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Everything posted by crypt

  1. like fishing with or without someone…………………..just love fishing,being outside that's what it's all about.
  2. just have to remember that there is no bail.you will get used to it.little time and you will not go back.van stall reels are the thing down in the keys and thats where I found out about it 15 yeas ago. those reels for for 500-1000 bucks! a boat captain showed me that bailess was the way to go. good luck. tight lines.
  3. just about a perfect setup,try using braid with a flour or mono leader. in stained water stick with all braid. super sensitive
  4. take off the bail wire,do it all the time. no line problems.i use penn ssg series reels for spinning.
  5. been using assassin baits for years,great quality,colors. fish love em.
  6. snell knot on a straight shank,if tied proper will cause the hook to set in the roof of the fishes mouth. I use beaver style baits,craws,short fat worms 5" or shorter,flipping heavy cover. that being said I still use ewg hooks when flipping lighter cover,reeds,kissimee grass etc. and on ewe hooks I tie a double pitzen knot.
  7. craigslist,wide search. ebay is another find out what similar models sold for. also call around to local boat dealers and ask.
  8. salvage yards that deal in scrap metal also should have a big enough scale.
  9. Bigger the better,nice to have that much in reserve when you need it.
  10. wow this is one funny thread,first how did "old guys" catch fish? with slow reels,then only new lures and techniques will catch fish today.oh my this is funny.
  11. ebay is another good source,found some good deals on some ambassdeurs saved about 40-50 percent
  12. big game 10-12 lb. for most stuff. heavier if in a lot of cover 17-20.if i'm cranking deeper than 10 ft. will use 15 lb. braid. thin diameter will let it get down better,have better feel,use a softer action rod though. med. act. that seems to work for me.
  13. i have a hand controlled 82 lb. great white on the bow of my 18 ft. ranger. like hand controlled for 2 reasons 1 keeps me from tripping over foot pedal,going in the drink because of that,LOL. 2 ,can control steering a little more precise. I do use a t-h marine steering extension,and a foot mounted switch. but that's the way I like the setup you'll have to decide which is right for you.
  14. pro qualifier,orra,tournament pro g. 3 of the best…..if you like round reels ambassadeur 4600c4 one of the best reels of all time. little heavy but will last a lifetime. I was not paid to say that.
  15. have 2 big containers 250 bags in each, so about a year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I use a lot of plastics
  16. Bomber is the way to go. cast a mile, good action, pretty decent hooks on them.storm twitch stick also very good.
  17. at Tenoroc caught a giant turtle,thought I hooked world record bass! very next cast caught 9 lb. catfish what a day!
  18. here in florida you can fish them all year long. makes them such a good bait to use.
  19. 3m 5200 works great,just clean the area before you apply.
  20. Big Game is on all my bait casters,10lb. or bigger. no flouro, braid on spinning. 4 -8 lb.
  21. don't scrimp on the carpet or the glue used,makes a big difference. the key is proper prep. not a hard job take your time it will look great.
  22. abu's for baitcasting penn for spinning fresh or salt the ssg series can't be beat
  23. double pitzen even use to on mono
  24. monster rehab in the morning,I hate coffee. power bar.plenty of water.snack on fruit and then another power bar at lunch.eat healthy feel good longer.
  25. 4 inch do nothing worm by charlie brewer……………by far the best quantity fish getter for me. sorry, 4 inch slider worm, not a do nothing…..my mistake
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