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s freud

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  1. Tried this but it didn't work. Does the boat need to be in the water for a proper ground? I took the negative wire off the battery and attached it to a bolt into the boat. Actually tried two different bolts. No luck. I'm assuming I did something wrong.
  2. Went out Saturday and got skunked. I need to make better use of my new electronics.
  3. I feel like I still have some adjustments to make, but I think this is bass feeding on bait fish in some grass. Is that right? Anyone that can give me setting tips I would appreciate. I have a Helix 7 GN SI with HD transducer. What is this? Grass? No fish correct? I didn't have FishID on. Last one for now. I have no clue what this is, but it looks tall because it is casting a big shadow right? I don't see any fish either, do you?
  4. Would love to see this thread active again. I have learned a lot from previous posts. I finally got a decent unit that can now take screenshots, but I have lots of questions so will be posting them here. Once the water returns from the ice. The rest of you can share though!
  5. Cool pictures. Makes me miss the old screenshot thread.
  6. One more question, can I run the ground to the boat if I have an aluminum boat? A thread above made me wonder. Thanks again.
  7. So if I am following you correctly, I can just attach the black TM wire to one of these bolts on my TM quick release mount and I should be good. Correct? Thanks again for your help.
  8. Thank you for the help, but can you explain this further? What is the TD? How do I run a ground wire? There is only a black and red wire coming from the TM. Are you saying I should insulate the positive clip so the clip of the TM won't touch the clip from the FF? I don't understand how the positive clip would touch the negative clip? Wait, I think you are talking about my battery charging issue in this part. That now makes sense. Thanks for your help and patience.
  9. Did this and worked fine. Thanks! Any other tips for interference? I have seen posts where others run off the same battery without issue.
  10. So I bought a helix 7 SI this year and notice interference on the helix when I start the trolling motor. They run off the same 12 volt battery but cables are on different sides of the boat. I have a motorguide W55 wireless bow mount trolling motor (12 volt). I borrowed a buddy's battery and had no interference when running them to different batteries. I would prefer to run them to the same battery to save weight as I fish 9.9 limit areas and want to maximize my speed. I am in a basic 14 foot jon boat with no decking. Any ideas? Also, I saw on another thread you can try using a smaller batter for the finder. I found this one but do I need to be concerned about arcing when charging or using due to how close the terminals are? Or does an arc only occur if metal connects the two. There is a pic below of the battery with a penny for scale. Thanks guys!
  11. I got one last year and needed to buy a fuse.
  12. When I bought mine last year, the best I found was online at Wal-Mart. Bass pro had a $100 rebate and they matched Wal-Mart's price when I called.
  13. Weather yesterday was awesome. Please tell me someone got out there and killed them.
  14. Nice fish! Are you very Sun sensitive, or do you just prefer a wicking base layer? If so, what kind is that? Tight lines!
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