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Everything posted by jbsoonerfan

  1. I think what I like most about Hank and what really made me a fan of his; was after he caught a fish one time he said "This is for you (enter his Son's name here)" I know that my Son is my life and I would do anything to make his life the best I can. I could tell that Hank feels the same about his Son because he was trying to win to help provide his Son the best life he can. I realize it's not all about money, but we all know that being financially stable sure makes everyday life easier.
  2. Almost as irritating as when people tag their own name when they create a new post.
  3. I agree. When Jack Nicklaus was asked if he thought Rory was struggling because he switched to NIke clubs, he said that the best golfers in the world are the best because of their ability, not their equipment.
  4. Oakley Polarized Gascans here
  5. While Cliff Pace might be boring to some, I would much rather see him show no emotion as opposed to IKE and act like a complete idiot and spit and cuss. I really liked watching Brandon P and Hank Cherry. They showed emotion, but it wasn't over the top.
  6. I was having the same problem with running braid. I was running 30lb braid with no leader. I then switched to a 5:5.1 reel and kept the braid and I have been very happy with the results.
  7. No, they are not worth any more. They are heavier, and to some people this equates to some imaginary "feel" or "quality" Most of the people who post things talking trash about the new Curado G series and Chronarch E series have never actually used the reels. I have owned Curado Bs, Curado Ds. Chronarch Ds, Curado Es, Chronarch Mgs, Citica Es, Curado Gs, Chronarch Es and they are all great reels. Don't let what someone says on an internet forum let you form an opinion until you have the opportunity to test them yourself.
  8. I could have swore it was a new Cumara, but I can't be certain. Never could get a good look at it.
  9. "Good" price range will vary from person to person. I am a Shimano guy, no bones about it. I would look at the Citica, Curado, Chronarch 50, Core 50 series. I have heard great things about the BPS reels, but I haven't actually used them
  10. nbsp stands for No Break and Space. It is a computer character entity. Typically used in internet forums where there is an incorrect space used in a quotation.
  11. I believe that is the case. NCAA anglers can win prize money and we all know about players reeiving money in the major sports. Well, as an Oklahoma fan, I wouldn't know anything about that
  12. That's about the same price as Wally World. You might could find it cheaper online, just depending on if you want to wait.
  13. Okay, I feel like an idiot having to ask this, but there is something I cannot figure out. I have a Lowrance HDS 8 and I put a Navionics chip in it. Is there anyway to look at mpas, plan routes, etc. without being near the lake you are wanting to look at? If so, someone please tell me how. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this. I want to just be able to sit in my garage and look at the contour map and find points of interest and plan routes to those points. Thanks in advance.
  14. I thought the Dude Perfect stuff was pretty cool, until I saw some show that was talking about how long it takes them to make some of the shots. Some of the shots take 5+ hours and 400-500 shots to make. Really not that impressive when you think about how long it takes them to do it.
  15. If I know it is going to be a state record and it has to die to be certified as such, then it will just have to die. I would love to know I own a state record. I suppose I am not the "sportsman" that some people are. Of course those are the same people who have caught many double digit bass, but they don't carry scales. Heck, some have even caught potential state records, they just don't care to have their name associated with a record like that.
  16. New Combos: Chronarch 50E / Crucial 7" M Chronarch 50E / Crucial 7'2" MH f Chronarch 200E7 / Crucial 7'2" MH xf Curado 200G5 / Crucial 6'10" MH Curado 200G7 / Crucial 6'8" H f Curado 200G6 / Crucial 6'8" MH xf Curado 200G6 / Crucial 6'11" M Curado 200G6 / Crucial 6'8" M xf Curado 200G6 / Clarus 6'10" MH
  17. I have a Bass Pro that is as you described
  18. I love to fish and I love to watch the Classic, however I would venture to say that the viewing audience of the Classic is a very small number. I don't know why ESPN would try to appease a crowd that is going to tune in for 2 days a year to watch bass fishing. Now, if LeBron James were to take up fishing, I'm sure it would be on more often
  19. Gatorade Homemade jerkey (deer or beef) Peanuts Crackers Mini snickers Chips Usually just grab a quick bite or two every hour to try to keep from getting to hungry, because once I am hungry, there is only one thing on my mind. FOOOOOD!
  20. I think these are the Deck Mate seats, right? If so, I just put them in my boat and I love them. Nice high backs and comfortable. Not a bad price either and they look great.
  21. I currently have 8 Crucials, a Compre and a Clarus. All different lengths, powers and actions. I love the Crucial line of rods, but the Clarus is a great rod as well. If money isnt an option, just get the Crucial. That way later you wont find yourself saying "wish I would have got the Crucial."
  22. I cut a dry erase board to fit in there. Plan on using it in tourneys to keep track of weights for culling. There is a pic in one of the other threads here. I will post another one when I get to my home computer.
  23. Who is Cliff Chase? Chevy's brother???????
  24. I'm taking Cliff Pace to win it.
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