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Comfortably Numb

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Everything posted by Comfortably Numb

  1. I drew this up for you. Hope it helps. You would need five eyelet to eyelet battery cables from aotoparts store.
  2. Make sure the transducer is low enough in the water (in the water at ALL times). It cant come out when you lean or it will leave a verticle line. Maybe that is what you are seeing?
  3. As said Gene Larew made salt baits all the rage ions ago. People still believe it. Now I believe it is used as a filler to make baits weaker so you buy more. I dont see it making fish hold on any longer.
  4. I cant believe J Franco and I agree on something . PopMax and Ima Roumbe if you topeater fish. I couldnt live with out them.
  5. Fish see red better in shallow water. Blue better in deeper water. So water depth is how I would choose.
  6. I found color in stick baits makes no difference. Fish what gives you confidence
  7. The Baker Lures squarebulls have unique and realistic Sunsish paintjobs. Only squarebills made that truely susspend. Killers in the spring. http://bakerlures.com/suspending-crankbait-series/ The guys that do airbrushing and photo imaging on baits are amazing. Check out on Facebook... Bass Baits Buy and Barter and Custom Bass Baits Chain Pickeral a guy did for me on a KO 110 blank.
  8. Your title and question are different. Are you talking down imaging, side imaging or both. Best at the moment IMO are the Garmin 7600xsv series. Best bang for the buck HB Helix Best intermediate screen size Garmin 93sv
  9. Lucky Craft Stacee is the deep suspending jerkbait you want. Goes about 8' and suspends great out of the box. River2Sea Fetch deep is great quality and performance and half the price.
  10. CRS squarebills are great
  11. I am putting this here so more people will see it. Its very easy and anyone can do it. The possibilities are endless. This is not my idea and I am not trying to take credit for it. UV Tightlines gave me the idea. Should be killer on bedding bass How about a stick with bleeding gills?
  12. Fish dont think "hey why is that craw swimming that way with a shiner above it?" They see most baits as food in general and wont miss out in trying to eat it. If its in there lake and fits in their mouth its food My lake has no craws and bass kill jigs. Trout swimbaits work great in lakes with no trout, etc. If its a color that the fish will see in the water parameters you have, go with it.
  13. Sold my HDS8 and waiting for my Garmin to come in. Nothing special but I havn't fooled with this unit in a while.
  14. 3/8 Arkie head.
  15. TS3 switch is $65 Extra transducer $200+ Keep that in mind
  16. If you dont mind a 4.3" screen here is best unit on the market. Best down Vu. Great sonar and best maps. https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/on-the-water/fishfindergpscombos/echomap-43dv/prod148124.html#gallery-dialog
  17. https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/on-the-water/fishfindergpscombos/echomap-73sv/prod169422.html
  18. Best unit for the money. 7" screen https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/on-the-water/fishfindergpscombos/echomap-73sv/prod169422.html
  19. Depends if you just bang the banks or fish deeper.
  20. GPSMap 7608xsv. 8" touch screen. GT-50 transducer with 4way chirp (sonar, downVu, Right SideVu, Left SideVu) They are still not quite available but hopefully this month. Hopefully as good as the reviews.
  21. I wonder how that 2" blue foam would work?
  22. To go to a 24v system you would need to buy a new 24v trolling moter. Best bet it to get another battery and run it in parralel. Very easy to do this. See pic. Get two battery cables with an eyelet at each end from an auto parts store the length you need
  23. I would think anything home made would be rather heavy. I would find a 10' jon on craigslist
  24. An old timer told me when the dogwoods bloom fish are on the bed.
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