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Everything posted by TJS209

  1. Ducketts are nice I'd also look at Kistler KLX
  2. That's awesome!
  3. The fish are still there. What did you throw? What area of the lake did you fish?
  4. I use a swivel on flukes, carolina rig and big casting spoons.
  5. Congrats on the new bow! As far as tips... practice, practice, practice Don't take shots you're not comfortable making, you owe it to the animal to make as clean and ethical shot you can. This being your first year I would say limit yourself to like 20yd or closer (majority of my shots are around that 20 yard mark). Hunt the wind. Don't get caught up in all the gimmicks out there. All you really need is warm clothes, sharp BH's and LOTS of patience. Flex test those arrows before you shoot. If you're using a treestand wear a safety harness. If you're hunting the morning and considering calling it...give it 20 more minutes. Ha! You can read on the internet or watch hunting shows til you're blue in the face, nothing will teach you more than putting time in the field. Have fun and be careful. Good luck.
  6. NY may consider the T3 a barbed BH Here's a good link on tuning. http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthread.php?t=1606741 As others have stated though it might be another issue than just tuning.
  7. If you're BH's are hitting different than your FP's you need to BH tune your bow. PM me and I will send you a link on how to BH tune it's pretty easy. No matter what BH's I use I make sure that my BH's and FP's have the same POI.
  8. Mainly Slick Trick Standards but I also use grim reapers. One BH I've been wanting to check out is VPA vented and non-vented.
  9. I was up there a week and a half ago. We caught 50 or so. Majority were in that 2-3.5lb range. Caught some on Carolina rig, 6xd, and 10xd. Caught the most on 3/4 football jig. Fishing humps, ledges and underwater points. Caught in 18-25 FOW. Gotta put time on the water and have plenty of spots to check til you find some stacked up.
  10. Just bought my point the other day!
  11. We went yesterday afternoon for a few hours. Caught some fish on Texas rigged lizard, partner caught a nice one on a frog. Threw a trap and spinnerbait but no bites. Algae bloom is pretty bad right now.
  12. +1 on the Atlantic Mapping
  13. Anyone been lately? Tossing around the idea of fishing closer to home this weekend instead of heading up to Pickwick again.
  14. Been lurking for a little while. Thought I would go on and sign up. I'm a 30 year old angler from west TN that has been fishing as long as I can remember. Some great info on this forum!
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