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About jbizkit3000

  • Birthday 06/24/1980

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  • Gender
  • Location
    <p>Mccalla, AL</p>
  • My PB
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  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River

jbizkit3000's Achievements


Fry (1/9)



  1. 2012 Basscat Pantera IV - $38,850 (Birmingham) Alabama Pantera IV 19.5 feet with 94 inch beam. Only 41 hours on the engine. Advantage Elite Package, pump out, security system, lighted boxes, tilt steering, pro trim, Hyd steering, tandem wheel trailer with breaks, trailer step, 15 inch wheels, 200 mercury pro xs, 25 fury prop, swing away trailer, minnkota fortrex 80lb, hummingbird 788ci hd di, hummingbird 778c, slide master jack plate, rod org, huge live wells, touch pad controls, gator hyde on trailer, pop up side cleats, mercury smart craft monitor gauage, 33 gal tank with 10 gal kicker tank, transferable lifetime warranty. Mercury engine has a 7 year warranty. (2019) Has the puma lay out on the front deck. Always kept in doors and waxed.Inside hull is charcoal, hull is silver, black bottom, white bolt with red pins. Seats light gray with red and charcoal. Light gray/storm carpet. Beautiful boat and great rough water ride. 71 top speed loaded down. Bought brand new last summer! Will email pics when requested. 205 383 5329
  2. Launch change for Feb 23rd JJ's Beer Joint
  3. 2013 Central Bass Schedule Please feel free to contact me via email. February 23rd Lake Jordan: JJ's Beer Joint Safe light till 3:00 pm March 9th Lay Lake: Bozo's Safe light till 3:00 pm March 23rd Mitchell Lake: Higgins Ferry Safe light till 3:00 pm April 6th and 7th Miller's Ferry: Roland Cooper State Park Safe light till 3:00 pm (2 day) May 18th Warrior River Bankhead: Franklin's Ferry Safe light till 3:00 pm June 1st and 2nd Guntersville: State Park Safe light till 3:00 pm (2 Day) June 29th Mitchell: Higgins Ferry Midnight to 8:00 am (Saturday night Sunday morning) July 13th Lay Lake: Bozo's Midnight to 8:00 am (Saturday night Sunday morning) August 10th Mitchell: Higgins Ferry Midnight to 8:00 am (Saturday night Sunday morning) August 24th Logan Martin: Riverside Midnight to 8:00 am (Saturday night Sunday morning) September 7th Neely Henry: Ten Island Park Safe Light till 3:00 pm September 21st Guntersville: Browns Creek Safe Light till 3:00 pm October 5th Demopolis Lake: City Docks Safe Light till 3:00 pm October 19th Lake Jordan: Bonner's Point Safe Light till 3:00 pm November 2rd and 3rd Classic TBD (To be voted on October 5th) (2 Day) CLUB RULES 1. Club membership is $55.00 a year per person. $10.00 from each membership goes to boat of the year and $5.00 from each membership goes to the classic qualifier who catches the largest fish during the year. $40.00 goes to classic payout. 2. Entry fee is $30.00 per person per tournament. Single fisherman are allowed & only pay $30.00 3. To qualify for the classic - A member must fish or pay for 10 out of the 14 tournaments. Payment must be made in advance of any tournament missed to receive credit for that tournament. Only classic qualifiers can vote for location of classic. 4. No guests are allowed at the Classic. A member can bring a guest at anytime, but that guest can only fish (2) tournaments. If that guest returns to fish again he must pay a membership. Guest that are invited as a team may fish out of their own boat. 5. Only Largemouth, Small mouth, and spotted bass will be weighed. There is a 5 fish limit with a 12-inch minimum (or lake rules) any fish brought to the scales less than 12 inches or the lake limit it will result in loss of their biggest fish. 6. No trolling, jigger polling, fishing with more than (1) rod at a time, fishing within 50 yards of another boat, Artificial lures only, No iced fish. 7. In case of a tie the largest fish will determine 1st and 2nd place. If big fish ties then the money will be split evenly. 8. All Alabama water laws apply. 9. The boat with the most weight from your top 8 finishes will decide boat of the year. 10. Club officers or tournament committee whose decision is final will handle any situation not covered by these rules. 11. No lakes or rules can be changed unless it is life threating and the Club Officers whose decision is final, will determine that. 12. Everyone must sign a release form to become a member. 13. A members immediate family (those who live with them) are members and may fish with member without paying a membership. Anyone who is (16) and older must pay tournament entry. 14. Once classic location is voted, members may pre fish until the Monday of the week of the tournament. After that members may be on water but no fishing is allowed. 15. In a case where the 3 club officers are not present, a committee of the senior members will make any necessary decisions for that tournament and their decision is final. President Jeff Wyatt Vice-President Chris Horton Weigh Master Tom Chapman
  4. We are looking for new members. We are having our club meeting this Sunday. We will be voting on the lakes and dates. I will post the 2013 schedule shortly. Single fisherman are welcome and THIS IS NOT A DRAW FORMAT. We have a great group of guys, no pros here. Our members range from beginner to a little above average. We do have some good fisherman but we like to have fun and compete. You will not get rich fishing this club but we do have some decent paybacks and our classic does pay well. We pay 1st and 2nd and big fish, the classic pays back all places. We fish 10-14 tourneys during the year and have a couple of two day events. Come give us a try. Entry fee is 30.00-35.00 dollars. You will have to sign a wavier and all winners are subject to a poly-graph test. Most of us are from Birmingham, Bessemer, Mccalla, Hueytown. We fish Logan Martin, Lay, Mitchell, Jordan, Warrior River, Millers Ferry, Guntersville, Demop. Please email for more info.
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