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Everything posted by jbsoonerfan

  1. This might be too long to read, and I will probably be all over the place, but I have an opportunity that will change my life and my kids lives. As many of you know I am a teacher. I have been teaching at the same school I started at and graduated from. During my time there (16 years), I coached for 12 years and coached all sports and ages. I got out of coaching in the school so I could focus on coaching my girls teams instead. Next year all my girls will be in middle school so me coaching them is almost over. I had expressed interest to my superintendent about getting back in to coaching. He called me in his office last month and asked if I wanted to coach JR high softball. At my school every JH head coach is the assistant HS coach. I thought this was perfect. I went back in the next week to talk a bit more about it and he said it would not be asst HS. I explained to him that in just 2 years I would have 2 girls in HS so it wouldn't make sense for me to be stuck in JH and not getting to watch them. He said he would see what he could do and it would be voted on during the May board meeting. Well, they only had 3 board members show up in May so they couldn't vote. During all this time I had a couple people who's kids play for me but don't attend school here in my ear about a job at a school that is 11 miles away. This school has been VERY successful the last few years and it is an excellent school. They were telling me that they were looking to hire an asst JH and asst HS softball coach. I had been telling them there was no way I would leave my job. This past Monday I went back in and talked to my superintendent and he didn't really act like he was certain about anything till the June board meeting. Well, that didn't sit well with me so I sent my resume to this other school on Monday evening. They called on Tuesday and I met with them today. They offered me asst JH and HS softball, a wildlife class, they are going to let me start a track program and they are going to beat my current salary. They actually wanted me to take the job on the spot, but I told them I would have to talk to my wife. They would like to know by Monday. I am the first person they interviewed and they said they knew I was who they wanted. This is by far the biggest decision I have ever had to make. Whatever decision I make, I just hope it turns out to be the right one.
  2. I bet that dog lived one of the best lives a dog could ever live. He was just as equally as lucky to have you as his owner as you were to have him. Live in peace knowing you gave him the most love anyone could have. I guarantee he loved you just as much. Dogs are special. So sorry for your loss.
  3. Sometimes going straight to the source first, is better than asking a bunch of "yahoos" like us.
  4. For an almost $400 rod, I would waste my time and take my chances. They might just take care of you.
  5. You need one of those helmets that hold beer with a straw. It's really hard to drink beer and use a zero turn. When I bought mine the guy told me it would cut my mowing time in half, little did he know I would have to take a break every 30 min to drink a beer.
  6. Too many to list.
  7. That's awesome! Let me know if you ever need some gas money or something to help with new blades or anything.
  8. I'm taking a break from mowing and checking on my jerky, as I was mowing I got to thinking about if I hate it or love it. What about you? I mow about 2.5 acres and I can honestly say I don't hate it, but I don't love it either. I do however love having a nicely fresh cut yard. I cannot stand when it starts to get tall. We have had a lot of rain so my yard is overdue. After looking at what I have mowed vs what I haven't I realize just how bad it was. Anyway, that was just one of my random thoughts. I know some people absolutely hate it and others who love it. Where do you stand on mowing?
  9. I guess I didn't answer this way back in 2008, that being said, I will keep a few farm pond fish to eat every once in a while.
  10. Very cool!
  11. Best part about it is if you can get 4 or 5 guys to go it turns out pretty cheap and there is no work involved to have enough fish to last a long time.
  12. One of the best ways a man can spend his money is to take a guided striper trip. Never been disappointed.
  13. I watched it earlier today. When he said that word, I would hope I would have just left. If not, I know I would have regretted my actions. Sometimes it's just not worth it. He handled it much better than I probably would have after words were exchanged.
  14. And now the combined age of the top 2 anglers is 3 years younger than Shaw Grigsby. LOL
  15. Sometimes it's not worth it. I was riding with my wife the other day and a guy cut her off, almost hitting her and he had the audacity to honk and flip her off. I stuck my hand out the window and flipped him off. He pulled in to a convenience store and I told her to pull in. She said it wasn't worth it. I'm glad she is smarter than I am.
  16. I had a talk with my girls after practice today. Sometimes I just ramble and they probably don't listen to half of what I actually say. But, today I said something that I probably needed to hear more than they did. I told them they needed to control what they can control. I told them that 99% of the time the only thing you can control is your attitude. You can choose to be positive and a good teammate, or you can choose to be negative and a bad teammate. No matter what happens on the field, you can ALWAYS be a good person. I have been sitting here thinking about what I told them and I decided that I should apply that to my everyday life. We wake up each morning and we make a decision as to what kind of "teammate" we are going to be. I am as guilty as the next person of getting upset or mad (sometimes rightfully so) at someone in the grocery store or wherever. But, I am going to try my best to be positive from here on out. I know most of you guys are great people who probably treat people with respect, but just think about it the next time you want to be rude or dismissive to someone. I might have just made this post to remind myself to be a better person on a daily basis.
  17. Day 1 for group B, group A fished yesterday and for probably the first time in BPT history the top two anglers combined age is over 120 years old. LOL
  18. And we're off. I did a simple recipe this time. I had 2lbs of roast sliced. I told them pretty thin asthat is the type I prefer, well they got it thin lol. Hopefully not too thin. I did equal parts soy and worcestershire (10 oz) Tsp garlic powder Tsp onion powder Tsp salt Tsp pepper Dash of cayenne pepper I put the meat in the marinade about 4 yesterday and got them out about an hour ago. I did cracked black pepper on them and set the Traeger at 180 degrees. Hoping for the best.
  19. That's tough. I would think something cheap (which rules out Senko) and I would also guess it's readily available at a lot of stores (including Wal Mart). That being said, my guess is a Zoom or Culprit. Either a baby brush hog or a 7.5" worm.
  20. @schplurg That's awesome! Congrats on your new journey and best of luck to you!!!!
  21. Yep, there are a lot of times when you Google something some of the top answers are links to BR. Second thing listed here.
  22. I will have it sliced. Either out of sirloin or a roast.
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