Every year there is a two-to-three week period were me and my freind make a 10mile venture on a small aluminum boat to these islands on lake huron. This area contains a massive quantity of smallies but we always find trouble in catching them.
There is a small channel that leads up through the center of the island into a docking area. On our way up the channel groups smallmouth frantically swim beneath us and are very spooky. We can run a jig through the center of the group but they just seem to ignore it and swim out the channel. In the docking area, we can see 20-30 smallies suspending a foot or so below the surface in a big group. Again, we cast lures through them and they either ignore it or swim away cause they get really spooked.
What can we try to induce these fish into biting ? Is there anything that can catch these stuborn smallies, or are they just too set on getting out into deeper water after the spawning season.
If you had experienced fishing for bass like this and found a way to catch them, please give some helpful hints or different ways to approach the situation. Thanks for any help.