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Everything posted by jbsoonerfan

  1. I will never watch another one. I watched about 4 min of one and that was enough for me. However, the people that complain about him seem to watch every video he puts out.
  2. But, you are watching him. When will all the Randy haters realize all he wants are views?
  3. Well, most of my girls aged out so we had planned to just play league and not do any tournaments. My 2 youngest still wanted to play so we managed to take the few girls we had and add a few more to come up with a team. We played our first tournament today. Went 5-0 and brought home a championship. We had not practiced as a team since this was on short notice so not too bad. Great group of girls who I love working with.
  4. I teach geography not ELA, but I have looked at this post 20 times because I am sure I screwed something up with the way it is written. Why is "won't" a contraction for "will not"? I mean "can't" is (can not) and "isn't" is (is not) and "don't" is (do not). I don't (do not) even know if I can sleep tonight. Shouldn't (Should not) it be "will'nt"? I'm (I am) flustered guys.
  5. They DANG sure won't!!!!
  6. We got into an accident a few years ago and had to get a rental to get home from Texas to Oklahoma. The insurance company would only provide a rental through Enterprise (maybe because of location) and it was a NIGHTMARE.
  7. We got an email from our District Testing Coordinator that said, since testing was starting we needed to keep streaming to a minimum. I figured as long as everyone else did, then I should be fine. LOL
  8. Did he say he was jumping in if he hooked it?
  9. State testing
  10. 19 scoreable bass in a little over 6 hours with 10 pretty good sticks out there. Unbelievable! Still anyone's to win.
  11. Someone could take home $200,000 with a few good bites.
  12. They have resorted to showing anyone who catches a fish on camera.
  13. Tough first period. Still anyone's to win right now. Hope the bite picks up.
  14. I don't have the volume on. Is Alton Jones Jr in the same spot that he fished yesterday afternoon? Looks the same to me.
  15. Since this thread was brought back to life. I have a large front yard on the south side of my driveway (house sits on North side). I have a large parking area(turn around area) about 30 yards west of my front door. Very easy to pull up there, back up and get back on driveway. It had rained that day and the driver stopped in front of my house, walked package to the porch and then proceeded to back up in the yard and leave ruts instead of using the parking area. I was in the bedroom at the time or I would have said something to him.
  16. They fished
  17. That's an amazing post!!! Do you own the lake????? Maybe he was just trying to get back to the shore. If I were bank fishing I wouldn't expect a kayaker to paddle out around me. I would wave him through and keep fishing or moved to another spot. Maybe he confronted you because you were indeed the A-hole.
  18. Dang, the WHOLE country could also use some 4TH grade grammar lessons. They would know better than to confront someone, especially if that person CARRIED a gun everyday and weren't TAUGHT that A LOT of people are just BITING their teeth to shoot someone over a fishing spot. Here is my version of something like this. I'm pulling into a convenience store one day. There are 2 turns, a west one and an east one. I had planned to pull into the east one (I was coming from the west). As I approached a guy put his blinker on to turn in the east one (he was coming from the east). As not to interfere with him, I just turned in to the west one. We got out about the same time and he said, "Is your F'n blinker broke?" That was when I had a decision to make. How do I handle this? I told him, "No, I'm just out of blinker fluid so I pulled in here to see if they had any". He laughed and apologized for being an a-hole.
  19. I usually try to keep my casts within "bite detecting" range. But I can't cast 100 yards like most people on here.
  20. Are you sure you didn't get the HG version, which is why it has 4 lbs less drag? The handle shouldn't make a difference.
  21. I apologize for not saying I'm sorry for your loss in my first post on this thread. I can't imagine.
  22. Same thing happened to me. I was scared to death. Luckily, I was able to get my other foot on solid ground and get out of my waders. My day was done after that. I won't wade out past my knees anymore.
  23. Freaking Awesome!!!!!! That's great, so happy for you!!!! BTW, this guy will help you out anyway he can. Solid dude here!
  24. About 8 years or so ago, a couple buddies and I were sitting around drinking a few beers. This was back when "prepping" was a big thing. We were talking about how long we thought we could survive, etc. We were on the front porch and a jackrabbit came hopping across the pasture. My friend said something to the effect of, "see, that right there is a meal". I said, "there is no way you could eat that". To make a long story sort of shorter, I went and got a 17 HMR and put it down. We cleaned it and cut it up. Fired up the grill and cooked it like you would a steak. He couldn't even swallow it. It was the worst thing I have ever tried. Talk about gamey.
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