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Pencil Pusher

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Everything posted by Pencil Pusher

  1. That reel has a large capacity spool and power handle; correct nomenclature is 5000B.
  2. Put them away and in 40 or 50 years, your heirs can sell them on Ebay as collector items. ;D ;D
  3. If OU and Texas win out, Tech is beaten by Oklahoma and wins against OSU and Baylor then it will all come down to number 5. At that point I think it will be a toss up as to which team is ranked higher.
  4. Crucial or Falcon Cara are both good at around $150.
  5. The Code Red has just now become available, at least at online stores.
  6. No true. I bought two Energy PT's at BPS. The reason they aren't listed right now is because BPS closed out the old one's and the new one's aren't available yet. BPS did the same thing with the Curado's and Citica's.
  7. Is there anything you're not an expert at? Exactly when were you in the military? I can tell you this, while most non-combat specialties qualify only periodically, the safety on the range far exceeds what goes on at many civilian ranges and shooting events. As a veteran and a gun owner, in my opinion, no civilian should be allowed to own a fully automatic weapon of any kind, much less be allowed to shoot it. There is absolutely no use for a fully auto weapon except one: to kill another human.
  8. Go buy a couple of those $60 Shimano Crestfire's or Coriolis's and then come back and tell us how good Shimano is. It more than likely was the braid slipping and had nothing to do with the drag.
  9. Missouri must have changed the law. To buy a handgun, you used to have to go buy the gun then the dealer filled out paperwork (not the 4473) which you took to the county sheriff. the sherrif then took about three days to do a background check. Then, you went back and picked up the permit that you took back to the dealer and picked up your gun. You had to do this each time you bought a handgun.
  10. When I was fishing tournaments in Missouri years ago, thats what a lot of guys used (me too). We'd buy the cheapest full face K Mart had. Makes for a much more pleasant blast down the lake.
  11. You can substitute regular hybrid for baling wire, the ultra soft is more like leader wire.
  12. I've never seen you flip, but I'll put my money on Denny Brauer or Dee Thomas. BTW, Denny showed me how to flip years ago.
  13. The Golden Wing series was discontinued around 2001 (unless Fenwick resurrected the name for GM). The rods were priced between the HMG and the Iron Feather, which was replace by the Techna AV. I have a couple of Golden Wings and they are nice. At that price, I would grab it in a minute. I don't think you will find a better rod at three times the price.
  14. It is a stretch to say that the Eagle GT and the Black Max are made by the same company. They are made by two different companies that are owned by one holding company. Saying they are both made by the same company is like saying G Loomis rods are made by Shimano; Loomis is owned by Shimano but operates independently.
  15. I will argue that magnetic brakes were not introduced for the beginning angler. They were, at the time, a technological advance in baitcasting reels. All of the top of the line baitcasters from Daiwa, Shimano and Abu (the major players in the baitcast game at the time) had magnetic brakes. The less expensive reels from these same three manufacturers had basic centrifugal brakes; non-adjustable two pin brakes. If a change in the braking system to inhibit overruns means it is for the beginning angler, the it follows that the Shimano digital control reels of today would be the ultimate beginner's reels. I don't buy it.
  16. The Ambassadeur was manufactured in 1978 (based on serial number). The 5600C was the first reel with a "Thumbar" spool release, before this reel, all freshwater free spool reels had a push button or lever (Heddon) that released the spool. The best way to get a value is to look at Ebay sales for similar reels. You have everything that would have came in the box except the leather case that the reel and accessories went in. BTW, that handle is not original, it is a "Hog Handler" aftermarket handle. This is a fairly common change to Amassadeurs of that time period.
  17. Yes, its just a preference thing when you are talking spinning or bait cast.
  18. Daiwa reels, with few exceptions - the Advantage inshore comes to mind, have magnetic brakes, including the $450 steez. The BPS and Pflueger reels, for the most part have Pinnacle designed Inertia or dual braking systems that are combination centrifugal and magnetic brakes. So you're statements that mag brakes are for beginners and only on less expensive reels is in error and misleading.
  19. Actually, they are both made in the same factory that manufactures Pinnacle reels and a number of other branded reels. If you compare features, especially the braking systems, you will find a lot of similarities. Most reels made in Korea and China are manufactured under contract in only a few factories, the exceptions being Daiwa and Shimano who own their own facilities.
  20. Jake P, You must have been working 24 hours a day for the last month (since you were certified to do inspections) in order to do "thousands of inspections).
  21. Dave don't like worm poop on his fingers. ;D
  22. It amazes me how many posts I see like this on different boards. As far as I'm concerned, this is no different than stealing. At some point, retailers are going to tighten up their return policies because of this type of fraud. Yes, I said fraud because that's what it is. As far as asking why you are returning an item, this is a legitimate question for a retailer to ask. There should be a reason; I don't see any signs in the stores that say "Free ten day trial". Buyers remorse shouldn't be a good reason for returning an item. If there is a problem with the product, the retailer wants to know so that they can make decisions about what prooducts to carry in the future.
  23. The clinch knot(single or double) is wrapped from the hook up the line, but the Berkly is wrapped the opposite way. You are correct. I didn't look close enough to the way the wraps were done.
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