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About frenzy

  • Birthday 01/19/1988

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    <p>Midland Michigan</p>
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  1. I heard somewhere that its a good idea to use a leader when using heavy braid when flippin/pitchin? Does anyone use like a 12 lb leader flourocarbon with like 20 lb briad?
  2. Thanks for the help. Good stuff.. I think I might try some lighter lines like mentioned. But I also am seriously thinking of switchig to some braid, probably the sufix performace braid. From the looks of it, the stuff I have been using is liked by many, so i'll always resort to seige if the braid doesn't work for me Thanks again for the input. -Frenzy
  3. Right now im struggling with line choices.. Theres so many choices and I was hoping some of you experts can lead me to some good stuff Currently, im using Sufix Seige 12lb on a Fleuger Echelon baitcaster with a 6'6 MH crank/spinbait rod. My other setup is Sufix Seige 18lb on a Quantum Energy baitcaster with a 7'0 H jig/worm rod. Are these line choices correct for what im trying to accomplish ? Is there anything else anyone could recommend me trying ? Such as some brand of braided ? Thanks for any help, Frenzy
  4. LOL. im soooo sorry that I did such a bad job making the list of boats. Kinda odd seeing the "other" getting so much attention. Whoops on my part. The main point still gettin acrossed though, seeing all the types of boats people use is very interesting.
  5. I am limited to the times I fish because unfortunatly. the huron bay freezes... I usually start hamemring bass a couple weekends before memorial day.
  6. That fish is a Notomigonus chrysoleucas, also known as a wild golden shinner. This fish occupies nearly all suitable water from the Atlantic Coast west through the Dakotas and Texas. This information was brought from a In-Fisherman magazine I had laying around. Vol. 29 No. 2 February 2004 Issue.
  7. ah.. gotcha, thx
  8. I dont even understand why he has the urge to reach in the gills. Its like hes trying to "fluff up" the fish or something to make it look bigger for television. I always try to handle bass with care but the bottom lip thing was a new one to me. Are you saying that with bigger bass, say over 5 lbs you should hand by the top lip?
  9. I guese I did a bad job picking out an even selection of options. Although it is interesting to still see what boat everyone uses.
  10. Select one, or if you own more than one pick what you own.
  11. Every year there is a two-to-three week period were me and my freind make a 10mile venture on a small aluminum boat to these islands on lake huron. This area contains a massive quantity of smallies but we always find trouble in catching them. There is a small channel that leads up through the center of the island into a docking area. On our way up the channel groups smallmouth frantically swim beneath us and are very spooky. We can run a jig through the center of the group but they just seem to ignore it and swim out the channel. In the docking area, we can see 20-30 smallies suspending a foot or so below the surface in a big group. Again, we cast lures through them and they either ignore it or swim away cause they get really spooked. What can we try to induce these fish into biting ? Is there anything that can catch these stuborn smallies, or are they just too set on getting out into deeper water after the spawning season. If you had experienced fishing for bass like this and found a way to catch them, please give some helpful hints or different ways to approach the situation. Thanks for any help.
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