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Everything posted by jbsoonerfan

  1. Well, just got home from our 2nd league game this week. Things are going way better than I expected. On Monday we were ahead 28-1 at half time and I told them no more layups in the 2nd half that we had to run the offense and shoot jump shots. Final score, 47-3. Tonight, the score at the half was 36-2. I told them the same thing. Final score 51-6. So 98-9 after two games. I sure hope the competition gets better.
  2. I just wish they would sale Smackdown in 1,000 or 1,200 yard spools. I haven't even tried it because I don't like buying small spools. I buy my Tatsu and Invizk in bulk, no idea why they don't offer Smackdown in bulk. Heck, even 600 or so would work for me.
  3. I have made a TON of waypoints using Google Earth Pro and going through the historical images.
  4. I still have 15 years of school left.
  5. All the guests reading this who don't know what you do for a living. "Wonder what this guy did to get locked up for so long?"
  6. I don't care what people say, I LOVE LJS. However, the closest one to me is about 50 min away. I would love to go eat there, but I don't think I could make it back to the house in time.
  7. Hack Attack really helped me out today ?
  8. I don't drink when I fish, but I always have a beer on the ready. When it looks like I'm gonna skunk, I crack open a beer, problem solved. I might not have caught a fish, but at least I had a beer. And I won't drink more than one if I am driving home, so when I crack that one open, the day is over.
  9. That's what a table saw is for.
  10. Yep, nothing close enough for me though. Even TR would cost me $500+ for gas, food and lodging.
  11. I better not give my opinion. I was told that the thrust makes no difference in speed. A 30lb TM will move a boat the exact same speed as a 112lb.
  12. Well my two youngest decided they wanted me to start a basketball team so I could coach them in basketball too. So them two and a few others from their softball teams got a team together and we started practice about 3 weeks ago. We only had 3 practices and league was starting this week. We found a tournament to get in this past weekend so we could get a little practice in before league started. Went up there with zero expectations and came home with a championship ring. I could not believe how well they played. 6-0 to start my new "career" as basketball coach. Lol
  13. There are a lot of easy but not fancy ways you could cover them. Cut the fingers out of latex gloves and slide them on. You could use small balloons in the same way.
  14. That's what I use.
  15. Yes, the 60V batteries will work in a 20V tool. It still only produces 20V (something about the way the prongs are situated) but it will last much longer. I use them in my weed eater and chain saw.
  16. I recently had my septic back up in my house. Spent $300 to pump tank. Did it again 3 days later. had a guy come look at it. Had to have a new septic system put in, $7,400 later, we are good to go.
  17. I said it in the other thread. The Rams got away with false starts so many times it is unbelievable.
  18. Just go to your browser on your TV and go to bassmaster website and watch it or you should be able to cast it to your TV from your laptop or phone.
  19. Me too!!!! But "most" people won't. The odds of catching a 12 are not good.
  20. Same, but it was a hawk and it missed me by a foot or so and I almost soiled myself.
  21. It might get a lot of pressure in the next couple months and the fishing may get better, but from what I saw, I don't think the average Joe is going to fish for 8 hours to catch 3 or 4 fish and hope for a big one. Just look at what happened on Ivie. So many people went and fished it and 90% of them had little to no success. There were 10 really good anglers on the water and they didn't just kill them. They sure enough caught some good ones, but they weren't catching them left and right. I know it will get hammered for a while, but I think it will wear off. Most people are al about instant gratification and when it doesn't happen, they will leave and not return.
  22. I would say that at least half the people that use the term flipping have no idea what it actually means. I know I didn't for a long time, I thought they were the same thing till I finally learned the difference. However, it is kind of like the term Texas Rig. When people say "I was fishing a 7" power worm texas rigged weightless" I don't like it, but it is what it is.
  23. Master? Not hardly. Proficient enough to make it work 90% of the time with the occasional goof up.
  24. I like a G5 SGH for squirrel. Not many rabbits around here, but we have a lot of tree rats. Also, not sure what kind of arrows you use or how dispensable your income is, but I would not be slinging FMJ's, Maxima Red's, etc. at them.
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