3 years ago I bought my 97 ranger r-80 back from the guy I sold it to for 2 grand. 18 ft., fastrike 150, 82 lb. great white trolling motor. and it's still running as strong as when I bought it new. long story why I had to sell it. but yeah deals are out there. be careful. be patient.
my black friday is work……………..then fishing……..no need to shop. already have way more tackle than I'll ever use…………gonna shop on saturday…………you know you can never have to much "stuff"……..
7 to 7'6" is a good choice. as far as reels abu's 2nd genereation orra is what I use. lews reels would be a great second choice.as long as it has an aluminum frame for strength.
have had all of this done and chocolate and caffein is my nemesis. drink at least 80 ozs. of water a day. they haven't been as bad as they were 12-15 years ago. this was the first one in 2 years. but the timing sucks.thanks to all for the response.
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