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Everything posted by nofishforme

  1. Awsome fish man! geez, i wish the reservoir i fish in has at least 1 fish like that. oh btw, its good to see that im not the ony Asian bass fisherman...my friends think im a redneck cause i fish, and go rootin in my jeep. I think i am a redneck!!! ;D ;D ;D
  2. thanks for the advice guys. i did submerge it i boiling water and now its all better. mattlures im guna fish them slower, hopefullly ill catch a monster like one of those on ur website. ;D
  3. My mattlures blue gill swims on a slant when i retrive it...how can i fix this? and also, i know that this is a big bass lure, but where/how can i use this to increase my chances of gettin a nice fish. so far i been using it off of points, throwin into the deep water and bringing it back slowly, prbably at a 2-4feet off the surface level.
  4. Aight so i been waitin for like a week.....and its finnaly here. A 5inch mattlures male blue gill. this thing is nice...REALLY NICE. its so detailed and its everything i thought it would be. so tommorow is the maiden voyage, and i was wondering what type of spots should i foucus on...is there anywhere in particular that swimbaits should be used? i fish in a reservoir...and its not known for huge bass..i know some ppl who have caught 7-8lbers and very few of em...but theres not much bigger. :
  5. Im so excited....I ordered a mattlures bluegill on 5/2. it should get here anytime now. i was reading around and it seems like there are mixed feelings on adding a treble hook. i fish on a reservoir that has some bass in the 8-10lb range (very few tho) but anything in the 4-7lb range here is considered a "good catch" and is somewhat uncommon. should i add a treble hook and if so what type/size? :)
  6. HOW DARE YOU! > > Haha naw im jp, i eat bass all the time...mainly 14-16in bass. fillet+ zataran's fish fry= ;D
  7. im going to buggs island (kerr reservoir) this weekend with my friend. i have never been there before, but he has a few times. were guna be goin for striper and largemouth....i need advice, what to use, where to go.......any help is appreciated
  8. Yea cut up shad does work well..and not just for cat fish. this is really weird but i caught my PB (6lbs even) on cut up gizzard shad. the day before i caught it i had seen huhe pods of gizzrd shad so i decided to use a crank bait to fould hook them and i caught about 6-7 5inch ers. the next morning i cut em up and put on my cat fish rig and within 10 minutes i had something on which i thought was a nice cat but it turned out to be a 6lb bass which i could fit both my fists in..this thing was only 21 inches long but its head and eyeballs were ENORMOUS
  9. i bought some stren superbraid 20lb line over the summer and put t on one of my cheap shakespere baitcasters. it seemed like it wouldnt cast as far as norml unbraided line, is this true?
  10. its weird, cause these 2 fish were pulled out of this cove that i hardly ever fish at and the water cant be more then like 3-4feet. anways, i fish the senko like a superfluke. i let it get towards the bottom and then i give it 2 small jerks and then steadily reel it in. i just repeat this slowly and it seems to do just fine
  11. nvmd, i got out of it myself. yesterday i went to dicks cause it was raining, and as i was skimming the senko section for some fat ikas....i noticed "swimming senko" in green pumpkin which is my #1 color. so i grab a bag and go home anxiously waitin until i can fish. so today after skool i get home and its still drizzling, but i said to my self crap it. so i walk down to my boat, push it out with a paddle and just sit there and fish for the remaining 30minutes of daylight..in the rain. i managed to pull 5 fish in the same spot within half an hour. the top 2 were 3.3lb and 2.5lb. for me this is really good..i will post pics soon. ohyea, and a funny thing that happened on the 3.3lber was that after fighting the fish for like 20 seconds, all the pulll in my line let off and i actually put the pole down for 2 seconds while screamin and cussin cause i thought id lost the fish. but it had actually just swam at the boat really quickly and i landed the fish shortly after. ;D
  12. i live in central VA and for the past week or so the temps have dropped dramatically from around mid 70's to highs of 50. the water is now very cold, not sure how cold, but the spots where i usually catch fish are not coming thru for me the past 2 trips that ive taken. i usually catch them in 3-7ft of water using soft plastics like yum dingers, superflukes, and fat ikas. should i just fish these baits slower then normal or should i switch to sumthin else? :'(
  13. today i went to a new spot in my reservior where this man showed me to use a spinner bait at a medium retrieve...so i decided to switch to a spinner bait from a yum forked dinger, so i casted into the water not expecting to catch anything, i put my rod in the holder as i went to find the spinner bait and abut 5 seconds later i see my rod bedning like crazy. so i take the rod out and start fighting the fish which i thought was a MONSTER bass, but after 2 minutes or so it turned out to be a gigantic pike (for my standards) it was 24" long and 11.5" around which according to the weight calc. is 5.12lbs, so i guess my PB fish for now is a pike but hopefully i beat that # with a bass
  14. well today i bought a marine/rv battery. when i hooked itup to the boat the boat ran SO slow in 5, but when i hooked it on the car battery i got, it was crusin. well, the marine batt. wasnt charge 100%, maybe 80-85% and it had a fish finder attached to it also, but shouldnt the motor still run good?
  15. i have a 34lb thrust minn kota. can i use a car battery, i think its a deep cycle car battery is that is even possible. i have been using these small brick sized batteries but it takes 4 of em to keep me funning for 4 hours
  16. as of right now, as fast as i can walk in my wading pants...lol, but in about 2 weeks me and 2 other buddies are chippin in for a nice little 10-12' jon boat.'
  17. ok thanks...Walmart is sellin a "MotorGuide" 30lb thrust motor for 95$..is this a good deal? its just below my price range (100-115$)
  18. i just got a new jon boat, its 12' long and i plan on taking out myself, and 2 friends so the cobined weight is around 425lbs. what lb thrust motor would work good?
  19. i finally saved up 225 bucks and got my own 10ft basstracker boat..its kind of ghetto cause u have to straddle the boat to sit on the seats but its better then nothing. i have a minn kota 28lb motor and i have these small batteries that my uncle stole from work...im not sure wut size they are but with 4 of them fully charged i can run the boat on a 3 or 4 speed for about 2 hours. my question is..what kind of battery should i be looking at for a good 3 hours+ run... and how much will it cost me
  20. i have been fishing on this one dock on the swift creek resevoir for the past few days. i have caught a total of 4 fish, all about 7 inches long so i didnt keep them. i used a white spinner bait that came from a 15$ shakespeare 5 1/2 foot rod-reel combo that i got from walmart that came with lots of lures and other goodies. how should i be fishing in order to catch bigger fish, or should i try a different spot if im not catching the big ones.
  21. alroght, thanks for all the help. i sure will read the different articles on this forum and tonight im goin to walmart with a 20$ budget which i assume will be able to get me the tackle that i need. however, i think ill pass on the worms..(cause i spent 4 hours and didnt get a single bite on worms) . i like the spinner bait idea cause i can cast and reel in pretty easily and i think that might allow me to experiment more. and i think ill just get a crankbait cause i see them on tv alot. Thanks for all the help. hopefully ill post in a week or so with my fishing report on lake chesdin
  22. hello all, im 15 and a noob at bass fishing. im not looking to become a great bass fisherman, i just wanna get somoe tips to give me a better chance. i am tired of spending 4 hours on my friends boat, and not even getting a bite. i have this 6 1/2 fishing pole called a shakespeare and its got the little thumb switch to cast it out. my question is what kind of "rig?" shuld i use. should i use a fake fish thing, a plastic worm, or one of those things with the spinners on em? and also when i do fish, should i let the thing get a little below the water and the reel it in moderately while jerking on the line to create that broken movement? once again im a big noob, so any advice is apreciated.
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