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Everything posted by Felix77

  1. I swear by Seaguar InvizX. Switching all my baitcasters to that this year with one exception. My "big stick" will get the Abrazx 20lb test.
  2. I spent the morning on Sunday testing the waters around one of my favorite fishing spots. 5 of us hit this spot and we each caught between 2-3 fish. A lively bunch considering the temps. Below is a pic of my 2. One keeper and another about a 2-3lbs. That one I caught on a shakey head and baby rage craw. So the bite is still very slow. You have to watch your line. Neither of these bites were aggressive at all! It's fun to be out there again!!!
  3. I would love to have been a fly on the wall for that drive with the Govenor after he gunned down his own people. I wonder who broke the silence? I wonder where they went?
  4. Mine is in my avitar. 4-5" tops caught on a #1 EWG hook TRigged with a 3" senko. My friend had a camera handy and caught me laughing at my "lunker".
  5. Count me in. Sounds like fun!
  6. Snagged some very hard to find Yum Salamanders in a Bream color. Fun to fish for bargains.
  7. I was able to get out for the first time to fish up here in the north. Caught 2 decent fish in very cold waters but at least I was fishing. This was the biggest ... about 2-3 lbs.
  8. Felix77


  9. It's particularly good when the bite is tough. Just after ice out and it's helping me catch bass already up north.
  10. Here's what pains me ... I understand extending him. There is little to anything on the market now to replace him BUT 6 years and 55 Mil Guaranteed? He's won only one playoff game for them! d**n! BTW - I'm a Giants fan too ... Feel sorry for you Cowboys ... it could be worse. You could be the Jets. 3 QB's and none would be able to backup Romo. LOL
  11. X2 on all these except the triple surgeon.
  12. That's what it says in his book.
  13. Exactly ... Don't stay in one place too long. Move, move and move some more until you catch them then slow down. Downsize your spinner bait if you need to.
  14. I will be fishing for them from shore in less than a month or so. Can't wait to tie into my 1st striper. Seen pics of some monsters coming out of the Hudson.
  15. Melted my heart. As tacky as it sounds I could really feel his joy. Having 4 girls might have something to do with it. Lol.
  16. Agree 110%. I start off with a 1/4oz and work my way up from there if needed. I only carry 3 sizes. 1/4, 3/8 and 1/2 oz Bullet weights.
  17. It's on my "If I find it on sale" list. Seem to have a lot on that list.
  18. Supposedly the trick is in how much you water you put into it. No Water - Acts like a wake bait with a slow steady retrieve, Rod tip high Some water 50% - Can suspend and rise slowly. Some water 80% - Can suspend with a slow to moderate sink rate. Full with water - Bottom bait. hop in and around cover.
  19. I don't consider it bad etiquette either ... Just realize that you may not get the whole truth from them. Prime example. One tournament last year I was paired with a boater who was fishing a tube. It was my first time fishing with tubes so he offered some tips to help. I asked him what color. He said a "greenish color" would work. Wouldn't say much more. In observation I saw his was not greenish at all. In addition he was putting some type of scent on it as well. When asked about weight he says it can vary based on the condition but didn't disclose what size he was using. You can tell how far a person is willing to go with their advice. The key there is NOT to push it. Be grateful for the information they did share and learn and explore from there. He ended up winning the tournament so I am glad I was paying attention.
  20. Thanks for the tip ... I love all the ideas out there and it looks relatively easy to put together. Just need to get creative at Loews or Home Depot again. LOL This one is particularly interesting. This combined with using buoys is something I have in mind now. http://paddle-fishing-forum.com/viewtopic.php?p=269222
  21. All, Have any of you used these or other stabilizers on a canoe. I have a 12' pointed Radisson canoe and was considering buying these for it. I have seen pics with them mounted on the front, middle or back so I assume it doesn't matter all that much where they are placed. Thanks
  22. Ike shows this in his finesse DVD. Also on YouTube. Great way to go weedless with a tube. BPS also sell weights specific to this technique which I believe are better. Smaller profile than the bell sinket.
  23. Awesome ... I thought I was looking at the middle of the living room at first. Is that a Radisson canoe? If so I have a similar one which I keep outside on sawhorses with a tarp on it.
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