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Pencil Pusher

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Everything posted by Pencil Pusher

  1. Not nearly as important as many people think it is.
  2. That's what I said: "other than the 100"s. The Malaysia plant does not have the tooling for the 100 size reels (from a Shimano rep.). I will bet that when the New Curado comes out, it will have very minor changes and will be built in Malaysia.
  3. I read on another site that the only Shimano spinning reels that are still made in Japan are the Stella's. Also, The Citica's (other than the 100's) are made in Malaysia. I too was surprised when I bought my Stradic 2500i that it was made in Malaysia since I had previously bought a couple of 4000H's on closeout and they were made in Japan. However, Shimano does own the plant in Malaysia so I am not really worried about the quality.
  4. My last post on this subject. I was using the instruction sheets that come with the reels for my information; these say "Forged". Once more, the OP asked for the differences which I gave him; I didn't say that either forged or cast was better. I am sorry if I offended anyone by posting the correct information. I'm gone.
  5. The only Loomis flipping stick under $220 is the FSR904X GL2 at $180. That rod is also the only model that has the telescoping handle. It is also available in IMX at $325.
  6. I know one guy burned the drag out of a Revo Premier fishing for Red Drum at Lake Fairfield. The drag on the Premier is not as strong as the STX drag. When I get a new Flippin reel, it's going to be a Shimano Castaic.
  7. The B&S 5 hp motor is basically a B&S lawnmower engine mounted to a propeller shaft with a forward - reverse gear box.
  8. That would be a quarter pound bulk spool, I gaurantee you that a pound spool will not fit on a Berkley Spooler.
  9. No, I just took the information from the Shimano documentation to answer the OP's question. However you can google the terms and find detailed explanations of the processes. BTW, it doesn't say "Cold Forged", it says "Forged". There is a difference.
  10. I doubt that you will be able to buy one now and have it shipped to you in time to mail the rebate forms on or before May 1 ( the drop dead date for mailing). Your best bet if you want to get the rebate is to buy locally in order to get the rebate forms mailed on time. Edited to clarify
  11. I am sorry sir, but you are incorrect (just rechecked my documentation), the silver 200 and 100A had a cast frame and 2 ball bearings and 1 roller bearing. The 100B and the 200B have 3 ball bearings and 1 roller bearing and have forged frames.
  12. The difference is primarily 1 more bearing, upgrade to Anti Rust bearings. The size designations were changed from 250 to 200, 150 to 100, but the size is the same. The old silver 200, 100 were cast aluminum frame rather than forged on the gold, all are now forged. In addition, the drag may have been updated, not sure on that. The SV versions are only available in 400 and 700 sizes and the only difference is that the SV's do not have a level wind.
  13. My suggestion is to handle one before you buy; I ordered mine and was surprised at how heavy it is. It is heavier than my Crucial 7'6" flippin stick. I haven't fished it yet, so I can't comment on that, just that it is heavier than I expected for a Loomis.
  14. Way too big to fit the Berkley spooler. The large bulk spools used to fill reels at BPS. Cabela's, etc. are one pound spools.
  15. Pure Fishing bought ABU in 1995.
  16. Centrifugal brakes apply more force the faster the spool is turning. Magnetic brakes apply the same force throughout the cast. Dual braking systems have both centrifugal and magnetic force applied to the spool at the beginning of the cast, as the spool slows, the centrifugal force becomes less and less while the magnetic force continues to apply the same force throughout.
  17. The March issue of "Field and Stream" has an article on page 21 about this. If you are so positive that plastics as we know them won't be banned in the future, I suggest you read this article.
  18. I just found another difference in the new Stradic vs the FH; they are now made in Malaysia (at least the 2500FI is). My 4000FH's and my 1000FH's were made in Japan. As a side note, I have two 1000FH's and they have different handles. One has a release to fold the handle and the other you have to unscrew the cap on the opposite side to fold the handle. Makes me wonder if there are other differences as well(internal).
  19. I have a 2001 Tundra V-6. I have had zero problems with the truck. I bought the cheapest one available, standard cab 5 speed manual trans. My boat is a 16 foot Carolina Skiff and when I am towing, I don't even know its there. I would buy another Tundra in a New York minute.
  20. I have a G.Loomis PR844S which might be my favorite piece of equipment, but it is not an all-around rod. The tip is too soft for many applications. For the most part, this is my smallmouth rod and used primarily for fishing live shiners on a split shot rig. 8-) From the Loomis catalog: "Our popping rods were originally designed for casting live bait (mainly shrimp), under a popping cork ..., but freshwater anglers have found umpteen uses for them as well". I have been thinking about getting a casting version of this rod for inshore trout and redfish.
  21. I hear Alton Jones really likes Ardent reels.
  22. Probably because your 13 years old and in Canada.
  23. Popping Rod = Designed for inshore saltwater fishing live bait (shrimp,etc.) or plastic imitation under a popping cork.
  24. Castaway rods are in no way an"econimical version" of All Stars. The only connection between the two is that that the Kistler family has been involved in both companies. I personally prefer the Castaway's (yes I have rods from both). Most of the rods are made in the USA (Montgomery, Texas). As far as I am aware, only the lowest priced series is made in China. The website Castawayrods.com has the information you are asking about.
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