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Everything posted by hendrix190

  1. I recently got a new boat. And mounted a brand new motorguide x3 65lb thrust. It runs great and powerful but I was surprised when I first turned it on at the lake at out loud this trolling motor is. Not the mount making noise shifting around or anything. Just the noise from the motor running. I haven't fished a motorguide in prob 10 years, as the last few boats I've owned I had minnkotas on. So I was shocked at how loud this one is. I pretty much have no confidence when fishing with this trolling motor. In my mind it scares away any fish within a 40 yard radius of the boat lol. My question is, Is there anyway to quiet this trolling motor? I'd like to get it as quiet as a minnkota. Maybe use a different prop?. Are there any options, before I have to pull this trolling motor off and drill more holes into my deck to mount a minnkota, cuz I doubt the mounting bolts are located the same as a motorguide.
  2. Hi, i just bought a brand new calcutta 400B for throwing swimbaits. Today i brought it fishing and it rained, like pouring rain for hours. I guess i had the reel on the deck on my boat upside down, and when i picked it up alot of water came out of 2 tiny holes in the bottom of the reel. If you look at the reel from the bottom, there is a hole directly on the bottom of each side plate. I guess alot of water got in there. My question is, is there any danger in water getting in the reel like that and either rusting the internal components or washing away grease and oil? And if so how do you allowed water gettin in there exspecially when you rinse this reel off?/ thanx
  3. alright but what about it takes alot more effort to turn the handle when the spool is touching the non crank side plate. If there is slack in the spool and it is all the way to the left/touching the non crank side plate then it is alot less smooth and actually takes more effort to turn the handle. Is that normal?
  4. It sounds like the spool was rubbing agaisnt something. I notice that there was slack in the spool. thats why when i rotated it with the crank side down there was no noise, but when i rotated it with the crank side up it made alot of noise, because the spool was all the way agaisnt the non crankside plate. So i figured it has to do with the spool touching something inside of the reel on the non crank side. After i took it apart and cleaned the spool and everywhere the spool touches on the non crank side. I noticed a tiny nick/gouge on the inside of the spool, its right where the the non crank side plate touches the spool. I took a picture to show yall, its terrible quailty but u can see where the nick is located. it u look right below the middle brake ull see a small black dot right in that circle on the outside of the brakes. Could this be causeing the noise?
  5. Hi i have an older revo toro 5.4:1 ratio reel(right handed). I bought it off of a guy on Ebay that said it was a new reel. It turned out to be a display that im sure people have been rough on for years. After the intial aggravation from the ebay seller not telling me this info, i figured i needed to get it serviced. Because it was making alot of noise and wasnt very smooth. It probably have old grease in it i assumed. At first i serviced it myself and it was alittle better then when i got it. But i was not satified,so i took it to a professional to have him service it. He serviced it and i just got it back today. The reel is smoother than before i brought it to him but now it is making alot more noise. After playing around with the reel i realized that the reel makes no noise at all and is perfectly smooth when it is held with the crank side rotated all the way down(reel rotated to the right with the crank side pointing directly at the ground). And when you operate the reel while rotating the reel back to the original posistion(Crank side pointed directly to the right) it starts making noise, and the further the keep rotating the reel counter clockwise it makes more and more noise and gets less smooth. To where when the crank side is pointing directly up to the sky it makes a ton of noise and is totally not smooth at all. I was wondering if anyone knows what is causing this to happen. If its something simple it would probably to easier for me to fix it myself then bringing the reel back to the guy that serviced it. Thanx
  6. thanx guys, thats what it is. And yea i just left it alone. Im gonna have to read up on them cause i dont see how that bearing keeps the anti reverse from slipping, lol
  7. there is a part on the crank side plate that looks like its press into the side plate. Its where the crank goes through the side plate. It is a cylinder with a bunch of small metal rods in it. I guess it works simialar to a ball bearing to help the crank spin with less resistance. I cant find what it is called. But im servicing my reel and i need to know if you lubercate that part with oil or grease. It looks like it had grease it in but i just wanna make sure before i grease it. Thanx
  8. alright thanx for the explaination!
  9. i just bought a new ambassadeur 6600 bcx that i was gonna use for swimbait fishing, i was playin around with it and testing how strong the drag is by holdin my thumb on the spool , turning the handled and tryin to hold the spool from turning, and it seemed very strong, so i was curious and looked up the max drag on the reel which is 12.5 pounds. Seemed low to me because i remembered seeing my quantum kinetic max drag was 18 pounds. I orginally thought max drag was : example (if the max drag is stated to be 12.5 pounds then with the drag set as tight as possible it would take 12.5 pounds to make the reel let out line) now im thinking that im wrong about that cuz it seems hard to believe that a small low profile reel like a quantum kinetic would have a stronger drag system then a ambassadeur 6600. Can someone plz correct me or explain to me what (max drag) means.
