Yes the Pre-rap have a slightly cupped bill which produced the saught after hunting action. (like a Scatter Rap
Pre rap will say "Wiggle Wart" under the bill, on the belly, or very eary ones had it stamped on the right side of the belly.
They had a visible seam which ran down the top and belly
They came painted lip which is harder plastic and has a higher pitched louder multiple rattle sound
Clear lip which has a deeper one knocker sound which is not as loud.
Clear lip suspending which has yet another style of rattle chamber.
ALL Pre Rap Warts have rattles. With the clear bills the rattle (lead) can get stuck. A serious whack/beating with the rubber handle of pliers on each side of belly can free them up. These things can take a beating and wont crack.
Earlies Pre Rap packaging was a clear hard plastic case.
Next came the soft plastic pack with the Red label.
Then the soft plastic pack with the Blue label.
Some suspending and SP (special production) colors came in a bubble pack which came with Susspendots.
The came the Post Rap Warts which they "improved" quality and they "fixed" the problem of them not running straight (hunting).
The new molds smoothed out the belly and back seam, and flatend the bill
They say "Storm" under the bill.
First generation Post Rap boxes were yellow cardboard "coffins" with clear cover. Some if not all of these baits had a bent down type of lip.
Then they went back to the soft plastic pack with the Blue label. But this time they added "Original Series" to the label. This was comfusing as these "Original Series" are actually the undesireable Post Rap Warts.