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bassin  baller

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  1. anyone use this bait i jsut bought some yesterday and heard there pretty good creature bait
  2. im going into utilities which is like heating cooling and electrical and dealing with water so wher wold the best one be for that
  3. hey guys im going into the airforce jan 16th i leave for texas and when i get outta tech school they give you this thing called a dream sheet where you put 8 states down that you want to live in... i was thinking like texas, georgia, alabama,florida, mississippi, and south carolina for states to live in.. s o im just wondering what you guys think the best state to go to would be. and how you guys fish for the bass in those southern states compared to michigan. just some seasonal tips wold be nice. thanks.
  4. ok i have always heard that fall is one of the best time to go bass fishing. well the fall is here for sure where i live. me and my friend went fishing and all we caught were three smallmouth who were very active. the largemouth on the other hand would barely move and i lost 3 of them one good one. but it wasnt crazy good like everyone says. idk it might have been the lake because we have only been there once. maybe we should go to a lake that we know. were going again tomorrow and the lake is clear has 3 main points and has a lot of tall grass comin up from the bottom. im just wondering what lures to throw and how deep to fish. and will topwater work in the morning? thanks please reply.
  5. in ponds up here in michigan i have caught two out of this pond one was 24 and one was 20 and a half and i know the difference between bronzebacks and largemouth..i do tournaments and catch both. but ya the guy said someone stocked somthing in his pond a long time ago and he didnt know what and i think thats what it was..im going to try and post the picture when i get it back from his wife. and thers also alot of 18 and 19 inch largemouth in there also. but the two biggest havebeen smallies.
  6. i am from michigan and the lakes is really clear with alot of weed beds and docks.
  7. hey well lately the water has been really hot then i get back from nebraska and the water feels like its freezing and the lures are like ice when you bring them in and all so i was wondering what to do to catch bass when the water drops dramatically like that.i have a tournament monday we caught 5keepers today on senkos and we didnt see the bass cruising like we usually do alot were on the edge of dropoffs but i want to have better luck and more fish in the tournament. thanks.
  8. this last few weeks we havent been catching as many bass as liked on topwater and i was wondering what types of lures i shold be using for topwater. alot of guys have been using pop rs and i havent had any luck on them so i was wondering what the best types of colors are for them. and some late summer tips where to find bass. our main forage is bluegill and frogs. we have been doing the best on wacky rigged senkos. thanks for the help. they have been killing them in our tournaments on the pop rs and i would really like to get some good fish like that.
  9. im going to be fishing a tournament tomorrow and im going to be fishing from the back of the boat and i was wondering what the best way you guys have found to catch bass from the back of the boat when the guys in the front are getting to the best spots first thanks..
  10. ok i have a tournament tomorrow and its been raining all night really hard and this lake is 2000 acres and there is a river that flows in it and we caught only one keeper in practice and caught 3 shorts. lost two other keeper ones the one we caught that was a keeper was by a dock on a skitterpop and the other two we were skipping and we lost them. the docks are different then most lakes around here they go from one foot to like 8 foot really quick so idk where the fish are holding on them. but thats what all the locals say to do to catch the bass there. but if the water is muddy idk how were going to catch them if we couldnt cath them in stained water. also there is a big bay the water is way colder then the rest of the lake that is about 80 degrees and the bay is about 65 we saw one bass in there about 17 inches. so would that be a good spot to try? some help would be great. thanks guys
  11. hey guys i have a 14 ft john boat with a deck in it and the swivel seats and the livewell and were getting a trolling motor but i dont know how to mount it because there is a 4 inch lip around the boat in the front and i need some ideas on how the trolling motor will be able to extend over the lip..some help would be great thanks,
  12. i was fishing last week and was catching alot of smallmouth out of this river i live by the water is about 7 ft deep at deepest point and the bass were in about 1-2 in the shallow parts of the river guarding fry anywhere there was fry you would catch 15in-20in smallies which is the average i was catching them on a white booyah spinnerbait but now they wont hit it i caught one nice one on a tube today but thats about it i was wonderin what you guys think i should try thanks. the water is alot warmer this week then it was before it was cold to wade but now its great. i live in michigan
  13. hey guys im wondering what you guys would do if you got alot of rain the day you went fishing and the water went from dark to muddy as heck. we had a few hits on yum buzzfrogs and a pike on a weightless lizard and one keeper bass about 2lbs but we have a tournament there this monday and i was wondering what you guys would do. the water probably wont be muddy monday unless it rains i was wondering what you guys would do in both situations. there are alot of really long coves and brush in the coves. and huge weedmats on the main lake. the weather this weekend is supposed to be 80s and 90s so the water now is about 70 i hope it will warm more since this rain this weekend but i was needing some help it would be appreciated. thanks.
  14. im in central michigan i meant to put that in the other post
  15. i live in gladwin county up more north than midland county way more north then you not in the upper penninsula though but ya cant wait for spring to hit hard.
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