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Everything posted by fl_bass

  1. Been down here for over a year and still not luck with a peacock bass. I obviously am fishing in the wrong spots. I have 3 days off next week an I want to catch one. Any recommendations as to where I should go and what lures or soft plastics to use? I would prefer to stay in Broward but if I need to go to miami I will . And I and stuck on the bank.
  2. I meant to answer this sooner for you. I drove down 41st and its fenced off with private property no trespassing signs everywhere there so I had to turn around. Sorry man I was hoping.
  3. I got mine took about three weeks to get it. Need to spool it up on my spinning rod. Can I order another one for the bait caster?
  4. X2 No need to mess around with it. Get a new one and go catch some fish.
  5. So far that technique has worked wonders for me. I went googling for how to get rid of the birds nest the night before I tried using a baitcaster for the first time. I was a little less freaked out when my first backlash happened. Lol
  6. Good for you!!! Congrats on that sweet ride.
  7. Does it need a rapala knot for the action to kick in, or a split ring?
  8. Braid is extremely thin vs mono so for the equivalent diameter of mono your braid line will pull out a tuna. Lol so that's why you see all these huge weights. At least that has been my understanding. BTW just because it says 40# test it probably breaks at a higher weight.
  9. Oh I know it's not the same pricewise. But it was my favorite color and the last one I had. So I needed to go back to the store to restock. I am still in my plastic stage and have not graduated to the big dollar lures. Lol
  10. This might help. http://www.ardentreels.com/default.asp?File=dealer
  11. Tuf-line is made in USA
  12. Maybe cuz you sit there admiring it so the lure is sitting in the zone. It helps you dead stick better. I'm with you BS
  13. There is a bass that has my senko. Never got it back. Lol
  14. I'd say its more control and precision placing the lure where you want it. I picked up my fist baitcaster a few weeks ago and the ability to drop a lure in the water with little splash is really cool. When I cast with spinning I have a heck of a time not getting a big splash. Sometimes I get lucky so i am sure it can be done on demand. Besides B/C look cool. Lol
  15. Watch the videos and practice. And put in some cheap mono on he reel at first. Just in case you have to cut line. I got a mystery knot in the line so I had to cut it out I think it happened during an untangling exercise.
  16. A good sale on Senkos. LOL
  17. Bass pro shops Pro Qualifier is $99 (unless the sale is still going). I just bought my first BC and that is what I ended up buying. Quite happy with it. They have left and right hand retrieve in all the ratios. I picked up the 6.4:1 sine I wanted an all around BC. Probably don't want to spend too much more than that in case you end up hating the BC, doubt you will hate it though.
  18. That was one thing I noticed as well. Things just slide through much easier.
  19. Get one of these to get the hook out: http://www.basspro.com/Bass-Pro-Shops-Squeeze-Out-Hook-Remover/product/10213376/?hvarAID=shopping_googleproductextensions&om_mmc=shopping_googleproductextensions&affcode_c=17kw3123399&SST=2c314d4f-2f18-fee8-324b-000035f8640e There is a Bill Dance version too Practice one technique before moving to something else, other wise you will be overwhelmed.
  20. I think I would laugh too if I watched that happen. Being on the other side I would not be a happy camper. Haha
  21. I have loosened up the spool tension a little bit and started to back down the mag brakes a smidge too as I train the thumb. Spent 2 hours fishing and did not get one backlash so that's positive. Can't for the life of me flip/pitch worth beans though but that will be for another adventure.
  22. I thought the breaks were part of the reason. Makes sense. I really prefer the BC since you can cast more often but I was floored with difference. I'll keep working on the BC.
  23. Today I got a little extra time to fish at my favorite lake, still practicing with the BC. I decided to bring out my spinning reel too and I noticed that I was able to cast much further than before all my practice with the BC and I'm casting twice as far with the spinning set. Is that normal or am I just so concerned with backlash that I'm more tame with the BC?
  24. I have cut the main line thinking it was the tag end. You just sit the and shake your head. Lol
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