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Comfortably Numb

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Everything posted by Comfortably Numb

  1. Good explanation. And dont forget suspending squarebills especially in cold water.
  2. American Shad. Aurora craw (ewd) kills em in spring http://www.luckycraft.com/luckycrafthome/Products/jerkbait/pointer100sp.htm
  3. Rage rigged 702 craw. I now use a twistlock hook though
  4. I really like the Gama Magic eye shorts http://www.gamakatsu.com/fishing-hooks.php?pid=1108 The idea of short shanks is you replace stock trebles with one size larger hook.
  5. Funny how I always here how great Wiggle Warts are but I never see them recomended when the "what crank" question comes up
  6. Weightless fluke would be my choice.
  7. Sometimes you feel stupid cause they wont bite anything. Try a douple fluke rig. Wacky senko too and suspending jerk. Sometimes NOT matching the bait makes yours stand out.
  8. ^^^^ This 2 tabs is usually standard. 3 tabs is what you want.
  9. They can lose their shape. Then you need to heat in hot water and lay them flat to go back to normal Cranks can bulge and split too
  10. Guys that hand inject Senkos recently have perfected a formula that is identical bait to Garys that are very durable.
  11. Bluegill Sexy Shad Chart black back Furetiger
  12. Do any of these smaller wake baits truly "wake" at any speed? All the ones I try go subsurface a foot or less Although big the SK wake shad is the best for me. Always stays on top and calls fish up. I also prefer a jointed for a wake bait.
  13. Magic Marker.
  15. I would think a bead would work too. I see no advantage to tungsten unless lead is not allowed in your state or punching.
  16. Good solid cranks. The sound thing is BS
  17. Pro anglers are more versatile. Local anglers are good on their home waters. Pros even consult with them. Hey look at Butch Brown. None are better at that style of fishing on his home Cali lakes. KVD in Michigan might be unbeatable.
  18. His son Bart is a hoot too
  19. LOL. He fishes private ponds for days and condeces it to 30 mins He was good in the early days but not dominate.
  20. As said water will prob be way too murky. I would throw Carolina rig on heavy braid.
  21. Used to fish NE PA Poconos area. Did best in Shallow weedy lakes and ponds in summer. Tons of fun Pickeral and good bass on the wood. We liked Shohola Falls. The Pack was pretty tough in summer. Guess that doesnt answer your Central PA question. Tried any rivers?
  22. You can find some hidden bodies of water on google earth. In your case find it there and go back on the history and see if it has been there a while. I found a decent sized pond that feeds our lake that way. It is on private land and I am trying to find out who owns it to get permission I also would try a worm and bobber. Frog is good idea too if you can cast to it. Senko or worm with light weight can be counted down to approximate the depth I reccomend going with a partner and being very carefull if you wade in. Mud can suck you up.
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