Happy Memorial Day Everybody.
Thank you for the day off from work.
Thank you for the bbqs and cookouts.
Thank you for making my lake a popular spot.
Thank you string bikinis and young ladies on boats.
Thank you for answering Gods call to serve.
Thank you for putting your self through Hell in boot camp.
Thank you for sacificing your time, talents and other dreams to serve.
Thank you for going into the scariest situations ready and willing to lay down your life.
Thank you for this selfless life changing sacrifice that you won't be appreciated for by everyone.
And while we are here enjoying this day meant for you, some of you haven't made it home yet, some of you will never make it home, and some of you are home but will not ever be the same.
Service to our country comes at a cost, thank you all that served for ignoring that cost, and giving the United States of America your best.