  10. i got one recently, its my fav reel, very smooth, i use it for a finesse application, casting and pitching 1/8 ounce lures, but im sure it would work just as well with heavier lures
  11. ive caught several alligators, turtles, snakes, eels, a bullfrog, a house cat, a couple sharks, a sea gull( it was like flying a kite on a fishing rod) , a duck, a dolphin, the wierdest though, which is similar to another posters on the thread was one day when fishing with my gf, she casts, unknowing at that very moment a large domesticated duck comes flying from behind to directly infront of us at probably 40 mph. My gf saw it at the last mintue and engaged the reel to hopefully stop the lure from meeting the duck. It was too late the lure landed directly on my ducks back and snagged it. This was a very strong duck, hooking it didnt slow it down one bit, it kept flyin and ran all the line outta my gfs reel then broke it where it was tied to the spool.
  12. i did read the first part, but i havent seen the second part of the review, thanx for post that.. after reading the results, makes u wonder if flourocarbon is any better than just using mono...wut really bothers me is that flouro gets deformed when strained, does it weaken as well?? i fish in thick cover, i have to break off 2 or 3 worms when snagged each fishing trip, wut the hell is happening to my line when i do that?
  13. i kinda wanted to stay away from braid, and i concidered tatsu but i couldnt get over the price, lol, what do u guys think about 12 pound test for soft plastics? is it strong enough for the impact of a powerful hookset? i would probably beable to cast farther and it wouldnt be as stiff, but i wonder if its strong enough
  14. Knowing close to nothing about flourocarbon i bought a spool of berkely vanish. At first it seemed fine except the fact it took several trys tieing a knot to get it to hold without breaking. I did however know that certain knots worked better with flourocarbon than others. So after researching and trying every (flourocarbon approved knot) unsuccessfully, i came to the conclusion that the knots were not the problem it was the line itself. After fishing with it a few more times the line started breaking at various places and the knot tieing got worse, it would take up to 10 trys to get a knot to hold. I decided to start researching flourocarbon brands. Turns out berkely vanish is one of the worse brands, i did find otheres that had very good reviews. Seaguar invizx, p-line 100% flourocarbon were 2 that caught i eye. So i went and picked up a spool of seaguar invizx flourocarbon in 15 pound test. The knot tieing seems alot better, but this line seems really stiff. Doesnt cast very well when casting light lures. The fluorocarbon is going on my fienesse rod and reel. Its a 6'10" medium falcon bucoo micro rod, and a quantum tour edition pt baitcasting reel. I cast very light lures, mainly ill be casting a 4 3/4" zoom finesse worm wieghtless. It wieghs around 1/8 ounce. So i need a line that has a very small diamaiter and isnt too stiff so i can cast it very far, yet i would like it to be atleast 14 pound test. I need the line to have very little stretch, small diamaiter and plyable so it can cast far, and have good knot strength, something that doesnt take 10 trys to get a knot to hold and doent have much memory. Prefeably flourocarbon, but a low stretch mono would work too. I know this is alot to ask from a line. But if anyone knows of a line that has these qualities plz give me some suggestions. Thanx
  15. i did some more research and i found the reel made by spiderwire/mitchell, its called a spidercast. it comes in low profile baitcasters of different models as well as spinning reel models. ive read the reviews on the reel and people say the crossweb feature really doesnt prevent the line from digging in like the company claims. theres alot of pictures of them if u search "spidercast baitcaster" on google image search. it looks like a pretty cheaply made reel. thanx for the comments though and i would like to see the info on the high dollar japanesse reel yall were refering to if anyone can find it.
  16. Ive used braided superlines a few times, i see many benefits and many problems with them. One major problem ive had with the braided line is the line under alot of tension tends to dig into itself on the spool caused by the small diameter of the string. So ive always gone back to mono and flourocarbon. I would like to use the braided line if there was a reel that was made specificly for laying the line on the spool in a way that would allow lots of tension on the line without it digging in. Now i remember as a kid watching fishing shows and seeing spiderwire commercials come on. I think i remember them advertising a baitcasting reel that had a crossweb feature that the line would be layed in a way to prevent the digging in(maybe im wrong and it was only a spinning reel). I dont think they ever explained it but i assumed it would have to be a reel with a superfast level winder to put the line on crossing eachself on the spool(i could be wrong). Ive spent alot of time tryin to research this on the internet and havent found much of anything. No info on these reels or single picture of them. Ive looked at the spiderweb website and they dont make reels or have any info about them. Im assumeing these reels didnt do too well on the market and pretty much vanished. I did read an article that said the crossweb feature was patented. But why would the company patented it and not produce reels with the feature. Does anyone remember these reels or have any info about them. And are there any reels out there that lay the line on the spool in a way to prevent the line from digging in?
