Here is all i found so far.
I havnt unplugged anything since the last time it worked so i know its wired correctly.
what does it mean when the blue ring light is on but no other lights will come on and will not charge batteries?
asked 4 years, 6 months ago
on Bass Pro Shops XPS Intelligent Technology Series Onboard Marine Battery Charger - XPS iT 10/10
1 answer
answer 1
Battery(s) are not charging, Blue AC Power Light Ring, RED Charging and Battery Type LEDs are On Confirm all charger cables are installed with the correct polarity connections at each battery, and that all connections are clean and tight. Confirm that there are no Bank Trouble Status LED indicators on. If they are check the battery and battery connections at the battery indicated on the unit. Note: Incorrect wiring will result in reverse polarity or high reverse voltage, in the event this happens, the XPSiT Charger has been designed to not fail as a result, however it will cause the charger to "internally disconnect" and provide "no output" until the (reverse polarity) caused by putting the "Red" + lead on a - negative battery terminal)and/or the (high reverse DC voltage caused by taking one bank cable and spreading it across two batteries) is corrected, using the wiring diagrams as shown on pages 11-18. With the charger on, read DC voltage at each battery. If any of the readings are less than 13 Volts DC proceed with the following:
A. Disconnect AC power at the 120VAC outlet.
B. Go to pages 11-18 of this manual and confirm your XPSiT model charger is connected correctly as illustrated in the installation drawings.
C. Upon Completing B above; Plug your charger into AC Power and observe the LED center. Charger should be in the charging Mode (Charge Status Indicator should be Red). If after completing a full charge cycle, 10-12 hours or more for deeply discharged or completely dead batteries, the Charge Status Indicator should be Green and the Go Fish! indicator should be on as well as the Blue AC Power Light Ring.