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Pencil Pusher

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Everything posted by Pencil Pusher

  1. I bought the V12 and in my opinion, the bag itself is no better or worse than my other name brand bags (Plano or Shimano). I think the bag is overpriced compared to a good Plano or BPS bag. By the way, the boxes that come with the bag are not the good Falcon boxes. IMHO, they are no better than the boxes that come with any other bag you can buy.
  2. I think you all got hung up on the $15 the OP said he could buy these reels for. I am not familiar with Gander Mountain reels, but if the reel he is talking about is in fact a re-branded Pflueger Medalist, he is talking about a reel which if a Pflueger would be $80 retail that he is buying at a bargain price, not a $15 piece of crap as RW so succinctly put it.
  3. Around here, jigging spoons and tail spinners (Little George or a local one called a Humdinger) are the lures of choice for Hybrids in deep water. Sassy Shad or similar for schooling fish on top.
  4. If you want the best, get the bass pro worm binder replacement bags. If you want cheaper, then get brand name (Glad, Hefty, etc.) freezer bags. Don't get storage bags, they won't hold up. If you go the freeaer bag route, change the bags every 6 months or so.
  5. The analog to digital conversion in 2/09 has nothing to do with HD programming. http://www.dtvanswers.com/ Digital =/= High Definition While this is true, most stations will be broadcasting in HD when the digital conversion takes place in Feb. 2009. The reason being that the cost of converting from analog to digital is very expensive and the difference between HD and SD spread over the estimated life of the equipment is not that great. I have not been involved with the technical aspects of cable only networks, so I can't make any positive statements about what the smaller ones will do after conversion. It is also unlikely that there will be any large standard digitial TV sets available, only HD.
  6. The newer split grip models, or the older full grip models? I am 99% sure that these were the older full grip LTB's. They were blue LTB's for sure.
  7. That is so true. The general forum is basically useless for any information because of all the "new guy, just want to say hello" posts.
  8. Be sure and get some KVD Line & Lure conditioner to go with it. That's the only way that Yo Zuri junk will be limp enough to cast.
  9. You can't ask a question about a "Senko". Every possible question has been asked and answered.
  10. I use the O-rings. I bought the tool at Bass Pro. It comes with a few rings, ten I think. I buy my additional rings in bulk at the local hardware store.
  11. The Dallas police dept. has started posting surveilance tapes of crimes on You Tube. They posted one recently of two men ripping plasma tv's off a wall in a business. Someone saw the video and called DPD and told them they knew who the two guys were and they were caught and arrested.
  12. I was at my local Bass Pro yesterday and the St. CRoix Legend Tournament rods were marked down for close out.
  13. Yo-Zuri underrates their line so they can advertise how strong it is.
  14. I am retired from Fox Television. Before I bought my HDTV, I asked several of the engineers at the station what to buy. Most of them recommended DLP if I was solely looking at quality. If i was going to hang it on the wall, the LCD was the way to go. The DLP sets are projection and are about 12 to 14 inches deep. No one recommended Plasma due to weight and high heat.
  15. They are called Cattle Ranchers down here.
  16. You forgot Old Spice. ;D
  17. I deleted mine also, I won't do it again.
  18. You will never see a camera in every boat. Those cameras cost a minimum of $50,000 each. Water is not the ideal environment for the cameras either. When they are in the camera boat, the photog takes the time to put the camera in waterproof bag before they go flying down the lake to the next angler or to follow the guy they are filming. I am pretty sure the anglers aren't going to wait for the camerman to put his camera away before they fly to the next spot. The other thing is that cable networks make most of their money from subscriber fees from the local cable or satellite providers, the money from commercials is gravy. Cable commercial rates are very cheap compared to broadcast television rates.
  19. I don't know of any Bass guides who guide on Grapevine, The one's I know of are White Bass (Sand Bass), Crappie or Catfish guides. Guy Skinner is probably the best Crappie guide for that lake and I would recommend Omar Cotter for Sand Bass. I don't know where in Texas you are located, but there are a number of better Bass lakes within an hour of DFW.
  20. It's for FLIPPIN'. The spool should never be rotating when you are flipping. If it is you are not flipping, you are pitching and the flipping swith should be off.
  21. The CV X and CV Z are discontinued. The Luna replaced the CV Z and there is no replacement for the CV X.
  22. Which Milionaire are you considering? There is a world of difference between the Millionaire S and the CVX, CVZ models.
  23. BMW's are the worst for brake dust.
  24. I have the narrow spool version of the Luna (203). It is a much better reel than my Cardiffs.
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