  17. this is what ive heard noodling is also
  18. whats funny is that years and years ago, the goal of fishing was to catch fish to bring home and eat, but everyone acts like that never existed, with all the catch and release now a days the goal of fishing has switched to just the challenge of being able to catch them... which isnt a bad thing, all im sayin is its not gonna hurt anything to eat some of the fish u catch, its not like bass are an endangered species or anything... i eat alot of bass, and ive eaten almost every species of fish that live here, and i think bass is probably one of the best eating freshwater fish.
  19. alot of people jerk the bait then on the pause they just let slack in the line, and watch for the line to move, but most the times i like to jerk the lure, then on the pause reel in the slack just enough to where ur line is fairly tight with no slack, but loose enough not to pull the lure forward. ull feel a thump on the line and u just pull back on them with the rod if they hit it on the pause , (but if they hit it on the jerk then its different).. but sometimes u wont feel the bite at all, ull just feel pressure on the end of the line if they are just staying still, but u wanna make sure its a fish on the line before u pull back, and make sure its not a log ur just hung up on,
  20. Hey, thats some pretty good cyperin' Mr Wizard! I think when my welfare check comes in I'll let you balance my checkbook. Lets break it down another way: I'm 58 years old, have been fishin' since I was about 5. Didn't start throwin' spinners until I was 12 or 13, though; still my Wally World calculator says thats just about 45 years. Now, 69.4 hours over 45 years is less than 2 hours a year throwin' spinners. And don't forget I lived on a lake for 15 of those years. Well, yeah - IF you were buying all 500 at Bass Pro today. In the sixties - when gas was 20 cents a gallon - spinners didn't cost $2.75. And you can get 'em at Academy for less than 2 bucks a pop as someone pointed out a few posts back (guess you didn't READ that one). I've probably spent about $500 over the years on spinners, which isn't much when you factor in the $40,000 bass boat I just bought - 8 fish so far which works out to about $5000 each. Partly because I was young and stupid. Partly because spinners are a lotta fun to throw, even though they don't produce for me. Anyways, you never answered the original question - have YOU ever caught anything on a spinner? Or are you saying you haven't thrown 'em 10,000 times yet? As for the rest of you naysayers - I suggest you READ the posts in this thread. There are folks other than me who haven't gotten spinners to produce, as well as others who have. To those people who offerred advice I sincerely thank you, I'll try some of your suggestions. To the people with pithcers of fish they've caught on spinners I say, nice fish! To the rest I say...Well, lets just let that'n go... ok since when has the goal of fishing been to have fun casting a bait and reeling it back, i have always thought the goal of fishing was to catch fish???? now if ur casting a bait and reeling it back in with the intentions of actually trying to catch a fish and not just having fun throwing and reeling the bait back then that is understandable.. i just dont understand y a person would want to use a bait that they have no intentions of tryin to catch fish on but rather just enjoy useing a lure that they think they have no chance of catching anything on..... if this is the case then ur not really fishing at all, just casting and retreive a lure, and u mine as well just cut the hook off of the lure, since the hook might snag a log or something and ruin ur fun of casting and retreiveing, or better yet just cast and retreive in a swimming pool where u are sure not to get hung up on anything
  21. " any body ever caught a bass on a spinnerbait?' dude asking that is like asking if anyone has ever hit a baseball with a baseball bat while they were playing baseball.......... spinnerbaits are like one of the most popular bass lures ever, and they are for a reason its not just all hype.. if u wanna be a complete fishermen and be prepared for every possible fishing situation u need to learn how to use every lure, not just a few u have alot of confidence in.. i know its hard to sit there and countiue to throw a lure that u havent gotten any success with and dont beleive u ever will, but once u catch a few on it, u might get alittle bit of confidence in the lure. maybe u should try using a spinner bait in a lot of different lakes or rivers or whatever, im sure the fish will bite it somewheres.
  22. hey i wonder if this is the robo fish???? http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7884104232255053336&q=fish&pl=true
  23. Buy fishing gloves if all you want is to "lip" them. The bigger spikes are just as sharp but easier to avoid. There is a whole mess of people on the Mississippi who fish for Cats with bare hands. No rods, reels or bait. So a glove is not required, but it will save your "SKIN" well if u want to wear gloves thats cool it really wouldnt hurt to try to protect ur hand, i dont think i really need them though, ive had catfishing trips where ive lipped over a hundred of them without doing too much damage to my thumb or hand. and in my experince with larger catfish is their fins are more dull than the smaller ones, but maybe thats cause its a different species then a channel cat, i mainly catch blues, and flatheads, and some channels...
  24. so whats the deal here, we got conflicting information??? anyways, i just lip catfish like u do a bass, and the really big catfish, their fins arent as sharp as teh small cats, so the small cats are actually more likely to stab u with its fin.
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