Taking the good info from the good folks on the forum, we had a decent weekend for a few newbs (15#s of spots on day 1).
Couldn't capitalize on day 2. I can't blame it on a couple broken rod tips and a jacked up reel, just myself for the most part for missing several good bites...had the shanks. We found the spots biting and put together a pattern fairly quick on Friday, practicing. We, for the most part, had it to ourselves a 3 days.
Devil Islands (I think theyre called) below the Power Plant, is by no means a secret spot but hunkered down and good bit all weekend. With our little knowledge of the lake, we got in the current in 14-15 ft and caught spots behind the exposed timber we they were ambushing (wasn't exposed Sunday!) around the islands. We figure 8'd the islands for the better part of 2 days and actually picked up some good size spots....a few 3s and several 2s. We didn't want to leave fish for fish, even though we needed largemouth to get the weight up. We found the Spook bite on practice day and Saturday, but shut off quick it seemed due to it being overcast and being out of the current. Had to move to a Jr size and vary the retrieve a bit to get them to commit, but they did.
Sunday was a different ballgame all together, and to be honest, I just scratched my head all day. Found good grass in the back of a few creeks with shad popping, but no chasers to be found. They were boiling in the very back bank grass, but couldn't get but a couple bites, and missed one
We didn't go south of beeswax at all, but most seems most of our club did, probably the narrows, but there again, can't leave fish for fish with our lack of history on lay lake.
We didn't get bit on the swim jig, but did on the fluke some.
All in All, loved the lake, had fun, learned a lot and got to go fishing!