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Everything posted by jbsoonerfan

  1. Big difference in a $10 crank and a $2 jig, and I agree with you. Some guys on here fish in ponds with fountains and the pond gets mowed around and they have a little bit of grass to deal with, so it's no big deal for them. I have fished places that you would get a trap hung up 7 out of 10 times. I understand what you are saying.
  2. Nothing to be afraid of if you strictly fish open water. I could take you to a couple places were you would have a hard time throwing a lipless, squarebill, jerkbait, etc. I think he's more afraid of hanging up as opposed to hooking himself. At least that's how I read it.
  3. When I was tethered to the bank, I had the same thought. Now that I can be on the water, I throw them every trip.
  4. Any color jig with a white trailer, I jest. But I do like to use white when specifically trying to fish on a bed.
  5. 20 hours in 9 years. You bought it without even knowing if it started?
  6. That's an open ended question that will lead to a lot more questions. What year is it? When was the last time it was run? How often was it used? Stored inside or outside? When was the last time gas was put in it? The more information you can give, the better answers you will get. There are a lot of helpful guys that hang around here.
  7. I don't know what a Milliken or a Zark is, so I will take you guys word for it on those.
  8. Looks like a GIANT in ^^^^^ picture for sure!
  9. Here we go.........
  10. When I read the title I immediately thought a ML would be best for the job but what you described isn't what I would call finesse. In your case, I would lean toward the M if you want it to pull double duty but I am not a fan of throwing Texas Rigs on M rod. I would just go MH and only throw Texas Rigs with it if it were me.
  11. Ha, totally forgot about him. Not a fan for a number of reasons, but I won't pot that here.
  12. I would opt for 15 or 20 lb braid on a ML rod with a leader if you prefer. I think your odds greatly increase with these two changes.
  13. The only ones I can thin of are John Crews or Hank Cherry, but I don't know that either of them use a semi. Edit: Lee Livesay has Whiskey Myers as a sponsor, but they are a band. Also, I didn't know guys used semi's to haul their truck and boat.
  14. Sounds like you are choosing the wrong technique for the cover. I let the area I am fishing determine my line and rod type more than anything. No sense in throwing a 1/16 oz ned rig on 6 lb line in a stump field trying to catch a 10 lber.
  15. Hype, I don't see a lot of hype for this bait, but I have had great luck with the Big Bite Baits BFE and I have only had them a little over 2 months and only been out a handful of times with them. I think they are going to be a major producer for me this year.
  16. With the right line, I think it could. I don't know exactly how light you mean, some weights are better left to spinning reels any way.
  17. The PA 6'11 M+ is great for 1/8 & 3/16, but if you get up above that I would go with the 7'3 MH PA if you are leaning that way. Not only will the 6'11 M+ throw those well but it is very versatile so you could use it for a number of techniques.
  18. Interesting question, some days it seems like I am intentionally avoiding them as well.
  19. I have the 7'2 H & 7'3 XH Expride rods. I would think the H should handle both, I use it for Frogs and I use the XH for punching grass.
  20. I would guess so as well.
  21. I don't know if you are dead set on Largemouth or where in Texas you are located, but if I just wanted to take them fishing and to have a good time I would look for a Striper trip.
  22. You can get a Roku, Firestick, etc that just plug into your HDMI and use one of those.
  23. We have DISH and I want to get rid of it, but we just can't get internet service that can keep up enough. We are on our 4th different service provider and none of them have ever been able to run a program that uses a streaming service with everything else that is connected to them. We have 5 Smart TV's, 2 printers, 6 Cell Phones, 2 PS 4's and 4 laptops that all need to be connected. Even when most of those are not in use it is very inconsistent while trying to watch anything. Not only that, but most of them have monthly limits and we can blow through that pretty quickly. We are on a 100gb a month plan right now and we use that up in about 20 days. Of course, I do try to watch MLF and BASS on my laptop so I know I use a lot while doing that. I have tried exterior antennas but I am in a valley and surrounded by trees and the "local" stations are about 65 miles away and I can't get reception to them. I just can't bite the bullet yet and get rid of it.
  24. I agree with the time of year and water temp as to how it effects me. Also, the amount of time I spend fishing plays a role. If I run to the lake for a couple hours after work in December when the water is 42 degrees and I blank, I don't let it bother me too much. On the flip side if I am fishing in March and the water is 58 degrees and I fish 8 hours and only catch 2, then I feel like I did something wrong. One is a skunk, while the other is not. However, those are totally different in my mind.
  25. Which must be related to the "Cheap stuff is just as good Chimpanzee"
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