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Comfortably Numb

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Everything posted by Comfortably Numb

  1. Wow. Did not get to cold last night and today was sunny and 65*. Water temp was 49-50* and 55* in the shallows. Fish really turned on and the shallow light jig and Senko bite was great. Seemed to go from winter to pre-spawn behavior over night
  2. As said the forage fish is key. I forgot the ratio but you want/need alot more forage than predators.
  3. Water here has been 41-44* this winter. we just had three decent weather days around 60* air temp. Main lake today was 46*. Caught some fish today around shoreline in 4-6' on suspending jerkbaits. Last hour of fishing we found 48* in the very ends of the coves in 1-2' water. We killed them there on 1/8 oz jig and craw. Nothing big though and I suspect these fish were relatively shallow all winter.
  4. Btw, as far as lure for your shallow weedy lake. A Zoom Super fluke would be a great choice. Rig it weedless and twitch and pause.
  5. I am guessing its not a Pike, but a pickeral. I got a 24 incher last week while crappie fishing on the ultralight that was almost four pounds. You can reach in under the gill to lift them and then use pliers to remove the hook. Never reel in all the way to the rod tip. Leave 2-3 feet of line, and be carefull lifting it or you can break the rod top
  6. When I lived in NJ Firetiger was my favorite color. Not so much now that I live further south where there are less yellow perch in the lakes I fish.
  7. I hate to put down a product but it is what it is. I sent them an email so lets hear what they say about a suspending crank that highly floats.
  8. Got 4 today on the shallower running Shad, sort of LOL. All 4 came off After the first two misses, I sharpened the bronze hooks. Still missed the third with my normal crankbait reel set. Fourth I set the hook hard and still got off. I like this little bait and will change the hooks for sure. I used a 6'6" M spimming rod with braid and 10# flouro leader. Water is 46* and they hit after the pause.
  9. So I tried the lures today. Tried the shallow crank first which is supposed to suspend. Popped up like a bobber with no hint of suspendinf. Tried the deep crank and same deal. Tried the rattling Shads and they performed well. Tracked straight and suspended well. They should be a productive bait. Pretty disapointed in the cranks as I wanted a square bill that suspended. I will call Monday and see whats up with that.
  10. Which bait and I can reccomend you to a company. Those baits on Jaks site are from standard molds available to everyone. They look good and I would order from them if they have what you want. You could also order the mold and make them yourself. But that would cost you at least $200 to start up.
  11. Reminds me that I made this vid a while ago
  12. Put it in livewell, go straight to closest certified scale, get witness's, photos, measurments and a scale sample, release fish if still alive. If it dies, you did your best
  13. Depends on depth I like a 1/8 to 1/4 oz with small trailer like a baby rage in shallow (down to 6') cold water.
  14. Got the baits today. I got two cranks and two shads (one in each size). First impression is paint looks real nice and realistic. Bills seam sturdy. Bronze hooks are not my favorite. Cranks have no rattles (I assumed they had them). Therefore fairly light and probably better with spinning gear. Shads have rattles and are a little heavier. Weekend weather looks good so I will keep you posted how they suspend and fish.
  15. What baits in particular are you looking for?
  16. I would do a nice Pumpkinseed. and/or Crappie. Caught a bunch the other day that had amazing violet and blue hues on their backs. I think they would be challenging and show off your artistic abilities. Plus they are good fish catching colors you dont see too often.
  17. I have been fishing the 3" on a drop shot with good success
  18. I ordered a few to try and will keep you posted.
  19. I did already on the first page
  20. Anyone try these little suspending square bills? They look good for $5. http://bakerlures.com/suspending-crankbait-series/ The suspending shads look good too. http://bakerlures.com/suspending-shad-lures/
  21. Very nice. That looks like fun.
  22. I believe the red craze started in Texas where suposedly early craws are that color.
  23. I got an Acadamy H2O Xpress in the red color and added 8 suspend dots. 4 between bill and front hook and 4 behing front hook. They are stacked directly on top of each other. Bait still floats but only rises slowly. Went to a one acre 6' deep pond that I know has at least one 10 pounder in it. Didnt catch her but caught 8 small bass in a couple hours as well as 11 12" Crappie on the same bait. I fished it like a susspending jerkbait and most hits were on the pause. Water was about 42-44*. Anyway it gives me confidece to use it in the big lake. Are there any true suspending 1.5 squarebills?
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