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Everything posted by Teal

  1. I always say go as light as conditions will allow you to go. That being said you don't have to throw a jig on 6lb test. I have a few jig rods and flippin rods that I throw jig on You will see that I use both floro and braid... Nice to have set ups of both. Jig rod 1 30# braid Jig Rod 2 14#floro Flip 1 50#braid Flip 2 20# floro
  2. The first jig fish is the hardest to catch... Now its all down hill.. keep pitching the jigs.
  3. Who would have thought that Raider would be the one with all the knowledge on fountain pens. Raider continues to amaze. Good stuff.
  4. I haven't seen Mr. Hite fish, so I can't comment but I have seen a 16 year old inexperienced angler catch 10 decent LMB with a shimano Clarus 6'8MH, F and he didn't miss or lose any. With a chattwrbait the weekend before last I'm not here advocating a rod brand, I'm just saying, for these purposes why not get a rod Luke mentioned above that can be used for anything and will do well with most .... Ill save the cranking rods for cranking baits
  5. People are getting too darn specialized. Whatever happened to using a 7'MH or. 7M for anything .... Glass rods ans Moderate fast graphites are too slow of a taper to quickly drive a big jig hook of a spinner bait or a chatter, jog or whatever... If u want a little more whip in the rod use a Med, but rod needs to be a xf or a fast tip This a situation where a standard jig and worm rod...aka the modern bass rod would be fine. 7mh,f or xf
  6. How my allergies are acting up. Physically tired of sneezing
  7. A secret of mine. I use It as a jig or a swim jig trailer...often...and its money. Another thing I do most of the tome when u fishing the toad is that throw it on a weighted hook... I like the extra weight being able to toss it further.
  8. On my mind, three days without a cigarette and people are going out of their way to tick me off. Ready to Karate Chop somone in the neck. In other news, with money I saved on cigs I bought couple new Bagley Crankbaits to replace the one that a gar smashed last week.
  9. Definitely on edge today. Was ready to stab my co workers. Gonna go fish for a couple hours. Maybe that will help
  10. That's right I said it. I'm done, I'm fed up with being a slave to something. I'm done with it draining my money and taking my time. And its the silent killer of my health.. how can I be a role model to young people around me when I'm doing this.... I quit smoking over the weekend. After finally "getting mad at it" and a lot of prayer I've been able to WANT to quit bad enough that it hasn't bothered me yet. I've been chewing a lot of gum. I am going have to lay off the coffee and beer for a while....coffee and a smoke was my thing. Yall keep me in your prayers. I've been smoking since I was 15 and this isnt gonna be easy
  11. Operator error or bad combo of rod and line for jig hook sets. Plenty of jigs of mine have gammy hooks and I don't have a problem. It sounds like you have a problem driving the hook home. The right rod and line coupled with a correct hookset should set you up so that when u set the hook, its in deep enough that the barb is the least of your worries. I cannot comprehend that the barb on the Gammy hook is causing you lose fish. Even if it is A reason, its not the only reason. I catch too many nice jig fish that have gammys to think that the barb is a issue
  12. Back in your tackle box #norattlesonmyjigs
  13. Good stuff Snook. Great story
  14. Remember its more about the rod than it is the reel.
  15. Find good used Alphas for 150 Lews TP run about 150 new and I can throw weightless worms... Make sure u have the right rod paired with it.
  16. Yeah Jeff, you do get a little discredited because you are the resident "little person". Just ribbing you bro, great catch! Wish I was there.
  17. I threw a tungsten jig for the first time this week...on braid... Man, that thump feels like a dang BAM BAM BAM ! Great feeling!!
  18. Hey man, I've been there, in the shoes you are in. In fact the man in question I had to deal with was my favorite employee under me and he was a personal friend. But at the end of the day, it is a business and when his personal decisions affect the workplace productivity and safety of all the other guy, he's gotta go. I told my guys after firing him that I care so much about them that I was not going to let one bring down the entire group..even of it was my best pal. I told them that they work too d**n hard to let one selfish person set everything back.
  19. Being a Stewart or a manager, foreman, supervisor or whatever is not about popularity or keeping traditions of a brotherhood. It about taking care of your employees and keeping them safe...making sure they are working safe and making safe practices. You want to be known as the man that will make the hard decisions to keep the safe.
  20. How much of that profit will go to the family if one of the employees gets killed behind this guy.... Do something with him. I would be very aggressive on this issue.. union or not, handle it. You have knowledge of the situation and are in a position that has the responsibility for it. Handle it before an employee gets hurt or killed.
  21. Screw being a rat... Being drunk at work is crossing the line. That is a violation that is beyond help. We are not talking smoking in non smoking areas or having your phone out, this guy has had two working incident that involve accidents and you said he is OBVIOUSLY drunk or impaired... Not cool. That in and of it self is a violation that I do not even think about turning my hack on... Dude either goes to rehab or to unemployment
  22. Its like this.... He's got to go. He gotta go somewhere, wheather its home for two weeks, go to rehab, or fired...he's gotta go. There's no place for it. Go to your supervisor. Its a fine line. I would even get one of his close friends to talk to him and let him know that he can go to the front office and admit he has a problem and needs help. If your company is like many here, he can do that and the company will get him help. Work places are unsafe enough, there is no place for it. I have fired guys for having on their breath... Find a way to get help or get rod of him
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