anyone uses this lure in the summer, and what there experience with it is? THANK YOU THE BASS WHISPERER.
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