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Everything posted by JeziHogg

  1. I really want to see a size comparison to a Chronarch or Core 50
  2. Hands down Tatsu is the best all around fluoro, and like stated above just back the spool with cheap mono and fill the last 50-60 yards of the good stuff (You wont need anymore). For cheaper fluoro carbon AbrasX is good for 95% of fishing techniques. As for crankbait fishing I'd recommend Invisx because of the stretch factor it has. PS Get yourself some KVD Line and Lure to treat your spools while you're putting the line on your reel. Then the night before also give your spool a good spray down.
  3. I think people use spinning reels mostly because of how much cheaper it can be. A "Finesse baitcaster can run easily $350+ as apose to a cheap spinning reel taht can do the exact same thing. Also spinning reels have the option of just opening the bait and letting your lure just sink, with a baitcaster you have to take all the tension off the spool control knob.
  4. Think the total weight is over 3/4oz for the bait and weighted hook?
  5. Found en, very nice looking bait. How much you reckon a 4/4.5 inch version of either one of these baits weighs?
  6. I looked for the shadalicious, all TW and BPS online have are the swim n shiner.
  7. So the "Actual size" category on TW is the real size of them?
  8. You might be setting the hook prematurely. Try to give it a 2-3 count before you set the hook so the fish can get in its mouth.
  9. Looking at them on TW, it says the 5" is actually 4"? What's up with that. Also I've read some reviews that they don't swim very good? I'm specifically looking to buy the 4" (Actual length is 3.5") and 5" (Actual length is 4").
  10. You really had to post this?? The ice doesn't leave here until like the beginning of April.
  11. On a side note, What kind of Fluro are you using lol....
  12. Looks cool, but I wont buy one until there is a 50 size. I don't feel like fishing with a reel the size of a tank.
  13. Personally I like the Poison Tail.
  14. You can strap it to the handle of your net right infront of the basket to get some cool shots.
  15. Cheap stuff: Seaguar InvisX (has ALOT of stretch) Expensive: Tatsu (Best fluoro on the market imo)
  16. Lowest I got is .16mm on a Aldebaran BFS w/ an upgraded spool and on my LTZ with the super shallow spool.
  17. Very nice collection. I on the other hand put all my cranks and jerks in there own space, I'd go banana's trying to get them out and having the hooks tangled.
  18. Take the split ring off, use a Norman speed clip.
  19. Honestly, go with SK's. They work and they're pretty cheap even when upgrading the hook. You have to remember to use a crank bait properly you have to throw them and deflect them off of some structure and cover, therefore loosing baits. Why get a super expensive on like a Megabass when you will eventually loose it.
  20. LTB Big Cranker IMO is the best cb rod out there.
  21. 1.Patience 2.Patience 3.Patience
  22. None, I use my returns to top up my mutual funds every year so when I retire at 45, not only will I have my pension, I'll have tons of money just sitting around aswell.
  23. I'm really intrigued, Id love to see some final product.
  24. So you're melting the plastic then putting the tungsten powder into it, then pouring?
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