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About ClearCreek

  • Birthday June 5

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    Mountain west

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  1. Glen: This appears to be the same video that you did a few years ago. This video has a bunch of confusing and just wrong information. Again, you call the cast control knob (the knob that is on the same side as the reel handle) the centrifugal brake - it is NOT the centrifugal brake. Centrifugal and magnetic brakes on bait casting reels are located on the side of the reel opposite the reel handle. These brakes are typically adjusted from this side as well. As you should know, the cast control knob can be used by a beginning bait cast reel user to adjust the rate of drop of a bait before you cast that bait. You kind of started to explain how to do check the rate of drop, but then did not finish how to properly adjust this knob to help prevent backlashes Please redo the video with the reel parts identified correctly. ClearCreek
  2. I am not sure I would believe many "guys working the fishing department" when it comes to knowing information like being discussed in this thread. At least in my experience, many of these guys don't even know what they have on the shelves in their department. I have asked about certain items, only to be told they "don't handle that item" or they "are out of stock on that item". Then walk half way down an isle and there is exactly what I was asking about. Most of those guys will NEVER say they do not know anything about the item(s) you are referring to. ClearCreek
  3. Right now (3:00 pm MDT) at my house it is 38 degrees F and it is raining. We are under a winter storm watch as the rain is supposed to turn to snow about midnight with maybe 3-6 inches of snow predicted. I think summer is over. ClearCreek
  4. Green plants do both, produce oxygen and use oxygen. When the sun is shining (day time) green plants produce oxygen via photosynthesis. During the night (no light) plants use oxygen via respiration. There should be a lot of info on the internet that goes into some detail on how all this works. ClearCreek
  5. Am-blow-ply-tess rue-pess-tris
  6. Keeper has some great advice. Don't go into an interview and say they should hire you because like to fish, there are only about a million other people that have that also have that same qualification. ClearCreek
  7. From a popular fishing reel repair outfit: Shimano has suspended MAP pricing on the Stradic Ci4+ reels. There will be no generation 3 on this reel, it will likely be discontinued. ClearCreek
  8. Good point. I was trying to figure out that comment as well. ClearCreek
  9. It appears a lot of you anglers would have a tough time fishing in some of the western states where regulations require the killing of certain species if they are caught. A regulation on one lake in northwest Wyoming stipulates that all walleye caught must be kept and killed; there is no daily bag limit. There are areas in Alaska where all northern pike caught must be killed, you don't have to keep them, you just have to kill them before you put them back in the water. ClearCreek
  10. Just wondering if you are paying your excise taxes to the IRS as is required by Federal Law of all fishing tackle manufacturers? Don't ask me how I know about this.
  11. There are a few states, like Wisconsin and Minnesota, that have closed fishing seasons after the ice fishing period. For the most part, these closed seasons are still in place because of social demands (it is a tradition, we have always had a closed season; therefore we can have an "opener") rather than biological implications. ClearCreek
  12. Interesting how some criticize when a person changes the products they represent. Those criticizing would most likely pizz down their leg if a company contacted them to sponsor/represent their product!! ClearCreek
  13. Actually it sounds more like an application letter than a resume. ClearCreek
  14. There are many species of trout in North America. Brook, brown, lake trout, rainbow, bull trout, Dolly Varden, cutthroat (there are numerous species and subspecies) and if you include salmon, Atlantic salmon plus the are five species of Pacific salmon (king, chum, sockeye, pink and coho), grayling, whitefish. etc. The brown trout is the only one not native to North America. If you want to read more about trout go to the library and get the book, "Trout and Salmon of North America" by Robert Behnke. ClearCreek
  15. A 6 ft deep pond in South Dakota will winterkill most likely. ClearCreek
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