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Everything posted by sizzlefry

  1. took my 3 year old boy to the pond this morning first fish was his first bass ever ( 1 lb er) on his spider man pole then a few bluegill a pee off the dock ( 1st time) a poop in the woods ( 1st time) then another bass ( 2 lb er) pretty good day of 1st for the both of us and some good father/son bonding those are the best days fishing if you ask me. If Chris s. needs any advice he can ask my 3 year old now . I might just start buying 13 dollar fishing poles from now on and worms.
  2. caught this at the pond today weighed just over 4 pounds told Chris to throw his crawdad over a stump he said no so I did and was paid for my effort.
  3. I have been out of the country for 3 weeks I have eating enough fish for all of us but really I am really wanting to hit the lake and catch them so if theres an open seat on wednesday, Thursday, or Friday I would love to join one of you that's unless c. shaurer can get off work and go but I doubt it so pm me or text me if you have my number.
  4. that's great really been rooting for you guys especially since I got to pinch hit for you and didn't come through. hope you guys get it next week. greetings from Guatemala.
  5. im on vacation see you all later if I don't answer the phone you know why cya when im back
  6. I need a chair at 40 plus its better for your knees and back and lets me fish longer periods of time so I would do it. lol
  7. I fished the summer pattern with a guide a long time ago it was Carolina rigs deep in the channel. we did really well.
  8. we came in 2nd tonight at wyco turny along with all the other fisherman only one person came in with 2 keepers for a total of 6 pounds so no one else came in with anything so the rest of tied for second or last depend how you look at it
  9. sweet boat congrats now I can be your backseater instead of Chris Shaurers lol
  10. lets do the next turny im thinking july and then a fall turny Wabaunsee looks good but I think its only a 200 acre lake but if its big enough not to be fishing on top of each other then lets do it
  11. Anyone need a backseeter at wyco turny tonight. Cole, blue, john,chris,?
  12. you might have a chance at the end of the outlet and you need to fish at the level there at which is hard without sonar unless there busting shad at the other end by the bridge then it might be hard if not try the dam couple lakes have whites and crappie stacked on the dams
  13. you should post the picture
  14. how much selenity is your boat
  15. my neighbor has a Cajun with 200 hp in good condition for 5500
  16. great another awesome day or 2 then back to 30 degree days
  17. thanks to Clayton and wife for all the hard work you did helping and organizing. also thanks to all who helped out it was great meeting and seeing you all again I cant wait till the next one. Chris and I didn't do so well losing a monster in the 1st 30 minutes but we did mange to throw 35 white bass in the livewell in the last hour and a half of the day yeahhhh. food was great see yall later. plus if you can blue post the winning order if you can
  18. ooohhhhh ya let the smack talk begin I think me and chris are due plus chris hooked himself I think that counts as the biggest fish caught last time.
  19. LETS GET IT ON LADIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RAZOR CLAM CLASSIC 2013
  20. the beauty sleep wont work
  21. welcome aboard mattX if you have an opportunity maybe try Wyandotte county lake. were having a free braggers right turny at lake melvern next weekend there should be around 20 of us there and were going to eat afterwords its a good time and a good chance to meet just about everyone who post on here. its a real good smallmouth lake and if you have a boat it might be better cause we have a guy or 2 needing a boater right now. anyway hope to see you out there sometime.
  22. hes just trying to psych us out so were not prepared
  23. sounds good 2 pm since I need to be somewhere.
  24. me too I hope only 2 more Wednesdays at church for me and im free to fish with someone if Chris Shauer cant
  25. im bringing beans and some charcoal
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