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About C-roy

  • Birthday 05/10/1984

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Baxter Springs, KS.
  • My PB
    Between 4-5 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Bone creek, ks

C-roy's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. I do have a lot of excess transducer wire wrapped up stuffed behind the battery could this cause interference?
  2. Ill try and get a pic up. Set on 455 with surface clarity on high is useless nothing but cluder only really works on 800 MHz with surface clarity on high even in clear water. has me stumped. Guy I work with has same unit and he says he don't have this problem and he fishes muddy rivers, thanks for the input ill try and get pics put up.
  3. It is sharing the same battery as trolling motor, I hope this isn't the problem, 2 batteries in a scamp ugh lol, thanks ill try unhooking trolling motor next time I go out and see if that fixes it. Thanks again
  4. It does it when I'm sitting still and when I'm moving, I have the filter wired in, wondering if trolling motor wires next to fish finder wires are interfering with it, thanks for the input
  5. I have a elite 4x dsi unit mounted on my 8 ft scamp transducer is on the back screen is on the front and trolling motor is on the front, the problem I'm having is I'm picking up a lot of static on the screen unless I have the surface clarity on high, even then I still have some static, this happens in any depth and clarity of water was wondering what is causing this, I do have trolling motor wires ran next to fish finder unit wires, didn't know If this would cause this. It also happens when I'm sitting still to. Hope to have some good opinions from u guys, Thanks
  6. The new bass hunter boat for the year. I love it works great for the hard to get to spots. Love the elite 4x dsi I got for it and the 43lb thrust foot control trolling motor makes it go at a pretty good clip, plus the wheels bass hunter puts on the back make it so easy for one guy to load and unload
  7. Yeah lesson learned, going to take it back to academy see what they say still have receipt
  8. Yesterday afternoon i decided to go out to the garage a play with my new fish finder, and like always my 2 1/2 year old son wanted to go with me.So I get him all suited up to go help daddy in the garage. We get out there and like he always does he wants me to grab that old weed eater that don't run. So I get it down and give him some wrenches and a rubber mallet so he can pretend his fixing it lol. So as he's wrenching on the weed eater I hook up the fish finder and start trying to figure out all the cool things it can do. As I sit in the front of my scamp playing with my fish finder my son comes to investigate to see what daddy is doing, he climbs up and wants to play with it. of course I tell him no this is daddy's toy pick him up and set him outside the boat. As a little time passed I look back to see if my sons is still playing with the weed eater and not getting into things, well for those of u that have little kids will know he's not playing with the weed eater no more, he has climb into the back of the boat, and now is sitting on my brand new St . Croix rod and playing AWWW! I jump up and hurry to grab him.... To late it's broke, at this point I'm heated I set him down and yell at him and being stupid I spank him. As he looks up at me and starts to cry I get hit with a little voice in my head, you idiot it's not his fault. U weren't watching him and the only reason he was playing in the boat is because he wants to be just like you. S*#@T I say to my self I swallowed my pride reach down hug him and tell him daddy sorry its not your fault and daddy is a big dummy. Even though I was really upset that my St. Croix rod got broke, and as all of us know that has family's it's not always easy to go spend money on yourself to buy something nice , I was happy that my son shows interest in the things I love to do. So tomorrow after work if the weather stays nice I'm going to load up the kids and take them fishing at my parents pond, and wish I had my st. Croix rod to use lol O well. Like to hear if any of u had a similar story with your sons are daughters
  9. It's actually not numbered they're in sportsmans Pits area if u know where that's at. it's the south side of sportsmans kind of down a one lane path a bit it wasnt real big but perfect size for a scamp, sportsmans is I think 2 1/2 miles south of big Brutus on the west side of the road, it's defiantly on my go back to list of pits to fish best pit fishing I had in years, pntbally and me didn't have much luck last year at the pits, so was really shocked on Saturday when me and my other buddy caught that many in the short time we were out there,
  10. Finally got to get out this Saturday and try out my new bass hunter scamp, weather for south east ks look terrible for Saturday 70% chance of thunder storms but decided to brave it, and glad I did the third cast landed a 17 1/2 in lg mouth, and it didn't slow down was only out for maybe 2.5 hours on this pit and ended up pulling in a total of 8 bass and 2 croppie, between my buddy and me. was throwing a little tiger strip swim bait by berkly and never had to change, buddy had on a small rebel crank bait that he always uses lol but it was working awesome he pulled in a 14 1/2 inch lg mouth right when we were leaving. Besides the fishing being great was super happy with the boat real stable plenty of room for two bigger guys, and loved the foot control trolling motor I rigged up for it, also bought a new lowerance Elite 4x dsi fish finder for it. was really impressed with the down scan imaging made locating structure a breeze and seeing those fish holding there, can't wait to get back out next weekend with my other buddy with his bass boat heading to Grand lake super excited!
  11. 1 more for Fort Scott lake
  12. Just bought a h20 express yesterday already own a shock rod after comparing both I think I'm goin to like the h20 better its lighter better balanced in my opinion and more comfortable grip it's 20 bucks more but seems to be worth it got a 6'6" mh have a PQ on it
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